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Push - Moving objects away from you

Force - The power that helps us move things

Pull: When you apply force in the opposite direction.
isplacement: !ow much something has moved.
"inetic energy: "inetic energy is the energy an object has due to its
#$tension - when we want to stretch things out% it is called an
#nergy- our ability to wor& and what allows us to do everything' without it
we(d be doing nothing
)oules- li&e how inches is the unit for how long something is% joules is the
unit of energy
Potential #nergy- energy in an object because of its position or state
Power- measurement of how much energy is used. power* wor& divided by
Watts- standard unit of power
+ravity- the force of attraction between two objects
Force- is a push or pull e$erted ,or put- on an object
.enter of +ravity-the point on a body where all weight is e/ually balanced
around. The point where gravity seems to pull.
0ewton- 1 measurement of force on an object.
Friction is created when two opposing forces are rubbed against each other.
rag happens when one force causes a pull on the other force and brings it
in the same direction.

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