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Section I: Cover Page

Teacher name: Nicole Lopez

Unit Title: Welcome to the Freak Show: The Narrative, Ethical, and Biological Implications of Altering Essence
Unit Objectives: Stdents will have an nderstanding of the !enefits and conse"ences of the hman drive to maniplate the
environment, other organisms, and even themselves to flfill their needs to improve their lives# Stdents will !e a!le to e$plain the
!enefits and conse"ences of these alterations sing e$amples taken from art, literatre, television and movies, scientific maga%ines and
e$periments, as well as e$amples from their own lives#
Content Standards Addressed
Language Arts 9
W#&'()#(Write argments to spport claims in an anal*sis of s!stantive topics or te$ts, sing valid reasoning and relevant and sfficient
W#&'()#+ ,se technolog*, inclding the Internet, to prodce, p!lish, and pdate individal or shared writing prodcts, taking advantage
of technolog*-s capacit* to link to other information and to displa* information fle$i!l* and d*namicall*#
./#&'()#0 1etermine a theme or central idea of a te$t and anal*%e in detail its development over the corse of the te$t, inclding how it
emerges and is shaped and refined !* specific details2 provide an o!3ective smmar* of the te$t#
./#&'()#4 Anal*%e the representation of a s!3ect or a ke* scene in two different artistic medims, inclding what is emphasi%ed or
a!sent in each treatment#
S/#&'()#+ 5ake strategic se of digital media in presentations to enhance nderstanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add
6enetics 7c: Stdents know how mtations in the 1NA se"ence of a gene ma* or ma* not affect the e$pression of the gene or the
se"ence of amino acids in an encoded#
6enetics 8c: Stdents know how genetic engineering 9!iotechnolog*: is sed to prodce novel !iomedical and agricltral prodcts#
Visual and Performing Arts
(#) Stdents perceive and respond to works of art, events, and the environment#
(#; .esearch and anal*%e the work of an artist#
;#7 1iscss the prposes of art in selected contemporar* cltres#
7#( Articlate how personal !eliefs, crrent social, economic, and political conte$ts inflence the interpretation of the meaning in a work
of art#
Technology Standards Addressed
(# Stdents demonstrate creative thinking, constrct knowledge, and develop innovative prodcts and processes sing technolog*#
0# Stdents se digital media and environments to commnicate and work colla!orativel*, inclding at a distance, to spport individal
learning and contri!te to the learning of others#
;# Stdents appl* digital tools to gather, evalate, and se information#
7# Stdents se critical thinking skills to plan and condct research, manage pro3ects, solve pro!lems, and make informed decisions sing
appropriate digital tools and resorces#
+# Stdents demonstrate a sond nderstanding of technolog* concepts, s*stems, and operations#
h! this s"bject#
<man !eings !* natre seem to want things to !e other than the* are, either for financial, personal or other gain# We maniplate or
own appearance, the environment and other organisms to flfill or needs# <owever, there are conse"ences to maniplating the essence
of things# We allow others to determine or vale and !* doing so, we lose or individal worth# Also, we remove orselves from the
natral world giving orselves the power to rle all, while creating a false perception of !eing naffected !* natre# I want stdents to
evalate the relative perception of what "alities are desira!le or ndesira!le, and wh*#
Unit S"mmar!:
This nit will introdce stdent to the vision of the school while addressing elements of !eing a Stdent=>iti%en=Artist# Throgh this
lesson stdents will learn inheritance of traits, 1NA strctre and fnction, and the a!ilit* to alter the genetic strctre of organisms#
?isal art sch as paintings and illstrations will !e anal*%ed to learn how artists sed the principals and elements of art and design to
e$press their political or social view# ,sing novels, movies, and other media to learn anal*sis of the narrative and how to develop a
persasive argment# Stdents will learn the ethical implications !oth positive and negative of genetic maniplation and come to a
personal conclsion a!ot the things the* vale most a!ot themselves and how the* will nrtre these things dring their time at
ArTES# The nit encorages stdents to developing their athentic voice, academicall* and artisticall*, while facilitating and developing
a self'awareness and vale of individalit* in themselves and others#
Section II: $eetings %ith e&perts ' people *o know who displa* traits of each 5I# @lease se this ta!le to docment reflections from
*or meetings with people *o have chosen to help *o in completing each 5I row of the grid !elow#
@lease note: *o will need to create a list of "estions to ask each person#
E$amples inclde 9a: what do *o en3o* doingA, 9!: how do *o learn !estA, 9c: where do *o like to std*A, 9c: if *o cold learn
something new this month, what wold it !e and how wold *o learn itA 9d: other giding "estions to get to know *or intervieweeB#
Name of
.eflection C wh* I chose this
What I learned a!ot this
Anthon* Anthon* is m* nephew# <e is
going to college now and never
seems to std*# <e seems to
remem!er ever*thing said to
him in lectres !ecase he will
talk a!ot all of this stff the
professor said withot looking
at notes# <e nearl* repeats
things ver!atim# <e seems to
learn things from his class
withot ever opening the !ook
p# <e learned how to pla* the
klele last smmer !*
listening to someone e$plain it
on the Internet#
@eople with this strength of
intelligence can learn throgh
lectre and ver!al commnication#
Anthon* stated that he learns
throgh lectres and
commnicating with the teacher#
<e likes to std* while watching
T? or listening to msic# <e
states that he needs to listen to
something while he stdies so he
doesn-t get overwhelmed with the
information# <e wants to learn
how to clean the engine of his car
and wold like to learn this
throgh lectre# Some strategies
to teach these stdents in the
classroom wold !e to ver!all* tell
them information# The* don-t
necessaril* need to take notes on
the lectre and sall* engage with
the teacher ver!all*# Dther
strategies wold !e to have these
stdents give oral presentations,
work in grops, and interact with
peers a!ot the assignment#
Another strateg* wold !e to give
them apps and we!sites where
some!od* is talking in a video or
e$plaining something throgh a
Sarah I chose Sarah !ecase she is a
stdent in m* Special 1a*
@rogram who is ver* social,
likes to talk, likes to help
others, discsses things with
me, and seems to en3o* the
people arond her#
Sarah told me that she likes to sing
and dance# She learns !est when
something is descri!ed to her in a
step'!*'step process# She thrives
on working on pro3ects and is
constantl* asking if she can work
on the pro3ect with someone else#
She seldom sits alone# She has to
have someone ne$t to her when
she works# When I work one'on'
one with her, or in a small grop,
it-s hard to keep her focsed
!ecase she wants to talk a!ot
ever*thing# I-ve learned that this
is a ver* social, active, talkative
intelligence, where the person
needs interaction with others to
learn !est and sta* focsed# Dne
of the strategies I se for Sarah is
to incorporate a lot of grop work
or partner work# I also ask her to
help other stdents when she has
finished her work# Sarah likes to
talk throgh her soltions and
pro!lems, so another thing I do is
allow her to talk a!ot her work
and discss her work with m* aide,
a partner, or me#
Steve I chose m* dad !ecase he has
alwa*s fascinated me with his
desire to learn# <e has never
wanted a 3o! where he has to
F3st sit there#G <e !ecame a
fireman, had to retire earl*
!ecase of in3ries, !ecame a
pool man, and now is a high
school foot!all coach#
5* dad learns !est from doing
things hands'on# <e needs to !e
active while learning# <e likes to
std* with msic, !t sometimes is
fine when it is "iet# <e loves all
activities, !eing otside, and likes
to learn things that have a lot of
motion involved# If he cold learn
something new he wold want to
learn a foreign langage, !t want
to learn it from !eing immersed in
the cltre and commnicating
with people# Dne strateg* I wold
se for kinesthetic learners is to
allow them to move arond the
classroom# I sall* allow
stdents to move a!ot the room
and sometimes, if the* are ver*
kinesthetic, let them stand and do
their work# I give them hands'on
activities, and make sre that the
activities are !roken apart so that
the* are not stck in one place
doing an assignment#
Hose Hose is a stdent in m*
classroom who is ver* "iet#
<e does all of his work, works
on homework from other
classes when he-s not doing m*
work, and cares a!ot his
grades# It is ver* difficlt for
me to get him involved with the
class discssions
Hose stated that he learns !est !*
practicing or doing things more
than once# <e likes to std* in his
room while listening to msic# <e
wants to learn graphic design
!ecase this is an area he wants to
std* now and in the ftre# Some
strategies that cold !e sed for an
intrapersonal intelligence is to give
the stdent time to reflect on what
is !eing taght# Dnce a lesson is
taght, this t*pe of stdent will
want to take the work home and
look at it on his own time and tr*
to figre it ot !* him or herself
first# Another strateg* wold !e to
let this stdent work !* themselves
at times# The* might !e the ones
who work on the take'home part of
the pro3ect, so that the* can reflect
what was !eing said when the*
were with the grop#
Hosh Hosh is a co'worker who is ver*
in tne with natre and figring
ot the soltion to a lot of isses
and pro!lems at work# <e is a
great idea man, who comes p
with soltions that are sall*
otside of the !o$# When we
are !rainstorming as a team, he
will !e the one with the most
possi!le soltions, and sall*
can see soltions from man*
different angles#
A natralist is one who seems to
!e a!le to pro!lem solve and think
in wa*s that se all of the
resorces# Hosh will sall* take a
pro!lem and see ever* avene that
cold !e taken to solve it, pt
those soltions together to create a
novel soltion that is !e*ond what
most people wold come p with#
<e is ver* resorcefl with his
ideas# A natralist seems to see
the !ig pictre and knows the steps
to getting to the !ig pictre# In the
classroom some strategies that
wold work for this t*pe of
intelligence wold !e to allow this
person to !e the one who knows
how to figre something ot that
seems impossi!le for the rest of
the class# It is important to allow
this t*pe of thinker to approach
pro!lems in wa*s that are not
traditional# <ands'on activities
that are done otside or with the
natral environment wold !e
good t*pes of lessons for the
natralist# ,sing the environment
otside of the classroom and
showing them how ever*thing
taght connects to the Ireal world-
is another strateg* I wold se#
>hristine I chose >hristine !ecase
whenever I tr* to e$plain
something to her, she asks if she
can see it# She wants to see a
diagram or have me draw it ot#
She likes to see something
while it-s !eing e$plained and it
needs to !e ver* organi%ed#
>hristine learns !* seeing
someone do something, step'!*'
step, e$plaining each step, and
then doing it herself immediatel*
after seeing it done# She likes to
std* in a clean and tid* place,
with a lot of !right light# Dne of
the new things she wants to learn
is how to !ild a we! page# She
definitel* needs to visali%e things
when she is told a stor* or is given
a description of something# Some
strategies I wold se for the
visal learner wold !e to make
sre the* alwa*s have a visal
representation of whatever
assignment the* are working on#
E$amples of the final prodct, a
chart otlining the steps of the
assignment, pictres to look at
dring the assignment, and a final
prodct that allows them to se
visals to show their
nderstanding# I wold allow
these stdents to do video or
@ower@oint presentations for their
work# I wold also allow them to
draw pictres, diagrams or charts
to represent their answers rather
than writing things down in
paragraph form# For writing
assignments, I wold make sre
the* were given graphic organi%er
for prewriting#
>ind* I chose m* mom !ecase she
has alwa*s !een good with
math and nm!ers# She-s also
good at remem!ering songs and
poems, especiall* nrser*
rh*mes# She loves to sing
sentences to m* !a!* and
toddler# She will make a song
p for getting them into the
!ath, or ptting their shoes on#
She is a teacher and math is her
favorite s!3ect to teach# She
likes to sit down and work ot
finances and !dgeting#
@eople with this strength seem to
!e ver* task'oriented, who like to
stick with a method# This strength
almost seems to have a difficlt
time changing their patterns of
doing things# She likes things neat
and tid* and arranged in certain
wa*s# She-s ver* good at
designing rooms and arranging
frnitre so that it is aestheticall*
pleasing and fits perfectl*# She
states that she learns !est !* doing
and seeing things# She has alwa*s
!een interested in .eal Estate and
selling hoses, mainl* !ecase she
likes the different patterns and
st*les of hoses# This t*pe of
intelligence needs a lot of patterns,
!eats, and rh*thm when learning
something new# In the classroom,
I wold pt something to a song,
or repeat something over and over
in a rh*thmic method# If it were a
s!3ect like histor*, I wold have
them research varios t*pes of
msic dring that time period#
Emil* Emil* is a stdent in m* Special
1a* class# I chose her !ecase
she has ver* technical,
s*stematic wa*s a!ot her# She
is ver* organi%ed and calclated
in her movements and needs all
of her materials in order# She
also catches on to math prett*
Emil* likes !asket!all and karate#
When I interviewed Emil* she
wanted to make sre she had the
correct answer, or what seemed to
!e the correct answer# Even
thogh the "estions were personal
and didn-t reall* have a right or a
wrong answer, she seemed to tr* to
see if I reacted in a wa* that wold
make her want to change the
answer to the Icorrect- one# Emil*
wants to learn how to speak
Spanish# The logical intelligence
seems to want things to !e perfect
when developing pro3ects or
solving pro!lems# Emil* is
constantl* asking if her work is
correct# When she works on
pro3ects on the compter, she
follows the e$act format that is
given to her and doesn-t reall* take
the li!ert* to !e creative# Dne
strateg* for logical intelligences
wold !e to give them information
and r!rics that otline e$actl*
what the assignment is asking for#
Another strateg* wold !e to give
them otlined ta!les, graphs, and
organi%ers that allow them to see
their progress, and check off what
the* have completed# Emil* loves
to keep a chart of all of her
assignments and have me check
them off as she does them#
Finall*, logical intelligences like a
step'!*'step approach, and like to
follow this approach when solving
Section III: (loom ) *ardner *rid: add activities +or di++erent $Is along the (loom,s contin""m- Incorporate technolog! in %a!s
that enhance learning- Please color'code this grid- P"t (loom,s ta&onom! terms in green. technolog! terms in red. and $Is in
.emem!er ,nderstand Appl* Anal*%e Evalate >reate
@retend *o are a
movie critic and
write a !log on
Blog 1ocs
smmari%ing and
writing a criti"e
of the movie
Write in Notes on
i@ad# Think, pair,
share a list of what
*o think makes a
stdent, citi%en
and artist
Stdents will
interview other
stdents arond the
school with a video
camera interviewing
them a!ot how the*
feel a!ot genetic
Stdents will
e$amine the
interviews and
develop a short
newsreel from their
interviews sing
i5ovie and report
to the class their
Stdents will
evalate who
the* are in
the world
and their
discss it
with a
partner and
write a !log
together on
how it is to
!e a teenager
and what
"alities are
desira!le and
Stdents will create a @odcast for their
piece of art, discssing how the piece
of art shows genetic maniplation and
the effect on the environment !ecase
of genetic engineering#
In grops,
stdents will se
1ictionar* search
and develop a
@owerpoint, sing
definitions and
pictres of the
voca!lar* words
in each slide#
Form 7'8 grops
in the class# As a
grop, go to the
!egin=traits= and
view the
slideshow, FWhat
is <eredit*AG
Identif* the main
points, choose a
Stdents will form
grops and take on
the role of the
prodcer, director,
actor=actress, and
writer of the movie,
6attaca# The* will
pick one person for
each role, create
"estions as a grop,
and interview the
person# The* will
In grops, stdents
e$amine wh*
transgenic species
are created !*
researching on the
Internet and de!ate
the pros and cons
of creating sch a
In pairs,
stdents will
se the
Internet to
research and
select two
e$amples of
!eing sed
toda* and
Stdents will design a srve* sing
6oogle docs with "estions that cover
the reasons wh* there is a hman
drive to maniplate the environment#
speaker from *or
grop, and each
grop will share
one thing the* saw
from the slideshow
with the class
9each thing has to
!e different from
the other grops#:
create a !ehind the
scenes interview
session and record it
with a video camera
to !e sed as an
Ie$tras- for the
what genes
might have
in order to
create the
new t*pe of
animal, or
Stdents will
walk arond the
class and find two
different stdents
that the* want to
!e Iparents,- and
take a digital
pictre of them#
The* will identif*
their different
traits 9hair color,
e*e color, etc#:
and create a
@nnett S"are to
determine with
traits the
offspring will
have# The* will
se the app
FaceFsion to
!ring together the
two people#
Stdents will
create a model
template strand of
1NA and se !ase
pairing rles and
the process of
replication to
create a
model strand#
The* will film this
process, e$plain
what is happening
throgh voiceover,
and edit the film to
create an animated
version of the
Stdents create a
model of a 1NA
strctre, take
digital pictres of it
and displa* them on
the class we!site#
In grops, stdents
will create a model
template strand of
1NA to show the
processes of
transcription and
reslting in an
m.NA and amino
acid se"ence#
The* will take a
pictre with a
digital camera of
their process and
models and displa*
them# Stdents will
do a 6aller* Walk
to see the other
grops models#
Stdents will
do a 6aller*
Walk and
evalate the
art pieces for
each artist
Stdents will create an interpretive
dance or dramati%ation e$plaining or
showing how genes from organisms
can !e e$tracted from one organism
and inserted into the genetic code of
another organism# This activit* will
!e filmed and displa*ed for comment
on the we!site#
Stdents will se
the app 6ene
Screen and
"estions and
write the answers
given throgh
Stdents will
identif* artists that
se the concepts of
Engineering in
their art pieces to
show their
political view on
the Internet and
e$plain what the*
think the political
view is of the artist
in a adio
podcast,with the
pictre on the
.ead e'!ook
F1o!le <eli$G and
constrct a dialectic
3ornal in Word,
responding to how
*o feel a!ot the
passage *o chose#
Stdents will listen
to the podcasts of
the stdents
descri!ing the
artists- political
view and make a
chart comparing the
different political
Stdents will
3stif* the
posters, and
evalate the
of creating
them, and
write a
editorial of
their opinion
of the
of political
posters sing
a word
Stdents will design a political poster
sing Word 1ocment templates or
@hotoshop, e$pressing their views on
6enetic Engineering#
Stdents will
research sing the
Internet and
create a list the
effects of genetic
engineering in the
9food, people,
science research,
Watch the movie
FFed ,pG and
smmari%e the
movie on a
graphic organi%er
on Inspiration
5aps /ite App on
the i@ad
>onstrct a list
sing Evernote, of
different plant and
animal species that
have !een
engineered to
accommodate for
or world,
specificall* in the
prodction of food#
>ategori%e the
srvival techni"es
sed !* the
characters in the
movie 6attaca and
the novel F1o!le
<eli$#G 1ispla*
*or findings on an
Stdents will
compile a
log of ()
t*pes of
what the
effects will
!e on the
world in the
Stdents will create a h*pothetical
world where genetic engineering of
plants=animals=people are allowed and
develop a movie trailer for a movie
that portra*s this t*pe of world,
inclding the positives and negatives
of this world#
creating a
ta!le in word
6o on the
Internet and
choose a work of
art from the artist
Ale$is .ockman,
send pic of art
and e$planation
wh* *o chose it
throgh Edmodo#
Stdents will
develop a
@ower@oint which
incldes images,
descri!ing the
histor* !ehind
political posters#
Stdents will
develop stor*
!oards, condct
videos=images and
create mini video
docmentaries on
the theme of genetic
engineering and
Stdents will draw,
sing a graphic
design program, a
engineered sper
hman, e$amining
the needs and wants
hman !eing have
toda* 9!eat*,
intelligence, etc#:
Stdents will
watch the
es and video'
tape two
ies of the
Take pictres of the environment
arond the school with a digital
camera and se @hotoshop to create
*or own piece of art that is similar to
Ale$is .ockman-s art#
Stdents will
descri!e the
process of genetic
maniplation !*
writing a rh*ming
poem in a word
Stdents will listen
to different songs
that discss
changing the !od*,
changing *or
image, etc# and
create a discssion
and participate in a
comparing the
l*rics in Edmodo
>ontrct l*rics to a
song on Word a!ot
how *o feel a!ot
genetic engineering,
or what the world
wold !e if ever*
person were
Stdents will
anal*%e a variet* of
9appropriate: msic
videos pro3ected
onto the screen,
that relate to !od*
image, and evalate
how images in
msic videos might
affect or overall
image of what traits
are desira!le or
create a
msic video
sing i5ovie
of single
words and
images that
e$press their
a!ot genetic
!od* image,
and the
hman drive
>ompose a song on 6arage!and with
l*rics that portra*s the attitdes of or
societ* on image and the effects of
or desire to maniplate orselves to
!e the I!est#-
Stdents will se
the app 6ene
Screen and
recogni%e the
applica!le variet*
prodced in a
@nnett S"are#
# Stdents will
map the process of
transcription and
translation sing
diagrams from
Inspiration ot
Stdents will
evalate the srve*s
given from 6oogle
1ocs and se E$cel
to create data,
graphs and charts
representing the
answers to the
interview "estions#
Stdents will
develop a mind
map from
Software to
compare works
9short stories,
novels, art pieces,
and msic: that
e$presses the
niversal theme of
Stdents will
what t*pes of
will happen
8) *ears
from now
de to
climate, and
the want to
live longer
and !e
stronger, and
show these
changes with
a !ar graph
or line graph
on a
Stdents will show and displa* the
process of genetic maniplation as it
pertains to the creation of a sper
hman# The* will show their process
throgh charts, graphs, @nnett
s"ares, 1NA strands, etc# sing a
variet* of compter software
9electronic spreadsheets, word
processing software, etc#: of how the*
created their sperhman# The* will
create a @ower@oint showing how
their sperhman was geneticall*

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