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Immortality: Like all Elders Grandmaster has been barred from Death's

Invulnerabilities: Class 1000 resistance vs Heat, Cold, Electricity,
Radiation Toxins and Diseases
Power Primordial: Runner has Shift-X (150) ability to take the power from remnants of the primordial
energies of the Big Bang that still permeate the universe. The Power Primordial can be used to produce a wide
range of effects, including augmentation of physical attributes (strength, durability, speed, etc.), molecular
restructuring, creation of force fields, teleportation and numerous other abilities.
Energy Generation: Emit blasts of primal energy capable of inflicting Shift-X (150) damage
Emotion Control: Anyone in his area likes him because he is attractive and joyful and must make a psyche feat
in order to change this perception. This generally gives The Runner the ability to gain initiative before combat
Power Surge: Raise single score to Shift-X (150) for 1-10 turns. If an ability is Shift-X (150) or greater, the
ability increases by +1 Class.
Tracking: Unearthly ability to follow his target even through the depths of space.
True Flight: Class 5000 ability to Run through the vastness of space
and even through time if he so chooses.
Life Support: Shift-Z (500) ability to exist in the vacuum of space.
Super Speed: Runner is one of the fastest beings in the universe,
moving at Class 5000 speeds. Unlike most characters, Runner does not
have to build up speed over time to achieve this speed. Instead, he can
instantly accelerate to Class 5000, seeming to almost teleport away and
back almost instantly. He can accomplish the following power stunts
utilizing his super speed:
Runner moves so fast that he is able to perform 9 actions in a combat
Create cyclones for MN (75) damage and Shift-Y (200) stunning or
Water Running: 3000 feet with a 100-foot approach
Wall-Running: 1000 feet with a 500-foot approach
Considered Class 1000 rank for Fighting for multiple attacks and
Considered Class 1000 rank for Agility for dodging and catching
Considered Class 3000 rank for Intuition for initiative.
He may perceive any object's momentum as though it were moving at
Fe speed, like arrows and bullet sized objects appear moving at 5 mph.
Punch considered Class 1000 for objects he strikes after traveling 200 miles.
Spectrum Shifting: The Runner can run so quickly as to cause light to begin to slow, and experience Red
Shift. The Runner can view the lower spectrum of light that is normally invisible to the unaided human eye.
Invisibility: The Runner moves at such incredible speeds even characters who can see through space cannot
follow the Runners movements (such as Thanos). For those who have advanced vision, to perceive the
Runners actions they must first make an intuition feat at -4 Classes to attempt to evade his attacks.

Martial Arts E, Acrobatics, Astronavigation

Other Elders of the Universe

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