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Term Definition Magnitude an indication of the strength of the relationship between two variables scatterpot A figure that graphically represents the relationship between two variables, The false assumption that a correlation indicates a causal relationship Causality between the two variables. Directionalty The mistaken inference made with respect to the direction of a causal relationship between two variables third variable problem _ Re Problem of a correlation between two variables being dependent on another (third) variable A correlational technique that involves measuring three variables and partial correlation then statistically removing the effect of the third variable from the correlation of the remaining two variables restrictive range A variable that is truncated and has limited variability ‘Arguing that a well-established statistical tren is invalid because we know Person-who argument “a person who" went against the trend Pearson product. The most commonly used correlation coefficient when both ee Or ition _ Variables are measured on an interval or ratio scale. As a costfcient (Pearson's general rule of thumb when calculating a correlation coefficient, Hi we should have at least 10 particicpants per variable. Forumula r= (2 Zx*Zy) +N Coefficient of ‘A measure of the proportion of the variance in one variale that is petonrnaten'(2) Becounted by another variable; calculated by squaring the correlation coefficient, Spearman's Rank- The correlation coefficient used when one (or more) ofthe variables is osthclent measured on an ordinal (ranking) scale Pointbiserial THe correlation coefficent used when on of the variables is measured on Cor eer nt 2 dischotomous nominal scale, and hte other is measured on an interval or ratio scale. Phi coefficient The correlation coefficient used when both measured variables are dichotomous and nominal. ‘A procedure that allows us to predict an individual's score on one Regression analysis, ‘9 ys variable based on knowing one or more other varaibles. Term Regression line multiple regression analysis Definition The best-fitting straight line drawn through the center of a scatterplot that indicates the relationship between varaibles. Formule = Y' = bX + a_ where Y' = predicted value on the y variable, b = slope of the line, X = individual score on x variable, a = y intercept. To get b; b = r* (ay + ox) where o is standard deviation. To get a; a = Ava of Y - b *(ava of x) Multiple regression anaysis involves combining several predictor variables in a single regression analysis. Helps to assess the effects of multiple predictor varaibles on the dependent measure.

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