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Social Enterprises

WhaL ls golng on ln your local communlLy? Look closely aL

whaL ls golng on ln your school, your suburb, LauncesLon,
1asmanla, AusLralla around Lhe world?
ls Lhere someone you know of know of you would llke Lo
lmprove Lhelr slLuaLlon, Lhelr llfe?
ls Lhere a need or someLhlng you would llke Lo lmprove,
make beLLer, do dlfferenLly and or creaLe a new
My aunLy needs Lo upgrade her wheel chalr.
Cne parL of Lhe school needs some Lender lovlng
care, as does my nelghbour's backyard.
1he communlLy park needs a new plece of
Some communlLles would Lhrlve lf Lhey had access
Lo waLer.
Product Enterprise

1asmanla ls small however Lhe world ls our audlence, Lhls ls
Lhe opporLunlLy globallsaLlon and new Lechnologles brlngs
for us. 1hlnk 8lg SLarL Small.

uo you have ldeas abouL new and lmproved producLs?
uo you have an ldea for an A?
1hrough Lhe pro[ecL you could purchase a dlglLal rouLer and
creaLe some new and unlque producLs of worLh.
1hlnk abouL all Lhe gadgeLs LhaL exlsL Loday LhaL were noL
abouL [usL flve years ago?

ken 8oblnson deflnlLlon of creaLlvlLy, 'new ldeas of worLh'
ETA Project Intra-enterprises
WhaL could you do Lo make a conLrlbuLlon Lo lmprovlng
Lhe L1A pro[ecL?
WhaL could you do Lo seL Lhe L1A pro[ecL up Lo expand
wlLh greaLer lnvolvemenL and quallLy lnLo 2013 and
WhaL resources or producLs could you creaLe Lo make Lhe
L1A pro[ecL more successful?
We have a budgeL and need a Leam Lo plan and
manage our exhlblLlon evenL Lo be held ln Lerm
1he L1A pro[ecL could be blgger and beLLer wlLh
long Lerm supporLers, parLners and sponsors.
1he L1A pro[ecL could be promoLed beLLer?
A professlonally publlshed sLarL-up pack could
generaLe funds Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe fuLure of Lhe
L1A pro[ecL.
WrlLlng and publlshlng books for dlfferenL ages
and readlng capablllLles would make Lhe pro[ecL
more engaglng and accesslble Lo sLudenLs le grade
3/6 sLudenLs. A Leam could wrlLe and publlsh, a
book, an e-book, a e-fllp book, Pow Lo be an
enLrepreneur? Pow Lo become a Local venLurer?
A promoLlonal vldeo would lnsplre and engage
more sLudenLs.
We could help more sLudenLs and sLaff Lo conslder
geLLlng lnvolved and bulld Lhe capaclLy by runnlng
a professlonal learnlng day.

Service enterprises
Pow could Lhe llves of oLhers be lmproved lf a new and or
dlfferenL servlce was ln place?
1he number of older people ln our communlLy ls geLLlng
greaLer, people are llvlng longer, whaL servlces wlll Lhey
need more of or new servlces could creaLed for Lhem?
1here are buslnesses ln LauncesLon LhaL would be more
successful wlLh beLLer use of new Lechnologles. WhaL
servlce could young people provlde Lo Lhem?
Event enterprises
ls Lhere an lssue LhaL you could ralse awareness for
Lhrough and evenL?

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