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Ihe Fricge i: c Ihree piece nec-jczz Lcnc whc

i: rcpic|y ccIching Ihe cIIenIicn cf We:Iern cucience:.
8uI ccn'I Le Icc uick Ic |cLe| Iheir mu:ic c: jczz:
Ihey prefer Ihe Ierm'urLcn :ccpe'. Ihe Lcnc fcrm:
iI: :cunc frcmIhe urLcn :pcce IhcI iI wc: ccnceivec in.
Ihe:e mu:icicn: cre ycung in cge yeI c|reccy very
experiencec in Iheir re:pecIive crcfI:. Iheir unccnvenIicnc|
cpprccch Ic Ihe iccnic genre cf jczz i: LcIh ri:ky cnc
refre:hing. Ihey pu:h Ihe enve|cpe Ly fu:ing IcgeIher jczz,
friccn fc|k cnc :cu| :cunc:.
/nc cfIer receiving cver 2000 view: fcr Iheir perfcrmcnce
cn 8c|ccny IV, Ihey've ci:ccverec cn inIerncIicnc|
fcn Lc:e whc i: cc||ing cuI fcr Ihe new c|Lum.
'Scphi:IiccIec|y ec:y' in iI: |cck cnc :cunc, Ihe Fricge hc:
few ccunIer-pcrI: cnc mcny hcve fci|ec Ic imiIcIe Ihem.
Nec - Jczz wiIh infuence: frcm:cu| cnc /friccn fc|k.
Ihe Mus|c|ons
Somke|o Ndo|ombo: Ihe bnm|stokob|y S||ky Vo|ce thot wos "8orn to S|ng "
ScmIhing ScweIc {Scmke|c) i: Ihe |ecc vccc|i:I cf Ihe Fricge cnc hci|: frcmScweIc.
When l wcke up, l :ing cnc l Ihink cLcuI Ihe Ihing: l wcnI Ic :ing cLcuI." he :cy:. Ihe
ncme ScmIhing ScweIc i: inherenI|y cerivec frcmhi: ncme ke|c cnc Ihing"
hcppen: Ic Le Ihe Ihing h"e cce: we||, which i: mu:ic. Ju:I c: Ihe Lirc: chirp, l :ing.
lI: :eccnc ncIure Ic me "
Adeboyo Omotode : Drums ond Fercuss|on
/ceLcyc /cey" CmcIcce, Ihe crummer cf Ihe Fricge,
:IcrIec p|cying Ihe crum: :eveIeen yecr: cgc cnc hc:
ever |cckec Lcck ever :ince. 8crn in Nigeric, /ce: inIere:I: |ie
furIher Ihcn ju:I ccmpc:ing mu:ic cnc p|cying Ihe crum:.
He c|:c ce:ign: c|cIhe: cnci: c re:pecIec phcIcgrcpher.
Mothus| Ihus|: 8oss Gu|tor, E|ectr|c Gu|tor ond F|ute
l |ecrn fc:I cnc hecr Ihing: IhcI cIher pecp|e cc ncI hecr"
:cy: McIhu:i Ihu:i, Ihe Lc:: guiIcri:I cf Ihe Fricge whc ce:criLe:
hi: :cunc c: gcrgcnIucn, epic cnc cc|c::c|".
McIhu:i geI: hi: mu:icc| rccI: frcmLcIh hi: pcrenI: whc cre mu:icicn:.
Ihu:i :cy: IhcI mu:icc| gene: cre ncI Ihe cn|y Ihing IhcI reuire:
cne Ic Leccme cn exce||enI mu:icicn, ycu gcIIc Le gccc cI iI
cnc c|:c |cve iI he crIicu|cIe:. Grcwing up, he |i:Ienec Ic c |cI cf hecvy
meIc | ncw hi: fcvcriIe Lcnc: inc|uce Ihe |ike: cf 8jcrk, Fccic He cc cnc
IHE FkIDGE: Iechn|co| k|der
45 M|nute Sound Check W||| 8e kequ|red
1. E|ectr|c Gu|tor
GuiIcr cmp wiIh Mic - SM57 :hcrI
X1 Jcck Ccrc
GuiIcr :Icnc
2. DrumK|t
1 X Kick crum
1 X Sncre
2 X High Icm:
1 X F|ccr Icm
1 X High-hcI
1 X Fice CymLc|
SIick: + Lru:he:
3. 8oss Gu|tor
8c:: cmp wiIh Mic - SM57 :hcrI
X1 Jcck Ccrc
GuiIcr :Icnc
4. M|crophone[s}
2 Vccc| Mic: - SM58
wiIh Mic SIcnc:
Genero|: Meo| ond dr|nk ore to be prov|ded by host.
Ieo [koo|bus Ieo} to be prov|ded |or the voco||st be|ore sound check.
1 Vegon Meo|, 1 Lomb Meo| ond Ch|cken or 8ee| Meo|.
4 8ott|es o| St||| Woter on Stoge 8e|ore Fer|ormonce.
More In|oJIo 8ook
078 22 7230
here i: c |ink Ic Iheir :cuncc|cuc hcwever l wi|| c|:c emci| ycu :cme :cng:.


NcIewcrIhy p|cce: Ihey hcve p|cyec:
Sp|c:hy Fen
/rI: /|ive Fe:I.
Mc:hiIc Mu:ic Ccnference
Ihe Lyric IhecIre
/|:c crIic|e cLcuI IhemIhcI wc: in Ihe SIcr, M&G,
ScweIcn, Sunccy Iime:, FreIcric New: cnc Ccpe /rgu: - cnc inIerncIicnc||y,
Ihcnk ycu, |cck fcrwcrc Ic hecring frcmycu.

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