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in comparative approach:
philosophy, literature & art
Wednesday, 28.05 , room 337

15:00 16:00 BODY IN LITERATURE (chaired by Marzenna JAKUBCZAK, Pedagogical University of Cracow)
The embodied self: representations of gendered silent bodies in Bengali literature - Sanjukta DASGUPTA, University of Calcutta
16:15 18:00 (chaired by Wojciech SADY, Pedagogical University of Cracow)
Embodiment and disembodiment of the female in three Tagore's poems - Blanka KNOTKOV-APKOV, Metropolitan Univ. Prague & Charles University
Body attractiveness as depicted in Sanskrit epic literature - Iwona MILEWSKA, Jagiellonian University

Thursday, 29.05, room 337

10:00 11:45 BODY IN MEDICAL TEXTS (chaired by Krzysztof JAKUBCZAK, Jagiellonian University)
Phenomenology from the outside: bodily being in the earliest Indian medical compendium - Chakravarthi RAM-PRASAD, Lancaster University
Treating cough and becoming immortal: Rasyana in Sanskrit medical literature - Dagmar WUJASTYK, University of Zurich

12:00 13:45 BODY IN ART (chaired by Iwona MILEWSKA, Jagiellonian University)
Art and the body: Tatsuno Art Project 2013 - Akiko KASUYA, Kyoto City University of Arts
The image of the body-face: the case of Franz X. Messerschmidt and Bill Viola - Maria POPCZYK, University of Silesia

15:15 17:00 BODY IN PHILOSOPHY (chaired by Jin Y. PARK, American University, Washington DC)
Embodied mind and phenomenal consciousness - Maria VENIERI, University of Crete
The communicative and abject body: Buber, Lvinas, and Daoism - Eric S. NELSON, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Friday, 30.05, room 337

12:00 13:30 BODY IN PERFORMANCE (chaired by Anna KARNAT-NAPIERACZ, Pedagogical University of Cracow)
The covered body: between plaisir and jouissance? The case of classical Indian & Japanese theatre - Elbieta KODRZAK, University of d
Manifestation of the Kabuki actors sex on the woodblock prints in Edo period - Beata ROMANOWICZ, National Museum in Krakow
14:45 17:45 (chaired by Katarzyna GURCZYSKA-SADY, Pedagogical University of Cracow)
From mortification of the body to the comfort of contemporary design - Elbieta STANISZEWSKA, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology &
Expression and the stylised clothed body - Ian W. KING, London College of Fashion and University of the Arts
The ruined migrating bodies - Urszula CHOWANIEC, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University & University College London

Uni wer s y t et Pedagog i c z ny
im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
ul. Podchorych 2, s. 337

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