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Xochitl Ramirez

GLPO Essay 2014 Spring Semester

Throughout my school year I have learned so much about so many things. I was
able to use many of my old skills to connect to what I was trying to learn, which I'm very
grateful for. I was also able to use four very important strategies/ideas which are
Investigating the World, Recognie !erspectives, "ommunicate Ideas, and Take #ction.
There were many ways I investigated the world with all the pro$ects I was
assigned this year. %ne very important pro$ect to me was when I had my debate on
&uthanasia in "hina, I had to dig up everything I could find with the best of my abilities.
#nother pro$ect I would say was pretty fun doing was my history pro$ect on 'anifest
(estiny, I got to read about the state I live in today)"alifornia* and how the wars began,
how we all had a dream of moving west and e+panding #merica. The biggest pro$ect I
had to do was my &nglish and it had a lot to do with the world because I learned about
WW,, and the -apanese interment camps which i once again found very intresting.
The second idea is Recogniing perspectives, I had to like put myself in someone else's
shoes. I'm going back to my &nglish pro$ect because it dealt with a lot of problemes, one was
me trying to see how I would've felt during the .olocaust or Internment and how it wouldv'e
effected me. While again going back to my history pro$ect I had to make a little story as if I was
a little girl in a family who was traveling to "alifornia during the /old Rush days to try and see if
my family would have any luck, once again put me in someone else's shoes by researching all
the accuarte things. I also had a math pro$ect that in a way allowed me to try and feel what my
classmates were feeling around me. I had to take a survey for two 0uestions my group and I
had come up with and test our hypothesis. Throughout these main three pro$ects I learned not
to take things for granite and to try and see every problem through a different view.
The third idea is to communicate ideas which is almost another way of saying I needed
to interact with people. Through my math pro$ect I had to get very communicative because I
would have to e+plain to the classes what e+actly they had to do. 'y science pro$ect also had
made me communicate but $ust with my teamates for the whole testing process. I also had my
english pro$ect because I did have a partner for that one too and we had an e0ual share in what
would be done and how. Throughout these pro$ects I've been able to improve my social skills
becuase they've allowed me to con0uer what at first I thought I couldn't. #ll these skills will help
me suceed in the future.
'y last idea was to take action and not $ust make commitments but not follow through
those commitments. It showed me what a true leader was like to take matters into your own
hands. (uring my math pro$ect I went around the school asking permission to have a survey
taken in the class and then giving out the survey. (uring my science pro$ect I had to conduct the
test and come up with a hypothesis without my teamates help and finish on my own time. 1astly
during my english pro$ect I had to look up different organiations that would help a certain group
go through pre$udice.
#ll these ideas will help me further in my future to become more successful. 2rom
Investigating the world to taking action they can all help me and anyone else in that matter
improve as long as their willing to. &ach will some how guide me into what I believe is right for
myself. I want to look back one day at everything I've done and not have any regrets or at least
some regrets that aren't so bad. I $ust hope my life will be full of success and happiness.

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