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Vrikshaayurveda (V.A.) is one of the minor sciences derived from the ancient
Indian heritage. Minor in the sense that there is no teaching, learning
system available. Still some technologies are in use by the farmer. V.A.
literally meansAyurveda of plants that ultimately means sciences dealing
with every aspect related to the life of plants.

Resource texts: The most popular texts of V.A.
are Upavanavinoda of S`haarangadhara and Vrikshaayurveda
of Surapaala. Both the texts contain nearly the same material with some
deviation. The Upavana Vinoda is a chapter from the anthology Sarngadhara
Paddhati The period is 13
century A.D, Surapaalas Vrikshaayurveda is a
manuscript and it stands alone as the work of the author Surapaala. Another major resource text on the
subject is Brihat Samhitaa. Though it is not totally devoted to the subject, it covers many areas of V.A.
Other texts are Krishi Paraas`hara, Krishi Sookti. Some other texts like Amarakos`ha, Dhanvantaree
Nighan`t`u,Bhaavaprakaas`ha Nighan`t`u also cover some part of V.A. Later texts from South
India S`hivatatva Ratnaakara have merely copied the verses from Upavana Vinoda. This shows that the
subject was not developed after the 14

Topics covered in V.A. the major texts Upavanavinoda and V.A.of Surapaala,
cover the following topics:

a. The glory of plants
b. The good and evil omens of plants planted near the house
c. Discussion of soil
d. Classification and morphology of plants
e. The processing of seeds
f. Plantation
g. Watering of plants
h. Safety of plants
i. Method of gardening
j. Detection of water in soil
k. Nurturing of plants
l. Treatment of plant diseases
m. Vichitrikaran`am, novelty possible by efforts on the plants
n. Indicators to predict the generation of Agri products

1. Glory of plants: This topic deals with the importance of planting
and it seems that the important subject of planting is convincing
through Dharma. Some rituals are discussed. Agnipuraan`a tells us
that the cutting of a plant is an offence. Manu exhorts that the
cutting is a politico social crime and deserves punishment. Manuhas
also given the guidelines for the punishment.

2. Good and evil omens: This topic discusses the good and evil
omens of planting of trees near the house. Surprisingly
the Upavanavinoda and the Surapaala do not provide the logic
behind it but some texts likeGobhil Grihyasootra (4/7/21) do attest
the omens by certain logic. The Matsya Puraan`a (245/20-22) tells
that if the not indicated plants are planted, these should be
transferred away from the house; while Brihat Samhitaa tells (53-
87) that if not indicated plants are planted, some holy plants
like As`hoka, Punnaaga etc should also be planted near them.

3. Types of soil: Here we find the types of soil. There is description of
good soil for plants and list of plants generally grown in a particular
soil type. The Brihat Samhitaa (53-93) gives two objective
parameters to determine good soil as dig a pit in the soil, fill it with
water, go away 10 feet and come back. If the water is as it is and
has been not absorbed, it is good soil. Another parameter is the
weight of 1 Aadhaka soil (volumetric) should be
64 Pala (gravimetric). Ayurveda texts have elaborated the soil
types and the plants accordingly but the discussion in Ayurveda and
V.A. differs in its basic intention. Hence the two should not be
compared as generally done by scholars.

4. Classification of plants: We find classification of plants right from
the Vedic times. The Rigveda classifies YaPhalinirya Aphala Apuspa Yascha
Pushpinih. The Ayurvedic texts Charaka Samhitaa, Sus`hruta Samhitaa also classifies plants.
The Amarakos`haand the Manusmriti have classified plants as per their specific needs.
Various methods of propagation are also discussed in this topic. These methods include
cutting and grafting.

5. Processing of seeds: Here are discussed some processes to be
carried out on the seeds before they are shown. They include
processing with ghee, honey, and cow dung.

6. Plantation: Which plants should be planted in a particular season,
the system of planting etc. is discussed under the topic. Some
diagrammatic schemes of plantation are also elaborated.

7. Watering of plants: The scheme of watering of plants according to
the season is discussed in this topic. TheUpavana Vinoda discusses
the indigestion of water. The parameter of indigestion is described
as incomplete absorption of water in the pit of plant.

8. Security of plants: Appropriate measures for security of plants, is
elaborated in the concerned chapter. It appears that the measures
were in use by contemporary farmers. There is also one Mantra to
keep away the rodents from plants etc.

9. Garden construction: The method and techniques useful for
creation of a garden for public utility is discussed in this topic. This
topic interestingly has a technology to purify water.

10. Detection of soil for underground water: This topic elaborates
on some plant and animal indicators of the presence of water in
that particular soil. It seems that the art of digging wells and
ascertaining water with the help of such plant animal indicators had
been established in the contemporary culture. Even today some
persons ascertain the presence of water using such techniques.

11. Nourishment of plants: Here are some recipes for nourishment
of plants. A unique preparation calledKun`apa Jala is mentioned

12. Novel techniques of gardening: Here we have some novels
methods, which may be rejected at its face value. But it seems that
there is ample potential for such experiments.

13. Annadinishpatti: This is very unique topic. Some indicators to
predict the production of crop are discussed here. This is also a
potential subject for further studies.

Some modern works related to Vruks`haayurveda

Theory Surpals Vrikshaayurveda is available in printed form. One work is by Dr. Nalini
Sadhale in English and another is in German by Rahul Peter Das.Upavana Vinoda translated by
G.P. Majumdar in English is an old one while the same edited by S.K.Ramakrishnan Rao is the latest. A
Marathi translation done byVaidya D.B. Borakar is also available. (A critical edition of Upavana
Vinoda was prepared for the first time by Vaidya Shriprasad Bawdekar. The work has a proper authentic
Marathi translation, the Ayurvedic perceptive on the subject along with critical edition of the text. The
work was submitted to the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune for an M. Phil. degree. The English
translation of this work is in progress.) The center for Indian knowledge systems from Chennai has
produced quality monograms on Vrikshaayurveda.

Some other unavailable material includes
Upavana Vinoda translated by Gananath Sengupta, Vrikshaayurveda Telugu by
P.V. Ramaswami Shastralu, Madras. Vrikshaayurveda in Telugu by Dr. Laxmipati. Ayurveda
S`hikshaa Series Jayantipuram and Upavana Rahasya translation of Upavana Vinoda in Doha form
by UmaaprasadSharma.

Practical works: There is no single publication but the monograms of
L.S.P.S. S, Coimbatore and monogram of C.I.K.S Chennai to provide valuable information of the
practical carried out in the field. The author (Vaidya Shriprasad Bawdekar) has provided some anecdotal

Potential: There is a lot of potential in the subject. The researchers
and the farmers will find many theories hypotheses and practical hypotheses
to work on the subject.

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