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United or Divided?

Citizen The Game is set in the cycle

of American life as seen through
the eyes of its diverse citizens. As
the citizens walk the path if they do
not band together tapping into their
infinite imaginations they will be
doomed to walk the painful,
violent, unfair world with the
illusion of someday getting out.
Your team of adventurers must work together to help every
player gain an imagination token so that the board can be
turned over and the cycle of socialization that is rampant
with racism and oppression only giving privilege to a select
few is done away with forever. If however the players do not
all obtain an imagination token all hope for ending
inequality will be lost and the cycle will continue.
1 Game board
10 Privilege/Oppression Cards
10 Community Cards
10 Ally-Advocate Cards
Unpack citizenship in America with a perspective that
could change the world, as we know it!

The Game
2 10 Players | Ages 12 And Up
10 Imagination cards
10 Identity Cards
1 Dice
10 Plastic Figurines
40 Equality Tokens

A Word From A US Citizen
It is a great honor to introduce you to the power and
influence you have. This game is designed to give you a new
view of yourself and to show you possible steps into the
amazing future of America. I dare you to
Imagine it!
Setup Order of Play
Assemble Board

Open the board and place it where there is enough room for
everyone to sit in a circle around it.
Equality Tokens
Place the tokens in a pile near the edge of the game board; the
token draw pile.
Separate the cards into 4 decks: Privilege/Oppression cards, Community
Building cards, Ally-Advocate cards and Identity cards. Shuffle each
deck separately and place them face down on their corresponding
designated spot on the board except the Identity cards. After shuffling
the identity cards place them near the edge of the game board; they will
only be used at the beginning of the game.

The white glass pieces are space takers that are put on the spaces in
front and behind the person that is taking up extra space on the
board. Put them in a pile beside the board for use when called for.
When its your turn
All players roll the dice and the lowest number rolled goes first. Play
then continues clockwise. If there is a tie when rolling the dice, those
players will roll again. On your turn, roll the dice. Then move your
figurine forward the number of spaces you rolled. If you land on an
occupied space, take the space behind the player unless your game
character is white, then take the space in front of the player. Follow the
space directions. This ends your turn.
Winning The Game
When all players have one or more equality tokens each the
game board is flipped over. At this point you have succeeded in
working together to create a new world of equality and fairness.
Read the message on the board and celebrate your win.
Loosing The Game
If a player goes to Privilege Island and chooses to ignore the cycle of
socialization and chooses not to be an ally the game is over and
everyone looses.
Identity Cards & Pieces
Each player chooses a plastic figurine to represent themself on the game
board. After choosing your piece place it on the board in the start
position and put the unused pieces back in the box. Without looking
choose a card from the Identity deck. This is your new identity for the
game play.
Space Takers

Created By: Sundy Preston

Supporters and Collaborators: Lacey Heward, Donovan Daly, Estee
Preston, Tychon Preston, Sophia Daly, Georgia Daly & Google Images.

The Spaces Order of Play Continued
Ally Space
Whenever you land on an Ally space, take 1 Ally/Advocate card
from the draw pile and read it aloud. Now do as the card says.
When you are done place the card in the discard pile.
Imagination Spaces
Whenever you land on an Imagination space, take 1 Imagination
Token from the draw pile and read it aloud. Do as the card says
and if everyone participates you get to keep the token. If all
players do not participate discard the token in the discard pile.
Community Spaces
Whenever you land on a Community space, take 1 Community Building
card from the draw pile and read it aloud. Do as the card says. When you
are done place the card in the discard pile.
Privilege/ Oppression Space
Whenever you land on a Privilege/Oppression space, take 1
Privilege/Oppression card from the draw pile and read it aloud. Do
as the card says and then discard the card to the discard pile.

Landing on Occupied space
Whenever you land on an occupied spot compare your agent and
target identity scores and whoever has more agent points stays and
the other player goes back the number amount of target identities
they have.
When you fall In The Water
Whenever a card or player pushes you into the water you are
stuck there until someone helps you out with an Ally/Advocate
card. When the dice comes around you cannot move until you
are out of the water.
Equality Tokens
Equality Tokens are achieved when a player has demonstrated good
citizenship by making a decision promoting equality and fairness.
These tokens are used to win the game and to help others when needed.
Each token carries the power to flip the board to the winning side,
which is the world of equality, fairness and infinite possibilities.

Identity Crisis Space
Whenever you land on an Identity Crisis space, pick a new identity card
and discard the one you had. You will play the remainder of the game
with this new identity unless you land on the Identity Crisis space again.

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