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EDU 458 English Student Teaching Seminar

Rukayah Al Zumai 6068

Reading Reaction Three

Every child, Every Day
In this article, the writer is concerned about the children's' level and interest in
reading ('Every Child'). Although the goal of instruction and education research is to
make every child interested and experienced in reading, instructional decisions often
lack the experiences children need to become engrossed readers. The problem is the
way of thinking that an individual or certain workbook or textbook is a right fit for
every reader. The article offers a solution to this conundrum. According to the article,
there are six elements involved in making children of all levels engaged readers. One
of the first elements is to give the child the choice of reading content. The result is
that, students would read more, comprehend easier, and tend to continue evading for
the enjoyment. The article suggests using the budget that is used for workbooks and
worksheets, in spending it towards a library for the classroom.
Another element is the importance in the accuracy in reading. According to he
article, research indicates that accuracy is integral for reading acceleration (Allington,
2012; Ehri, Dreyer, Flugman, & Gross, 2007). In reading texts that are accurate to
their level,(understandable and connective) readers enhance their word-analysis skills,
word-recognition, and discovering meanings. With these skills being acquired,
reading becomes more understandable and enjoyable for readers. That brings us to the
next point that readers should read something that they can actually comprehend. In
addition, when it comes to writing students are restricted to write short-answers or fill
in the blank, not leaving enough choice for freedom of writing and opinion. Writing is
an essential element to reading, and readers should feel that they have the choice to
EDU 458 English Student Teaching Seminar
Rukayah Al Zumai 6068
Reading Reaction Three
write down their opinions. Lastly, discussion between readers about their reading and
writing between their friends makes readers much more engaged in the texts, and
comprehension increases as well.
I found this article to be very accurate. The aspects it described in order for
readers to become engaged in reading is how I fell in love with reading. Being able to
have the freedom of choice to read what you want to read will indeed make the
content much more understandable and enjoyable. Therefore, the child will be
encouraged to choose books to read and reading and writing enhancement will happen
along the way. Another fun aspect of reading is analyzing (annotations), and since
discussing what you read with your peers helps you analyze and think about the
content, it's certainly would be more productive then remembering and retelling the

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