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Objective: SWBAT: Explain electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics concepts by researching focus questions and vocabulary,

conducting experiments, and creating a project that will help us explain our understanding, in order to connect these physics
concepts to our everyday lives in a clear, concise, easy to understand manner.
Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of matter and energy and the energy transformations that
CCSS: RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in
the text.

Vocabulary: Define at least 5 Using examples to help you explain. You
must define the first 3 and give 2 real life examples of each.

Convection: Convection is the way heat travels through a liquid or gas. Examples, say you have a
pot and you put water in it and you put it on the stove and turn it on that is Convection.
Conduction: Conduction is when heat is traveling through a solid. Say you have a paper clip and you
put heat on it that is how heat travels through a solid.
Radiation: Radiation is the way heat transfers through air or empty space.
Energy: Energy is work or change.
Conductors- Conduction is the process by of which heat is directly transmitted through a substance
when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical a conductor is a device used to let electricity
to move from place to place.
Heat: Heat is what keeps you warm or is also used to cook or fly a hot air balloon heat is used for
multiple things and sources
Insulator: To add something in order to stop heat.
Mr. Karrass Focus Questions (Cite your sources):
1. What are some ways we can get heat to transfer from one material to
another? By having a stove and you burn yourself the heat would travel from the stove then
through your finger that is conduction.By liquids/ convection say you have a stove and a pot
there is a liquid in the pot and the stove is on, the heat is transfering into the liquid by making
it bubbly. Also, by radiation/ air how the sun heats up the air and makes it really hot.

2. How does the transfer of energy create heat? The transfer of energy creates heat
by an electrical current that could create heat.

3. How can you determine what materials conduct or insulate heat?
You can determine what materials conduct or insulate heat by using a bottle and hot water in one and
cold water in one with different food colors in each and put the cold water on top and the hot on the
bottom it looks like a tornado. But if you put the hot water on top it wont work.

Our focus questions and notes: (Cite your sources)

Objective: SWBAT: Explain electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics concepts by researching focus questions and vocabulary,
conducting experiments, and creating a project that will help us explain our understanding, in order to connect these physics
concepts to our everyday lives in a clear, concise, easy to understand manner.
Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of matter and energy and the energy transformations that
CCSS: RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in
the text.

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