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Insurance value:

(2 Million Qatari Riyals)

The Policy should be issued at State of Qatar and valid for three years

Office space: Office space not less than 200 m

Business volume allowed:
Construction's area Projects value
Non-specific Non-specific

Renewal (after twoyears) Registration
QR. 20.000
QR. 25.000
& QR. 4000 per each specialization

Technical Staff:
Years of
Number of Engineers Specialization
10 years (First Category)
5 of them in the main
office or any of the
branches for non-
(1) In charge Engineer
Specialization in one of the
branches of engineering is
required under the Office
All specialization
10 years for non-
Qatari engineers
(3) engineers permanent in
Office in Qatar

Requiredpracticingtheprofessionforthemainofficefor tenyearswithoutabreak.
Requiredcompletionoftenprojectsinfivecountriesother thanhomecountryandavailedat least
If theofficeisownedbynatural or legal partners, theshareoftheQatari partnersisnot lessthan
51%andthenon-Qatari partnersshouldberegisteredat theengineersregister. (Arcle 6of the
TheofficeshouldbeappropriateandCommitteeshouldbeinformedof itsaddressandanychange
Theregistrationcertificateandanychangesthereonshouldbehungat avisibleplaceintheoffice
Theownersof theconsultancyoffices, itspartnersandemployeesarenot allowedto workat the
States departments, public corporations or contractingcompaniesor to deal withthe building
No assignment fromtheofficelicenseisallowedunlesstheapproval fromtheCommitteeisobtained
Notworkinanyspecializationorcategoryforwhichthelicenseisnotgranted. (Article7ofthelaw).
The officeor engineer is not allowedto takeany legal procedureagainst any engineer or office

Classification of Engineers

Fees Certificate
Category Renewal Reg.
Ph. D.
200 300 5 7 10 First
200 300 3 5 7 Second
200 300 0-2 0-4 0-7 Third
* Provided that he should successfully pass the technical capacity test in the area of
* The engineer may grieve against the decision of the Committee within 30 days
fromthe date of receiving the notice (article 13 of the Law).

Theengineer of secondclassor thirdclassmayapplyfor promotiontoahigher
categoryonlyupontherenewal of theregistration, itmeansafter twoyears.
All those who work at different engineering consultancy offices and other
engineeringfields should be registeredat the engineers register, excluding
The engineer should state his name and registration number on all the
drawings, designsandreportspreparedbyhimor participatedbyhimthrough
hisoffice(ar)cle16of thelaw).

Technical sub-specializations table for the professions of engineering:
a. Civil Engineering:!
(Water,irrigationanddrainageengineering- Roadengineering- Airports&Ports
engineering- Basis&Soil engineering- Constructionengineering- Publicworks
engineering- Health&environmentengineering- Surveyengineering)

b. Architectural engineering:!
(Architecture- Architectural engineering- Citiesplanning- Urbandesign)

c. Mechanics engineering:!
(Mechanical Power Engineering- Conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation
Engineering- Engineeringof FluidMechanics)

d. Electricity&Electronicsengineering:!
(Electricityengineering- Electronic &Computer engineering- Electrical Power
EngineeringandAutomaticControl - Electrical distributionnetworksEngineering)

e. Chemicals, Petroleum& Gasengineering:!
(Mines &miningengineering- Materials installation engineering- Geological
Engineering- Chemical engineering- Metallurgical engineering- Petroleum&Gas
engineering- Petrochemical Engineering)

f. Quantitiessurveying, Cost Assessment:!
(Quantitiessurveying CostAssessment)

g. Project Management:!
(Projectmanagement inall specializationsandengineering)

h. Industrial engineering:

i. Security & Safety engineering.!
j. Communication engineering.

Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning

Engineers & Consulting Offices
Accrediting Committee

Low No. (19) Year 2005
For Regularizing the Practice of
Engineering Professions
In the State of Qatar

Preparation by/ Houreya Mohamed Al Alshaikh-Committee

Notes for all International offices

Insurance value:
(500 Thousand Qatari Riyals)
The Policy should be issued at State of Qatar and valid for three years

Office space: Office space not less than 90 m

Business volume allowed:
Construction's area Projects value
Construction's area is not more
than 2000 m

Project value not exceed
QR 10 million

Renewal (after twoyears) Registration
QR. 6000
QR. 10.000
& QR. 1000 per each specialization

Technical Staff:
Years of
Number of
7 (Second Category) 1 Civil (Except Survey)
7 (Second Category) 1 Architectural (Except Town Planning)
7 (Second Category) 1 Electricity & Electronics

If theofficeisownedbynatural orlegal partners,theshareof theQatari partnersis
not lessthan51%andthenon-Qatari partnersshouldberegisteredat theengineers
register. (Ar*cle6of theLaw).
The office may appoint one or more engineers as administration in-charge and
authorizedsignatoryof theoffice.
Theengineerin-chargeshouldhaveat least tenyears' experience(first category).
The engineer of secondclass or thirdclass may apply for promotiontoa higher
categoryonlyupontherenewal of theregistration,it meansafter twoyears.
TheofficeshouldbeappropriateandCommitteeshouldbeinformedof itsaddress
andanychangeintheaddresswithin30daysfromthedateof change(ar+cle15of
Theregistrationcertificateandanychangesthereonshouldbehungat avisibleplace
intheo,ce(ar-cle22of theregula.on).
Theownersof theconsultancyoffices,itspartnersandemployeesarenot allowedto
workat theStatesdepartments,publiccorporationsorcontractingcompaniesorto
dealwiththebuildingmaterials(ar/cles17and18of thelaw).
No assignment fromthe office license is allowed unless the approval fromthe
Commi0eeisobtained(ar1cle8of theLaw).
Not work in any specialization or category for whichthe license is not granted.
(Article7of thelaw).
The office or engineer is not allowed to take any legal procedure against any
engineer or office unless the written approval fromthe Committee is obtained
(ar2cle21of thelaw).

Insurance value:
(One Million Qatari Riyals)
The Policy should be issued at State of Qatar and valid for three years

Office space: Office space not less than 120 m

Business volume allowed:
Construction's area Projects value
Construction's area is not more
than 5000 m

Project value not exceed
QR 10 million

Renewal (after twoyears) Registration
QR. 8000
QR. 13.000
& QR. 1.500 per each specialization

Technical Staff:
Years of
Number of
10 (First Category) 3 Civil
10 (First Category) 3 Architectural
10 (First Category) 2 Electricity & Electronics
10 (First Category) 2 Mechanics
10 (First Category) 2
Quantities surveying , Cost Assessment

* Requiredtoaccomplishanumber of projectsthe total amount of whichisnot
lessthan(30) millionriyalsannually, withanexcep3onfor theregistra4onat
first time.

Insurance value:
(2 Million Qatari Riyals)
The Policy shouldbe issued at State of Qatar and valid for three years

Office space: Office space not less than 200 m

Business volume allowed:
Construction's area Projects value
Non-specific Non-specific

Renewal (after twoyears) Registration
QR. 10.000
QR. 15.000
& QR. 2000 per each specialization

Technical Staff:
Years of
Number of
10 (First Category) 4 Civil
10 (First Category) 4 Architectural
10 (First Category) 4 Chemicals, Petroleum & Gas
10 (First Category) 3 Project Management
10 (First Category) 3 Electricity & Electronics
10 (First Category) 3 Mechanics
10 (First Category) 3 Quantities surveying , Cost Assessment
10 (First Category) 3 Industrial engineering
10 (First Category) 3 Security & Safety engineering
10 (First Category) 3 Communications engineering

* Requiredtoaccomplishanumber of projectsthetotal amount of whichisnot
lessthan(70) millionriyalsannually, withanexcep5onfor the registra6onat
first time.

Notes for all local offices
O,ce: 44955488 / 44955555
Fax: 44955988 / 44955979

P.O. Box 22423

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