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Victoria Lugo
Mrs. Tyree
English III, Per. 4
22 January 2014
A Dividing Society
Every country, state, providence, or city has its own way of doing things; it has its own
rules and choices to an extent. This could cause some separation within the nation and on a
bigger scale the world. The American political system is so deeply divided because the people
have allowed legislators to fail by not holding them accountable for any wrong doings. This has
made people have to choose one side or the other in order to even have a voice; this could also
result in occasions for Americans not to care at all. Citizens should become more involved the
government and take part in the choices the government makes.
Since colonial times the American society has been warned against separation within the
nation. George Washington warned Americans against political factionalism, something he had
avoided through his two terms in office (b1). The next warning was that separation within the
nation could lead to bigger problems with other countries. A little bit over half the address
[Washingtons Farewell address], warned Americans that political division at home could lead to
entanglements abroad (b2). If the United States political system keeps dividing and is still
unable to agree on laws and taxes, this might lead to an even greater problem globally, because
the United States is known as the worlds leading superpower, the decisions made today could
affect everyones tomorrow. At worst it could trigger a global crisis. Thats why Gurria
[Secretary General of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)]
says his concern isnt that the United States economy is weak but that its political system is
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(E1). Whether its the Republican system, the democratic system, or some third party the United
States needs to figure things out and find common ground. The longer it takes to resolve all these
issues the quicker America will fall into another depression. The enmity and duration of
political fights produce impressions of sheer gridlock that is strong and often reinforced (F1).
The time it will take for America to come out of the depression that it put itself in; it will take
twice as long before the economy can grow and prosper again.
Due to the fact that most congressmen and women did not adhere to Washingtons
warning, what he tried to prevent [political factionalism] just might be coming true. Many
different arguments have come about and most Americans are beginning to question whether the
United States political system is doing the right thing or just pushing its own American citizens
more and more against each other. An example of Americans fighting each other is, Bailouts
and other activist central bank have become extremely contentious factors in the nations policies
and there has been bitter fighting over how to set into motion the Dodd-Frank financial reform
law (F3). Americans begin to doubt and feel uneasy about the government; this in most cases
results in bickering. such as what we see in how neither side can agree on how to set into motion
the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. The average American should have a voice and speak up
so less of an argument will come about. Whether it was the intention of the Republicans and the
Democrats to separate the nation into two major parties it has happened and now most
Americans must choose either the left or the right side. Both sides have different beliefs of how
the government should be run even to the point of which side is right and which is wrong. The
culture wars over abortion and gay rights similarly created new divisions between secular
religious Americans often expressed in political affiliations of Republicans vs. Democrats (C1).
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Both sides have an opinion on how the culture wars should be settled, creating even more
separation within the nation.
Neither side donkey nor elephant should matter. What should matter is how to help the country
as a whole using the beliefs from both sides and the voice of each average American to bring the
nation together.
Being American citizens most would know the two main party types Republican or
Democrat and at least one major thing each side stands for. If as an American a side isnt chosen
that citizen probably does not have a voice in the political system. The Republican Party has
traditionally attracted voters who favor social and fiscal conservatism as well as strong national
defense (H5). Republicans have certain views and ideas about how the United States should be
run; they believe that people are responsible for their place in society, that the government
should limit how much help they give to only those who really need it. Republicans also believe
that the people should have a say on the major decisions of the country. On the contrary,
Democrats believe that it is the job of the government to care for the people: They also believe
that it is the job of the government to choose how to run the country with less opinion from the
people. The Democratic Party generally attracts people who support social freedoms a strong
federal government and the protection of civil rights (H4). Most everyone now picks a side to
vote or push for, which balances out between both parties. Since the advent of the two current
major political parties the balance of power in the country has shifted fairly evenly between both
parties (H3). The Republican and the Democratic parties have both gotten power from
American giving each side around the same amount of power.
Although the United States political system evolved to have only two major parties
Democratic and Republican. Third parties have appeared and occasionally have affected the
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outcomes of political races (H2). Due to the fact that people have been made to choose the left
or right side of the political system, third parties have arisen for people who do not agree with
either side. Therefore, Third parties are separating our government to an even greater extent by
splitting up and dividing into more groups within one nation. Many third parties come about due
to the needs of the people. As a result of these needs a party called the green party has been
created to protect and support womens rights. The green party is one of the two largest third
parties; they support womens reproductive rights national health insurance coverage,
environmental protection and labor unions, among other things (G7-8). Another Third Party
that has been made is The American party or the know nothing party, formed in the 1850s its
members opposed immigration because many Americans have been affected when it comes to
immigrants coming into the United States looking for better opportunities. Americans feel that
immigrants are taking their jobs, and as a consequence of this feeling a party that opposed
immigration was created. (G5). Back in the 1960s farmers were in a critical position, where
they did not get any support from the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. The farmers
decided to raise their voice and the only way to do so was by creating a party that would help to
improve their necessities. Commonly known as The Grange, the party was formed by farmers
who felt their needs were not being addressed by neither the Democrats nor the Republicans
(G3). There are many things that people struggle with, whether it is womens rights, or farmers
needs not being met. Due to these struggles many Americans are trying to find a way to solve
these issues; the political system has determined that the only way to help Americans would be
by creating a party that would help to reduce these problems. One of the most prominent parties
in the nation, the CP [Constitution Party] opposes gun control taxes, abortion, gay rights, and
immigration. It is an intensely religious party (G6). Political parties that are lesser known still
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have a big impact on the political system, because these parties are what make the United States
even more divided. Some lesser-known third parties include the U.S marijuana party, the
pansexual peace party, the pot party, the American vegetarian party and the national law party
(G9). New organizations have come out in honor to improve or support an issue; these
organizations have also changed the view of the political system in many different aspects.
As a result of the many different political parties, a middle ground has emerged to settle
disputes between parties within themselves. Sojourners often serve to mediate between
Democratic politicians and their advisors and moderate and liberal congregations (C3). Citizens
are now realizing that by creating or joining a political group this could give them power to make
certain decisions and affect certain people. The constitution did not mention political third
parties these parties developed because a number of Americans realized that they could gain
political power by joining a group with other likeminded individuals (H1). Another type of a
middle ground that is more commonly known is third parties, (as stated in the previous
paragraph) these parties were created by the people who felt their needs were not being met.
Americans citizens were not content with the division of the political system, so the two-
party systems have been placed in a critical position. Increasing voter disaffection partly in the
21st century has put the 2-party system in the spotlight (H9). People have seen that having a
divided government has brought a big conflict to the country. In recent years more voters have
identified themselves as independent of any political party (H6). Due to the recognition of this
problem, many Americans have identified their votes as independent: Meaning that they are not
on either side, deciding that neither Republican nor Democrats are being fair or have become too
black and white. Independent-thinking voters include moderates who feel the Democratic and
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Republican parties have become too liberal or conservative respectively or maintain that the
major parties lack the ability to cooperate (H10).
All major Parties are finding it difficult to cooperate and agree with one another, such as
the spending bill. Unable to agree on a spending bill the United States legislature has
orchestrated a partial shutdown for U.S government operations (A1). Arguments lead to the
government having to shut down and in the end could be the downfall of America one of the
worlds superpowers. Hours after the United States government began to shut down after
congress failed to agree on a budget (D1). Even after the government was shut down, there still
fails to be unison in any of the arguments, such as the budget. After financial crisis America
slows down innovation (F2). The people are so dependent on the government to provide for
them and to make all the financial decisions for them that when the government shuts down it
affects every part of the country and even to a certain extent can affect the world because the
United States is a superpower. As 2013 comes to a close it may appear that economic policies
are frozen into place (F4). All the separation causes trouble for everyone, and everywhere. The
division of the political parties has affected the government and American citizens in different
ways. The people that have allowed the American government to make wrong decisions, this as a
consequence has led to the division of the political system into different parties. Due to this
problem American citizens have had to make a decision on what side they should choose.

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Cowen, Tyler. "No, It Only Looks Like Gridlock." New York Times 22 Dec. 2013: 6(L). Student
Resources in Context. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
Flynn, Matthew J. "Washington's Farewell Address." Dictionary of American History. Ed.
Stanley I. Kutler. 3rd ed. Vol. 8. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003. 418-
419. Student Resources in Context. Web. 15 Jan. 2014.
Fournier, Ron. "Beginning Of The End For Washington." YaleGlobal Online 1 Oct.
2013. Student Resources in Context. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
Klein, Ezra. "To the world, a befuddling U.S. budget battle is dragging it down." Washington
Post 14 Oct. 2013. Student Resources in Context. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.
"Political Systems and Parties Overview." Gale Student Resources in Context. Detroit: Gale,
2011. Student Resources in Context. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
The Party Faithful. Religion Watch May-June 2008:8+. Student Resources in Context. Web.
15 Jan. 2014.
Third Parties. UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History. Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and
Rebecca Valentine. Vol. 8 Detroit: UXL, 2009. 1533-1547. Student Resources in Context.
Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
US government shutdown: American political system fundamentally broken; Despite
appearing to shoulder the blame for the US government shutdown, there may be a silver
lining for the Republican Party, according to Peter Foster. Telegraph online. 1 Oct. 2013.
Student Resources in Context. Web. 14 Jan. 2014.
A revision is more than just capitalizing and fixing a few words here or there ideas that
are not clear should be addressed and made clear. And you need to work on citations
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in text you dont have the actual citations. Content: 35/40; Organization: 25/30;
Grammar: 10/20; MLA: 3/10 Grade: 73

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