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The Omnivore's Dilemma Chapter 5 Questions

1. Pg. 86- Explain how a kernel of corn will be broken down into its various parts.
The kernel is first subdivided and the yellow skin is used for vitamins and nutritional supplements. The
germ will be crushed for oil. The endosperm will be plundered for carbohydrates.
2. Pg. 86- What are some of the names of compounds that are in products that are made from corn?
Glucose, fructose, ethanol and xanthan gum.
3. Pg. 88- it takes about 5 gallons to process a bushel of corn, and prodigious amounts of energy. Wet
milling is an energy-intensive way to make food; for every calorie of processed food it produces, another
10 calories of fossil fuel energy are burned.
4. Pg. 89- What did the discovery of glucose isomerase do for the industry?
Became the most valuable food product.
5. Pg. 90- What does it mean when we say that we are liberating food from nature?
We are stopping food from going back to nature. Instead, we're processing it.
6. Pg. 91- Corn is the key constituent of what four processed foods? Is this surprising?
It was the key constituent in Cheez Whiz, Cool Whip, margarine and Tang. Its kind of surprising how
corn is processed into almost everything, but its not new news to me because Ive learned about this in
class already.
7. Pg. 93- How much does it take to make a box of cereal? How much is it sold for?
It costs 4 cents to make a box cereal, and it's sold for $4.00 dollars in stores.
8. Pg. 94- What is the average growth rate of Americans? What does it mean by fixed stomach and
how does this relate to profits?
The average growth rate of Americans is 1% per year. "Fixed stomach" means that our stomach is taking
in processed foods and not natural grown/organic food. Processed foods are being sold at a higher price
than non-processed.
9. Pg. 94- How many pounds of food does the average American eat per year?
The average American eats 15,000 pounds of food per year.
10. Pg. 94- Theres money to be made in food, unless youre trying to grow it- explain this statement.
What this means is that it costs more money to grow natural foods than it does to produce processed
11. Pg. 97- Explain what the author means by, getting more fruits and vegetables into food.
Our food doesnt contain the ingredients we think it has, most food that says has fruits and veggies,
doesn't have anything natural in them at all.
12. Pg. 98- Does natural raspberry flavor mean that the flavoring is actually raspberry or even natural?
No, the natural raspberry flavor is artificial flavors that are trying to make the taste of natural raspberry.
The companies use the extracts from raspberries to give it the natural taste of raspberry.
13. Pg. 98- What is resistant starch and how does it get around the biological limit on how much you eat
in a year?
Resistant starch is an ingredient that doesn't account for any calories of glucose.

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