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The inventor Alessandro Volta Batteries

Image Source : Wikipedia

Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Gerolamo Umberto Volta,
better known by the name of Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist who
developed the battery in 1800. Alessandro Volta was born 18 February 1945
and died 5 March 1827 in como, Italy. Alessandro comes from a family
lombard, which is a respectable family and honored by the government como.
Her father named Filippo (1862-1752) and his mother Maddalena de 'Conti
Inzhagi. Flippo has 7 children; three women, four men and alessandro is the
youngest child of the couple.
In 1800 Alessandro Volta experimented with the voltaic pile. Volta's
original pile consists of a pile of zinc and silver discs, and a piece of cardboard
that had been soaked with salt water. Zinc is placed on the bottom, followed
by cardboard and placed on the top of the silver discs, then a wire is connected
from zinc and silver discs linked to above, and there was a spark again and
again over the silver disc. Because this ekperiment alessandro volta finally
denies journal Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) titled "Animal electricity" which was
published in 1791.
Alessandro volta Vs Luigi Galvani
The fierce debate between the two Italian physicists, who are both
retain the experiments. Luigi Galvani who perform surgery on frogs by using
two types of blades with different metals, when the two blades in place on the
nerves of dead frogs legs, frog legs suddenly it moved or surprised, Luigi
Galvani found this effect is related to the properties of nerves. While
alessandro volta argued that the effect is due to two kind of metal that is not in
use by Luigi and evidenced by the above experiments.
voltaic Pile
Based on these experiments Alessandro Volta finally succeeded in
making the first battery. To make a voltaic battery requires tens or even
ratussan element zinc and silver discs are interspersed by the carbon that has
been soaked with salt water, the resulting voltage sehinggan will also be
greater. For his services that, for a unit potential difference or voltage in
International Units (SI) is used in accordance with its name suffix volts.
Writer : Herman
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