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Albert Ervin | Eportfolio - | 469-6-6!"#

Learner-Centered Middle School Math Teacher
$re-Service %eacher offering year& of Accelerator t'toring e(perience) &o'ght after &'b&tit'te teacher)
life-long learner with e(perience in *nformation %echnology an+ %echnical S'pport
%o &tart a career teaching mathematic& to mi++le &chool &t'+ent&. ,y bac-gro'n+ in information
technology an+ technical &'pport ha& provi+e+ me e(perience in &haring -nowle+ge with other&. A& a
team lea+ an+ &'pervi&or. my role ha& been to train analy&t& how to provi+e technical &'pport with
metho+& that en&'re the c'&tomer& not only get the correct information b't in an effective an+
co'rteo'& manner. * loo- forwar+ to the challenge of being a learning lea+er by +eveloping an
environment that will facilitate learning.
Master of Science /,ay "041 Texas A&M Commerce. 2ommerce %e(a&
,a3or in E+'cational %echnology. GPA 4!
Teac"er Certification Pro#ram /"01 Uni$ersit% of Texas at Da&&as' 4ichar+&on. %e(a&
,ath 4-5
Bac"e&or of Science /"0"1 Uni$ersit% of Texas at Da&&as' 4ichar+&on. %e(a&
,a3or in 6'&ine&& A+mini&tration. GPA (4(
Associate in Science /""#1 )ic"&an* Co&&e#e +DCCCD,' 4ichar+&on. %e(a&
McDona&* Mi**&e Sc"oo& +.
& /
Gra*e,' ,e&7'ite. %e(a& +0!1(20!14,
8all "0 9 St'+ent teaching !
:ra+e with ;a'ren <effrie& a& mentor teacher
Spring of "0= 9 acceleration t'toring to prepare &t'+ent& for the S%AA4 te&t
8all an+ Spring "04 9 contin'e+ acceleration t'toring '&ing a co-teach >p'&h in? &tyle of
Uni$ersit% of Texas at Da&&as /contracte+ &e&&ion&1 4ichar+&on. %e(a& +0!11'0!10,
2on+'cte+ &everal &e&&ion& for S,A4%6oar+ training to in&tr'ctor& an+ pre-&ervice teacher&
for the %eacher @evelopment $rogram
Nort" Mes34ite 5i#" Sc"oo& 6 Bi# B&4e Ban* +0!!7 6 8resent' pro3ecte+ 'ntil "05,
Serve+ &ince ""9 a& 6an+ 2haperone to help facilitate ban+ f'nction& of ""A &t'+ent& for
football game&. ban+ competition&
Bea+ the f'n+rai&ing effort& of >%he Stallion %ailgate? party for the ann'al ,e&7'ite/Corth
,e&7'ite football game a& well a& the Do+le& of Coo+le& &pring f'n+rai&er
6oth event& rai&e+ E=F per event.
Toastmasters 9 /""9 to pre&ent1
An organiGation that foc'&e& on a+'lt e+'cation of &peech +evelopment an+ lea+er&hip
+evelopment. %he metho+& 'tiliGe+ in toa&tma&ter& re&emble what can help yo'ng &t'+ent& to
learn a& it i& fo'n+e+ on an e(periential an+ collaborative environment for per&onal growth an+
Serve+ a& cl'b officer for %oa&tma&ter& &peech an+ lea+er&hip cl'b.
2ompleting a year of &ervice a& a +i&trict lea+er /Area :overnor1&erving ! cl'b& locate+ in
&o'th @alla& an+ @e&oto
Texas Instr4ments thro'gh manage+ &ervice of Tec"no&o#% Ser$ice Professiona&s'
0!!0 6 C4rrent
S%stems Ana&%st
o 4e&pon&ible for the &y&tem&. tool& an+ proce&&e& that are '&e+ by *nformation
%echnology :ro'p
o @evelop web page& an+ maintain tool& +eploye+ via web page& that trac- tic-et vol'me
for an operational view of the Belp @e&- a& well a& many other &'pport gro'p& in
*nformation %echnology Service&.
o A9ar*e* Em8&o%ee of t"e :4arter :0 0!!7
S%stems Ana&%st 6 Centra& 5e&8 Des;
o %eam ;ea+ re&pon&ible for the +aily operation& of the help +e&-
o A'thore+ many web ba&e+ tool& to trac- the &che+'le& for the team. manage the flow
of wor- re7'e&t& a& well a& implemente+ &imilar web page& for other &'pport gro'p&
within *% Dperation&.
o A&&i&te+ with the implementation of a -nowle+ge ba&e foc'&e+ on Fnowle+ge
2entere+ S'pport. %hi& metho+ology wa& a+opte+ by the 2entral Belp @e&- a& a
mean& to capt're -nowle+ge a& a by-pro+'ct of &'pporting the c'&tomer.
5e&8 Des; Ana&%st
o %op $erformer on the phone& ta-ing ="-=# call& each +ay.
o Awar+e+ Ana&%st of t"e Mont" A'g'&t ""
)e8ortin# < 5e&8 Des; Ana&%st 6 S8&it time
=no9&e*#e Base Coor*inator < )e8ortin#
Team >ea*
Citi?ens Comm4nications' P&ano' T- Oct 177/ 6 Dec 0!!1
Belp @e&-. S'pervi&or >ea*er for t"e PC 8"one s488ort team
Netcom' Da&&as' T- Ma% 177@ 6 Oct 177/
Stream Internationa&' Da&&as' T- J4&% 1774 6 Ma% 177@
Unite* States Na$% Mar 1771 6 A8r 1774 --- A$iation E&ectricians Mate (

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