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LO2 Understanding the Creative Media Sector

Understanding ethical and legal constraints within the

media sector
Why is it important to consider ethical issues when producing
Use of language In films can deeply offend someone because of their
race, sexuality or gender. So it is important not to use language that
offends peoples ethics.
Everyone one in life should get equal opportunities, and should
encourage diversity, so it is important not to compromise these facts in
All ethical issues should be considered in film, if someone hears a main
character that they lie mae fun of people and bring up ethical issues, it
can influence other people to do the same, so it is important to address
the issues.
How is gender represented in film?
!en and "omen in film are represented very differently in films, men are
represented as being strong, and "omen are represented in being "ea.
An example of this is in the #$%% film &Alfie "hen the main character us
completely overpo"ering to"ards the "omen and is depicted as being
dominant and doing &manly things. 'he "omen in the film are depicted
as "ea, and are al"ays seen "ashing, cleaning, or cooing.
!en and (omen should be represented as equals, and as being
capable of doing the same tass.
)epresentation in films isnt al"ays fair to"ards gender, but there are
also films that have addressed the issue and incorporated it into the
films storyline.
What is the film ct !"#$%&?
'he film act broe apart the *ritish film fund agency, and also ended the
Eady +evy system that "as established in #$,#. It is relevant to the film
industry as it has helped to determine "hether a film is &*ritish or not for
tax reasons.
It hinders the film industry as it has made it harder to finance films
because of tax reasons.
What is the 'ideo recordings act !"#$(&?
'he video recording act "as established in #$-., it states that every film
made in the U/ must carry a classification that it has been authorised by
the home office.
What would )e the conse*uences for )rea+ing copyright law?
0opyright la" is a la" put in place to stop people copying other peoples
content for profit.
It protects people "ho mae material from having their ideas and "or
1ou can ensure that it isnt broen by declaring your "or as your o"n
and by maing sure you have copyrighted it.
If copyright is broen then you may get sent a message of "arning that
copyright "as broen, and you may be ased to tae do"n the content
that you have copied. In extreme cases you may be fined large numbers
of money depending in ho" much and ho" big the production is for the
content that is stolen.

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