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-)-,-) 330 CAP 14J002.

01 /23/03 TAU 14: 29 FAX 5J8 ~ .Z 6 6985

~ • Woo -. • - - - - ' -_ .

Jall- ', 4-03 03 :26pm From-WDF /GREENE +9146686B02 1-978 P.02/04 f-126

30 North MacQuesten Parkway
MOIDl! Vernon, NY 10550

Interoffice Memorandum

Date: January 14, 200

From: Anthony F. Mar 0, P .E,) Project Executive

To: Larry Roman

Re : Roadway Contr

Please Dote the followi . relating to the requested 'balances' :

PS-169K) 'P CO-25 was issued as a Unilateral Change Order by the SeA on 9/4/02 for
$10,162. Roadway will
be issued a change order for $8,000 and not $20,000.00. He can
still pursue! further comrensation on this change order, since it is a UNILATERAL.

PS-I69K, $11,818.84, fOPOSal was just received. But this work should have been
included ln Roadway's $30,000 settlement ofPeO-I8. Roadway to respond to my letter
of 12/11/02 (resent 1/1 /03).

PS-169K, $1 w s settled with the eM on 5/17/01. The change order was never

executed. Tho SCA sti Ihas to issue a change order. I will follow up.

PS-169K, $21,086:93 18
to be settled/negotiated with WDF for reinsulation of pipes.


A.I1 retainages have bee reduced to the percentages retained by the SCA.



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