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Agile Wall Draft

Suggested Guide Lines

Split the major work into manageable chunks Quantifiable for at least 2 days and
maximum of a 5 days work
The Card/Stick Note should consist of
Date Started
Date Closed
Short Description
To Identify the owner of the card, Pick up a colour (Use Marker) No Red and
then make a circle on the right corner of the Agile card.
If there is a road block on one of the chunks which we are working, Place a red
sticker on it.
If you are waiting on some one to resolve the call, please move it to the Hold
If we have multiple projects on the same wall then we can split the wall
horizontally to accommodate the projects

Wall Layout
Hold Analysis Development Testing Completed
Hold/ If there are any tasks that are waiting for some one( Not a Road Block) , then it
can be moved to Hold Queue. Also, if there are any future enhancements Ex: Phase 2
Requirements, Bad data report generation for iMIS will be in this Queue.
Analysis - Most of the issues that we are working with Sutji or with Business will be in
this Queue. This also Includes any sort of Pre documentation Which we are doing Ex:
ETL Mapping Document, ETL Architecture Document, Issue Log Register etc.
Development - This would hold all the Development work. The tasks that still needs
unit testing will be placed under this.
Testing - This would record the tasks that are in Integration testing.
Completed All the completed tasks would be moved into this Queue

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