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Shiro Yoshido
F) Excellent (20)
A) Excellent (20)
S) Good (10)
E) Amazing (50)
R) Good (10)
I) Good (10)
P) Good (10)
Health: 100 Karma: 30
Resources: RM (30)
Popularity: 5/25 in Japan
Known Powers:
Plasma Generation: Unearthly (100) Force and Monstrous (75) Heat
and Light. He can increase his damage by +1cs, but must make an
Endurance FEAT to remain conscious.
Plasma Bolts: Generate a bolt of plasma which inflicts either Unearthly physical or Monstrous heat or radiation
Flight: Fly at Excellent (20) airspeed
Psi-screen: Plasma Emanation: Sunfire can generate plasma temperatures which match those that can be
generated by the Human Torch, reaching about 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit at maximum level. He can also use
his power in a massive blast similar to Johnny Storm's "Nova Burst". However, Shiro has much more control over
the area of effect, enough to where one person may feel like they have been sunbathing all day to total incineration
of another target doing Shift-Z (500) damage to the targets he selects up to 50 areas away. He must make an
endurance feat afterwards or be knocked unconscious for 1-10 rounds.
Energy Sheath: Amazing (50) protection vs. Energy attacks, Good protection
vs. Physical attacks.
Heat Signature Sense: He has the ability to sense beings by the heat signature
that they give off with Amazing (50) ability.
Plasma Shield: He has the ability to manipulate the plasma around him to form
an aura that can melt incoming bullets or stave off other attacks up to Incredible
(40) rank.
Solar Shielding Psi-field: He is protected from the heat and radiation he emits
by a short-range psionic force field which automatically comes into being
whenever there is air friction, and also prevents excessive amounts of light from
the plasma from reaching his eyes so as to blind or damage them. Sunfire's
body emits a protective field whenever he uses his powers. However, it is
speculated that he can generate power in excess of his natural protection. Using
his plasma generation Sunfire can generate Remarkable (30) vs. mental attacks,
dominations and probes.
Bio-Oxygen Generation': When Sunfire was transformed into the Horseman
of Famine, he was given the ability to produce oxygen, allowing him to maintain his flames and breathe in areas
lacking oxygen, like deep space with Unearthly (100) ability.
Equipment: Costume: Excellent Protection from physical and Energy attacks.
Amplification Suit: Remarkable (30) protection vs. Physical and Energy attacks. Sunfires amplification suit helps
him with his powers via flight stabilizers and solar panels that increase his powers by +1Cl to his Fire and Heat
based attacks as well as +3 Cl. to his flight and control in air.
Talents: Martial Arts A, B, Katana, Shurikens and other traditional Japanese weapons, bilingual (English, Japanese)
Contacts: X-Men, Yoshida clan, Avengers.

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