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Language s

by Ginia Gowin
A hybridized approach to 7
Language Arts instruction.
I believe an integration of the visual arts
with language arts will result in meaningful
long term learning.
How the brain processes information
Processing efficiency
Expressive potential
Visual Communication
Addressing the Common Core
Sample Lessons

How the brain works
Light is converted to signals and sent to the
Signals create representations of the original
Think compressed photo/video to hard drive
Process the parts we pay attention to fairly well
What we know supplements what we see
Processing Efficiency
Not all visual stimuli are equal

Processing text takes much effort
Reading: Compare letters-word forms-to
shared memory-gauge synthesis in context

Processing images takes little effort
Image: observe visual- analyze meaning
Expressive Potential
Images allow us to explain, simplify, and
expand thinking
Improves learning and recall
45/46 studies showed images with text
improve memory and comprehension
Following directions with illustrations did
323% better than same text without

People think using pictures.
Children can look and recognize images before they can speak.
Words, concepts, and ideas have to be tied to an image to be
Words are processed in short-term memory, retains approximately 7
bits of information (hence, 7-digit phone numbers)
Images go directly to long-term memory (hence, etched in the brain)

Visual Communication
Common Core State Standards
Evaluate, analyze, and articulate thinking
Images first
Transfer to text
Improves deep thinking and processing skills
Reading Lesson:
Using Art to Understand Stories

Before Reading:
Show the following art and ask, What is special about bones? Explain
A Close reading lesson using the book Bones,
written and illustrated by Steve Jenkins
During Reading:
What does this
bone do?
How do you know?
Are human arms
and animal arms
more alike or
different? Explain.
How are these
foot bones the
same? Diff?
What do the
size & shape of
a bone tell
What is special
about neck
bones? Why?
What is
important about
a skull? Why?
How are
these skulls
alike? Diff.?
How does your
skeleton assist
the way you live?
Reading Lesson:
Using Art to Understand Stories
After Reading:
Show the following art and ask, Why arent all skeletons the same? Explain

Vocabulary Lesson:
Images for Teaching Words
symmetrical: both sides look exactly the same

1. The stained glass window was a symmetrical design of different shapes.
2. The pear was so perfect it was almost symmetrical.
3. She told the stylist she didnt want a symmetrical haircut.
*Sentences and images are arranged from most concrete to most abstract.
The last image is the opposite of symmetrical, or non-symmetrical.
Practice Tests: Art as Text for Test Prep

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