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Name: Shauna Werner


For this assignment you are going to choose 3 fast food restaurants that you will
create a meal plan for 1 day.
For each meal listed below (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), choose a different Fast Food
restaurant for your meal. You should use 3 different restaurants!
Log on to the Internet and go to

1. What is your restaurant choice for your Breakfast: McDonalds

Main Course Calories Fat Sodium
egg mcmuffin 300 12 g 820 mg

Beverage Calories Fat Sodium
blueberry pomegranate
220 0 g 40 mg

2. Add up the following nutritional information for your breakfast:
Total Calories: 520
Total Fat: 12 g
Total Sodium: 860 mg


3. What is your restaurant choice for your lunch: Burger King

Main Course Calories Fat Sodium
medium fries 410 18 g 570 mg
caesar salad 220 20 g 540 mg

Beverage Calories Fat Sodium
sweet tea 120 0 g 0 mg

4. Add up the following nutrition information for your lunch:
Total Calories: 750
Total Fat: 38 g
Total Sodium: 1110 mg


5. What is your restaurant choice for your dinner: Pizza Hut

Main Course Calories Fat Sodium
6 personal cheese pizza 590 25 g 1350 mg

Beverage Calories Fat Sodium
water 0 0 g 0 mg

6. Add up the following information for your dinner:
Total Calories: 590
Total Fat: 25 g
Total Sodium: 1350 mg

7. What were your grand totals for the day:

Main Course Calories Fat Sodium
Breakfast 520 12 g 860 mg
Lunch 750 38 g 1110 mg
Dinner 590 25 g 1350 mg
Totals 1860 75 g 3320 mg

Goal: 2,500 :)
Goal: less than 80g :)
Goal: less than 2,400mg :(

8. How did your totals compare with the Goals for the day? How many more or less
calories, fat and sodium did you consume compared to the goals? Explain.

I had 640 less calories, 5 less grams of fat, and 920 more mg of sodium. My totals
were fairly close to the goals.

9. I was surprised that

salads have so much sodium and fat.

10.I learned

fast food for every meal isnt the best option.

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