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For Wives of Ganesha, Siddhi and Riddhi and relationship of Ashta Siddhi with
Ganesha, see Consorts of Ganesha.
Not to be confused with the African-descended Siddi people of India thou!h
so"eti"es spelled identicall#$.
Siddhi (Sanskrit: ; siddhi) is a Sanskrit word that literally means
"accomplishment", "attainment", or "success".
t is also used as a term !or spiritual
power (or psychic a"ility). #he term is used in that sense in $induism and #antric
%uddhism. #hese spiritual powers supposedly &ary !rom relati&ely simple !orms o!
clair&oyance to "ein' a"le to le&itate, to "e present at &arious places at once, to "ecome
as small as an atom, to materiali(e o")ects, to ha&e access to memories !rom past li&es,
and more.
#here are many perspecti&es o! attainin' Siddhis. *ne school o! thou'ht states that they
are a normal set o! occurrences that should not "e !ocused upon "ecause they will pull
one !rom the path. *ther perspecti&es hold that each siddhi should "e pursued "ecause it
will allow one to understand the power o! the +odhead. Siddhis may occur in many
ways: naturally thou'h the a'ency o! karma, as a result o! e,tended practice (sadhana),
throu'h ri'orous austerities (tapasya) or "y 'race. #hey are o!ten mentioned in
con)unction with Riddhi (pl -iddhis), which means material or worldly wealth, power,
lu,urious li!estyles, etc.

Nine main Siddhis
Parkaya Pravesha: .arkaya .ra&esh means one/s soul enterin' into the "ody o!
some other person. #hrou'h this knowled'e e&en a dead "ody can "e "rou'ht to
Haadi Vidya: #his 0idya or knowled'e has "een mentioned in se&eral ancient
te,ts. *n ac1uirin' this 0idya, a person !eels neither hun'er nor thirst, and can
remain without eatin' !ood or drinkin' water !or se&eral days at a stretch.
Kaadi Vidya: 2ust as one does not !eel hun'ry or thirsty in $aadi 0idya,
similarly in 3aadi 0idya a person is not a!!ected "y chan'e o! seasons, i.e. "y
summer, winter, rain, etc. 4!ter accomplishin' this 0idya, a person shall not !eel
cold e&en i! he sits in the snow5laden mountains, and shall not !eel hot e&en i! he
sits in the !ire.
Vayu Gaman Siddhi: #hrou'h this Siddhi a person can "ecome capa"le o! !lyin'
in the skies and tra&elin' !rom one place to another in )ust a !ew seconds.
Madalasa Vidya: *n accomplishin' this 0idya, a person "ecomes capa"le o!
increasin' or decreasin' the si(e o! his "ody accordin' to his wish. 6ord
$anuman had miniaturi(ed his "ody throu'h this 0idya while enterin' the city o!
Kanakdhara Siddhi: *ne can ac1uire immense and unlimited wealth throu'h
this Siddhi.
Prakya Sadhana: #hrou'h this Sadhana a 7o'i can direct his disciple to take
"irth !rom the wom" o! a woman who is childless or cannot "ear children.
Surya Vigyan: #his solar science is one o! the most si'ni!icant sciences o!
ancient ndia. #his science has "een known only to the ndian 7o'is; usin' it, one
su"stance can "e trans!ormed into another throu'h the medium o! sun rays.
Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya: #his 0idya was created "y +uru Shukracharya. #hrou'h
it, e&en a dead person can "e "rou'ht "ack to li!e.
Eight Primary Siddhis
Mahabharata Version
Ganesha with the 4shta (8) Siddhis. #he 4shtasiddhi are shown as attendants o!
+anesha. .aintin' "y -a)a -a&i 0arma (189851:;<)
#here is the concept o! the 4shta Siddhi (ei'ht siddhis) in $induism. #hese are:
Anim: reducin' one=s "ody e&en to the si(e o! an atom
Mahim: e,pandin' one=s "ody to an in!initely lar'e si(e
Garima: "ecomin' in!initely hea&y
aghim: "ecomin' almost wei'htless
Pr!ti: ha&in' unrestricted access to all places
Prkmya: reali(in' whate&er one desires
"stva: possessin' a"solute lordship;
Va#tva: the power to su")u'ate all.
n $induism, $anuman possesses the a"ility to "estow the ei'ht siddhis and the na&a
nidhi (nine types o! wealth).
$en Se%ondary Siddhis
n the Srimad %ha'a&atam 6ord 3rishna descri"es the #en Secondary Siddhis as:
an&rmi'mattvam: %ein' undistur"ed "y hun'er, thirst, and other "odily
d&ra'#ravana: $earin' thin's !ar away
d&ra'dar#anam: Seein' thin's !ar away
manah'javah: >o&in' the "ody where&er thou'ht 'oes (teleportation)
kma'r&!am: 4ssumin' any !orm desired
!ara'kya !rave#anam: ?nterin' the "odies o! others
sva'%handa mrtyuh: @yin' when one desires
devnm saha kr(d anudar#anam: Aitnessin' and participatin' in the
pastimes o! the 4psaras
yath sa)kal!a samsiddhih: .er!ect accomplishment o! one=s determination
j* a!ratihat gatih: *rders or Bommands "ein' unimpeded
+ive Siddhis o, -oga and Meditation
n the Srimad %ha'a&atam the Ci&e Siddhis o! 7o'a and >editation are descri"ed as:
tri'kla'j*atvam: 3nowin' the past, present and !uture;
advandvam: #olerance o! heat, cold and other dualities;
!ara %itta di abhij*at: 3nowin' the minds o! others and so on;
agni arka ambu visa d(nm !ratistambhah: Bheckin' the in!luence o! !ire,
sun, water, poison, and so on;
a!arjayah: -emainin' uncon1uered "y others;
.btaining Siddhis
Siddhi powers are said to "e o"taina"le "y meditation, control o! the senses, de&otion,
her"s, mantras, pranayama, or 'ood "irth.
4 detailed instruction !or o"tainin' &arious Siddhis is 'i&en in the Vibhuti Pada (the Drd
Bhapter) o! the 7o'a Sutras o! .atan)ali. #he mastery o! speci!ic Siddhis is attained
throu'h properly aimed Samyama.
6ord 3rishna states that:
"Cor a sa'e who has con1uered his senses, "reathin' and mind, who is
sel!5controlled and always a"sor"ed in meditation on >e, what mystic
per!ection could possi"ly "e di!!icult to achie&eE"
Seekin' siddhi powers is o!ten discoura'ed and considered to "e an impediment to
spiritual ad&ancement. 2 3rishnamurti warned a"out siddhis in the conte,t o! meditation,
comparin' seekin' the siddhis o! maya to desirin' mere candles; instead seek the Sun o!
!ull ?nli'htenment and 6i"eration G >oksha.
[citation needed]

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