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Letter of recommendation for Corrine Hooper April 30, 2014

It is a pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Corinne Hooper, as she

is an outstanding individual who captured the hearts of her students with a leader and
positive role model. In this experience Ms. Hooper finished the end of semester one and
start semester two of the 2014 school year teaching four sections of Lifetime Fitness and
Sport, one section of Lifetime Health and one of Advance Fitness & Sport.
Ms. Hooper created an ethical atmosphere in the both the gym and classroom as
evident by students who were motivated to a higher level of participation by her active
involvement with the class. It was pleasurable to observe Ms. Hooper interact with her
students as at all time she exhibited a personable approach in keeping students focused and
on task with her engaging personality. She did an outstanding job motivating the activity
levels of students by pacing them mentally and physically in developmentally appropriate
activities. She commanded the attention and respect of students by communicating clearly
and competently at all times. With a firm, fair and friendly attitude she always approached
disciplinary situations seeking a win-win solution that never compromised student
management without bringing an incident to closure. Her work ethics were admirable as
she was always prompt, professionally attired, and enthusiastically diligent to her duties.
Ms. Hooper embraced the challenge to advance our existing program with some
perpetual contribution. The Olympics units that she directed for physical education were
highly creative and engaging as were units of fitness, volleyball, basketball, Sabikibal, and
badminton. Utilizing technology, she was able to utilize Google Drive and Edmodo for
student assessment, presentations and documents. Ms. Hooper was able to implement use
of a wall mounted 70 inch flat screen TV in the gym for instructional purpose for students
who would view internet media relative to the lesson of the day to compliment any lesson.
Ms. Hooper utilized polar heart technology to teach the concept of perceived exertion. Most
impressive was her ability to tap her college preparation in the health classroom to bridge
the gap to implement a new curriculum from Michigan Model for Health. Ms. Hooper
developed a very comprehensive health unit on nutrition and physical fitness which was
utilized by two veteran teachers who both had high praise for her fine work. Ms. Hooper
was hired by our athletic director to run the scoreboard timer for both men and women
basketball games. Additionally she was used as a lifeguard for district swim programs.
Ms. Hooper will turn a classroom or athletic program around as a teacher/coach.
Professional peers, students, parents and administrators would benefit from her
professional contributions. Were a position available within our school district we would
make every recommendation for her. It has been a pleasure to work with her, as you will
find when you give yourself the same opportunity as her employer. Simply put she is an
outstanding young woman confident and professional in every aspect to enter the teaching
and coaching profession. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance to Ms. Hooper

Rico R. Zenti
Marquette Senior High School Physical Education Department
1203 West Fair Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855 Cell phone 906 -361-0812

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