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List the roles in Comic Book Production? ________________________

What are the parts of a comic book? ___________________________

What does planning a comic strip consist of? _____________________

What elements of art and principles of design are used in making comics?


Angles in comic illustrations means:____________________________

A gutter in comic terminology means: __________________________

The basic component of a single comic image is a _________________

The border refers to:______________________________________
Comic Strip
RAFT Assignment

Unit/Theme: __________________________________ Language/Level: _______________________________

Role Audience Format Topic

Student Profile
First & Last Name
The name I go by is...
My Birthday is...
And I'm in Grade...
Three adjectives that describe me
are. ..
My favorite school subject is...
The books I like to read are..
My favorite kind of music is...
My favorite movie(s) is/are..
My favorite sport to playlwatch is...
Favorite Snack/ Food I enjoy is..
My favorite thing to do in my free time
I live in a house with...
When l'm done school I want to
become a/an...
The club(s)/sport(s) I participate in
Something you should know about me
Do you have a computer at home? lf
so. do vou have intemet access?
I learn best from teachers that..
I struggle to leam from teachers that...
Wrat I feel about the subject of Art is.. .
Something that scares me is...
Something I have done that I am proud
of is...
Something that really annoys me is...
l'm really good at...
I know a lot about..
Something that always makes me laugh
One of the most interesting things
about me is...
lL1 MCnu8lAn WL8CuLS1
lease answer quesLlons on your own sheeL of paper. See Ms. Allen lf you need paper Loday. lollow all
dlrecLlons exacLly as Lhey are wrlLLen and you wlll have no problem compleLlng Lhe webquesL.
ConLrol/cllck on Lhe llnk: !"#$ &'()*"+(
1. Where was Mondrlan born?
2. ln whaL clLy dld Mondrlan dle?
3. Pow many of Mondrlan!s "ma[or works# are hlghllghLed on Lhls webslLe?
4. WhaL are Lhe Lwo museums llsLed where one can go Lo see Mondrlan!s arLwork?
3. Pow many books dld Mondrlan wrlLe?
6. llll ln Lhe blanks: lrom Lhe S?nCSlS, label as 6a, 6b, 6c

Mondrlan sLrlcLly llmlLed hls ____________paleLLe Lo black, whlLe, and Lhe
Lhree_____________ _____________: red, yellow, and blue. Mondrlan's use of
______________________balance and a slmpllfled plcLorlal vocabulary were cruclal ln
Lhe developmenL of modern arL. Pls lconlc absLracL works remaln lnfluenLlal ln deslgn
and famlllar ln popular culLure.

7. WhaL do you Lhlnk Mondrlan means by Lhe followlng quoLe?

"1he emoLlon of beauLy ls always obscured by Lhe appearance of Lhe ob[ecL. 1herefore,
Lhe ob[ecL musL be ellmlnaLed from Lhe plcLure."

ConLrol/cllck on Lhe llnk and sLay on Lhls slLe for Lhe remalnder of class: &'()*",+$

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