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Introduction to Weathering and

Weathering and Erosion
Weathering = change the
appearance of something
through long exposure of
Erosion = removing pieces of
rocks and transporting them to
another by wind and water.
Types of Weathering


Physical Weathering
The breaking of rocks by:
o wind or rain
o contraction
o water freezing
o thermal expansion
This occurs in regions with
extreme temperatures
Biological Weathering
Rocks are broken
down by living
things or
Broken by:
o Lichens
o Tree roots

Chemical Weathering
The breaking of rocks
when water and rocks
interact with each other
to create a chemical
Rocks are broken by:
o water
o gases

Erosion is the process by
which the surface of the Earth
gets worn down caused by
natural elements such as
wind and glacial ice.
The key to erosion is
something called "fluid flow."
Water, air, and even ice are
fluids because they to flow
from one place to another.

Compare Weathering and Erosion
Weathering and erosion are both natural
forces that break down rocks and shape
Earths surface
Both are continuous natural processes that
happen over time

Contrast Weathering and Erosion
Erosion breaks down rocks but it involves
water and wind to move the broken particles
to a new location
Weathering breaks the rocks apart with
natural forces but the particles stay next to
each other
Erosion Lab
Objective: Demonstrate how water causes
What to notice: the color changes

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