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True Invulnerability: Amazing (50) resistance to Physical, Energy, Heat, Cold, Toxins and Disease

Flight: Zarda can Fly Excellent (20) to Unearthly (100) airspeeds in the atmosphere.
Hyper Speed: Monstrous (75) speed, Zarda possesses hyper-speed. She may perform the following power
Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3
additional combat actions per round.
Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
Substitute for Intuition for initiative.
Energy Vision: Amazing (50) Energy damage, 10 areas long.
Spirit Energy Transfer: Zarda can manipulate life energy at Unearthly (100)
intensity. She can use this to accomplish the following feats:
Energy Vampirism: Absorbs life-force of living things to keep youthful
appearance with Amazing (50) ability. This power drains up to Amazing (50) health
and the victim must make a Red Endurance FEAT vs. death by old age.
Healing: May heal up to AM (50) damage in one round by giving someone her
spiritual energy. However, this can harm or temporarily age her if done for more
than 3 rounds in one day.
Power Boost: Zarda can boost her powers by 100 points by absorbing the life
energies of others.
Self-Sustenance: Unearthly (100) ability to live in the vacuum of space indefinitely.
Equipment: Shield: Provides Unearthly (100) protection from physical and energy attacks. The shield can be
used as a blunt damage.
Axe: This Unearthly (100) Material Axe does UN (100) Edged damage.

Talents: Leadership,
Philosophy, Politics, Natural
Sciences, Weapon Specialist:
Shield, Martial Arts A, B, D
& E, & Cyttorak Wrestling

Contacts: Squadron
Supreme, Quasar, Project
Pegasus, Blue Shield.

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