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Should homework be banned or not

I agree with homework should not be banned. Its really important to students study. Homework
can make students study better, understand the new knowledges easier, spend time on it stdents
will get more informations that not show on the classes. School can make homework more
interesting for students. Homework is part of study, without homework, students learning
efficiency will decrease, and it will affect students future. So, homework is necessary, it should
not be banned.
First, two hours or more homework is related to better results. Students spent time on
homework can make benefits for their own. According to study published by department for
education. he benefits to spent time on homework will show e!eryone that it cause the better
results than students who dont spend time on homework. "am Sammons, a professor of education
at #$ford %ni!ersity, said that time sent on homework reflected the influence of the school&&&
whether students wanted to do homework, the best thing is students en'oys their sub'ects.
Second, make students en'oyed school. When students get better results or done really well on
their sub'ects, they can feel supported by teachers, and feel successful, then they will be interested
in school. When students found out that do homeworks and spent time on homework can let them
get better results on tests, done assignments easier, better. And they will en'oyed homeworks,
started spend more and more time on homework, and make students en'oyed school, by
(epartment for )ducation. Sammons said,*School could ensure children had a better e$perience
by impro!ing the +beha!ioral climate*, making schoolwork interesting and making children feel
supported by teachers.*

hird, parents can effect students. he research shows that Working&class parents can help their
children succeed +against the odds* by ha!ing high aspirations for them. So those students should
work harder, and do not let their parents aspirations down. Another research shows children who
did well from disad!antaged backgrounds were backed by parents who !alued learning and
encouraged e$tra&curricular acti!ities. So if students want to do well in school, should ha!e a good
!alue learning and 'oining e$tra&curricular acti!ities can ha!e better results in school. So impro!e
your !alue learning and go to acti!ities can impro!e your study. +"arentss role model will also
effect students study,* the research says. For students, parents is !ery important, if students
parents are really good, they like to study, then that student will also like to study. If students
parent dont care of their son, or they are not good, so that students might dont want to study, and
hate school.

As conclusion, homework is !ery important to students, spent more time, or be interested in
homework also can make you get better result.

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