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Midpoint Evaluation Form

Last updated 24/06/2014 9:03 PM

At the midpoint of the field experience, the Student Teacher, with guidance from the Mentor Teacher, is required to
complete a formative Midpoint Self-Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to provide the Student Teacher with
an opportunity to reflect on his/her growth as a teacher.
The Midpoint Self Evaluation should:
Be thoughtful and detailed
Be complete by
the Monday of Week 5 of the APT
Be discussed with the Mentor Teacher and the University Facilitator
Include Mentor Teachers comments
Be signed by student Teacher, Mentor Teacher, and University Facilitator

Faculty of
University of
Student Teacher
Midpoint Self-Evaluation
Student Teacher:
Jessica McIlwain

ID Number:

EDFX 425

Dates of Field Experience:
February 10, 2014 April 17, 2014

School Name & Address:
Penhold School

School Telephone:

University Facilitator:
Ken Sykes

School District:
Chinooks Edge
Subject(s) and/or Grade level(s):
Grade 5
Mentor Teacher(s):
Sheila Johnson

March 13, 2014

Signature of Mentor Teacher

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Student Teacher Signature of University Facilitator

Signatures indicate that the University Facilitator and Mentor Teacher have received and read the evaluation report.

The purpose of this Field Experience Midpoint Evaluation document is to provide evidence and communicate information
regarding Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification.
Comments reflect strengths and areas for growth in each category.

Description of the school and context of teaching:
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
School size
Special Programs
Special Needs Students in class
Class size
Number of teachers

I am completing my APT at Penhold school in a grade 5 class. The school is a relatively small grade
three to nine rural school. My class consists of 28 students, and I also teach Social Studies to a second
class of 26 grade five students. Thus far I have been teaching a novel study in Language Arts and
Social Studies. In the coming weeks I will also be teaching Math and Physical Education.

Preparation, Planning and Organization

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA C: Teachers use the Guide to Education and the programs of study to inform and direct planning, instruction and assessment.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Curriculum expectations
Content knowledge
Lesson Plans
Time management
Diverse learning needs

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

Up to this point in my practicum I have developed three unit plans - a novel study in Language Arts, a unit
on the fur trade in Social Studies and the measurement unit for Math. One lesson that I really enjoyed
was in Language Arts. I read a chapter from our novel Hatchet to the class - stopping at points to have
them draw pictures in a storyboard. By the end of the chapter the students had a six frame story board
that depicted what happened in the chapter.
I have tried to incorporate many different activities into my lessons. I have used cooperative learning
strategies. I think that these would work better if the students were more familiar with these strategies,
and I think they will get better with them the more I use them. I have also done group assignments where
I assigned roles to students. I have also had students do drawing, writing, researching and presenting. In
the coming weeks I would like to try and incorporate even more differentiated instruction into my lessons
and give students a choice between what they will do to show their knowledge.
I have found that planning for Social Studies was more difficult than planning for Language Arts and
Math; this may be because I am personally more interested in Language Arts and Math. I find that in
Social Studies it is also difficult, because I am having to really teach myself about the concepts as well, as I
am not as comfortable with the Social Studies knowledge.
I have developed detailed lesson plans for each of my lessons, and I have successfully linked them, to

curricular outcomes. I plan to print these out or put my unit plans with lesson plans into a Google site, so
that I have a permanent copy of them. With my Language Arts unit plan, I am happy with how detailed I
made it, because this is really helping me to create lesson plans I think that it paid off having put a lot of
effort into my unit plan. However, I do find that I am changing some ideas. As I get to know my class
more, I can more easily pick out activities that they will like or may not like.
A goal in this area that I would like to set for myself is to work more on closure of my lessons. I find that I
do well relating back to the last lesson, but when it comes to closure I have not done as much. I have
done an exit pass and verbal questions, but I think that I could do more. Another goal I have is to set up
some bulletin boards. I would really like to make some interactive bulletin boards so that students can
feel pride in that they are in a way helping to contribute to making their classroom, and I also think that
this will help get the students engaged.

Teaching Skills and Strategies

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies.
KSA J: Teachers use both traditional and electronic technologies to meet students learning needs.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Learning strategies
Instructional strategies
Student interest
Uses ICT
Cultural sensitivity
Lesson/unit plans
Differentiation of instruction

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

The classroom that I have been in for my first weeks has been shared with the library, and there are times
when a class is in the library, and they are quite loud. I had to learn to work around that and be flexible in
that the conditions for teaching were not ideal. This week the library has been moving, and we are all
needing to adjust. We have changed rooms for a week or so, and I think with this comes a loss of
classroom structure, and the students seem to be a bit wild. I think that I need to really emphasize the
behavior that I expect from my students. I think that I can do this by encouraging positive behavior, and
encouraging it when I see it. As well I think I need to be stricter when students are not following
directions, and I need to act on it rather than just waiting for them to change their behavior.
With our classroom situation I think that I have really gained a new perspective on flexibility. I feel like I
am pretty strong in the aspect that I teach on my toes, and I anticipate change. However this past week
especially I have really learned that you dont always have control over what is going to happen, so you
need take things as they come and learn to deal with them in the most positive way possible.
As I mentioned above, I feel like I am incorporating a variety of different learning activities into my
lessons, but I do believe I could do more and offer more choices to students. I also think that I could work
on creative redundancy and teaching students multiple times so they can get a firmer understanding
without really realizing it. I am looking forward to a few performance assessment projects I have coming
up where I have provided students with some choices and real-world tasks

While planning my Social Studies unit, I found it really helpful to first create a logical order in my head of
how I should teach the unit. I struggled with where to start, and I wanted to try and include a variety of
learning activities to engage the students, but once I had simplified the process by just thinking about
how I really wanted to teach the unit, it really fell together much better.
A goal that I have for myself in this area is to just slow down and explain things to my grade fives in a way
that they will completely understand. I think this will be increasingly important as we begin doing bigger
projects and performance assessments. I find that I sometimes explain things in a way that make sense to
me, and I just assume that the students will understand. I think this definitely improves with experience,
however as of right now to help me reach the level where I want to be I need to ask questions and really
check for understanding in math I may try to incorporate a signal, such as using green, yellow and red
cups on the students desks to signal to me how well they are understanding the new concepts.


KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA J: Teachers know how to use and how to engage students in using traditional and electronic technologies to present and deliver content,
communicate effectively with others.
KSA L: Teachers know how to develop and implement strategies that create and enhance teacher, parent, and student partnerships.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Oral and written language
Listening skills
Voice and language
Communication with parents/guardians
Teaching/learning technologies

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I have established relationships with my students, and I do feel like many of them have started to feel
comfortable with me. Looking back to the beginning of my practicum, I think that I should have stated
clearer expectations, as I still feel like I could probably have more authority in the classroom. I also could
have probably done more class building and getting to know you types of activities at the beginning of
my practicum. I did do an introduction to me lesson, which I think was really good and the students
enjoyed getting to know me as a person rather than just a teacher. I then had the students write letters
to me introducing themselves, and then I wrote back to them, which I think was beneficial. With my
other Social class I did an fun lesson, and I set out clear expectations, which I think really helped, and so
far I havent had many issues with them.
I have not really done any communication with the parents looking back I would have liked to send
home a newsletter to parents introducing myself, and just letting them know there would be an extra
person in the classroom with their child for the next couple of months. I was able to attend parent-
teacher interviews, which I found to be very interesting. I enjoyed getting to meet some of the parents,
and I was able to get a better picture of my students home life and their behavior from a different
perspective. In my own classroom I would like to experiment more with communicating with parents
through technology through things such as Remind 101 or creating a class website. I may put my Math
unit plan online and make it available to parents just to see what kind of feedback I get or if I get any
from parents.
Lastly, a goal I have in this area would be to communicate better with students about what are doing in
class, so they know what to expect. Then relating back to my goal about closure, I can specifically relate
back to what we planned to do at the beginning of the day to see if we accomplished what we were

supposed to.

Assessment Strategies

KSA K: Teachers gather information about their students learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Appropriate questioning
Assessment variety
Formative/ Summative
Timely feedback
Adapted assessment
Record keeping

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

The first type of assessment I did was having the students write letters to me. I would have liked to get
these back to the students the next day, but it took me a little longer than I expected to write them back.
However, I thought that this was a really good activity, because I got to see the students writing ability;
who liked writing; and learn about the students backgrounds and interests.
So far I havent done any summative assessment, but I have done formative assessment such as exit
passes and comprehension checks (quiz-quiz-trade), which the students seemed to like. I have also had
them hand in small assignments that I plan to put up around the classroom. In some of the larger projects
that I am having students do, I would like to have students give peer feedback and self-assessments. I
think this would be very valuable for the students, and it would be interesting to see how they view their
own and their peers work.
In regards to questioning, I think that I have been successful. I often plan questions before my lessons,
but I think I could improve in this area. I would like to start using popsicle sticks for example to get more
students answering questions.
A goal in this area that I have is to keep better documentation of my students. I would like to make a class
list that I can take notes beside student names, just to document how they are doing; what sorts of
activities they seem to like and other notes like that.

Management and Classroom Climate

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA G: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social,
cultural and psychological security.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Class tone
Rapport with students
Student engagement
Conflict resolution

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

An area that I need to improve on is decorating the room and developing bulletin boards. I have not yet
done this, and I think it is really important. As I wrote earlier, I would like to create some interactive

bulletin boards and show off student work. I think that this will strengthen the classroom community and
student accountability in that they will be a part of developing the classroom. I have an exciting idea that I
am going to do once we get back into our own classroom. I am planning to have the students develop a
cave/shelter like the one that the main character in the book we are reading builds. Students will then be
able to use this as a reward space to do their work, and I may also have them write their own stories about
I am also hoping to start incorporating brain breaks into the class. My class is very active, and they like to
talk and be out of their desks working. I think that the students may benefit from doing brain breaks if I use
them and structure them properly. I will need to explain to the students that they will be doing fun
activities, but they need to realize then that they need to get right back to work after, or I may take the
breaks away.
I think that overall I have developed a positive presence for myself in the classroom, and the students feel
safe to talk to me. I am finding that there are a few students who have been a challenge and have tried to
take advantage of me. I think that this has improved, but it is something that I still need to be very aware
of. I find that the students really like when I share my own stories, and I think that this has helped them to
get to know me and take an interest in me, which in turn I believe leads to the students respecting me more.
A major goal I have in regards to classroom management is to just continue growing and finding what
routines work for me. I think that in my own classroom, especially to begin with, I would have a bit stricter
routines and expectations set in place, as I wouldnt be working around routines and expectations already
in place. As a young teacher I think that students try/will try to push my limits, and I think I will need to
have very clear guidelines that I follow and base my decisions on.

Understanding Students Needs

KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities. Teachers understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students
achieve different outcomes.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.
Planning that includes all students and learning styles
Alignment of strategies to student needs
Use of varied resources to differentiate instruction
Assists all learners
Understands contextual variables that affect teaching and learning

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

There is definitely a wide range of students in my class, and it is great to gain experience trying to teach
to all of their needs. I find that there are a few students who try to take up all of your time, and it is hard
not to let them, because they often are the ones that seem to need the most help. However I also find
that there are students that tend to slip under the radar, and I need to remember to continue checking
up on these students as well. Something else that I have noticed with several students in my class is a
learned helplessness in which they give up on themselves so easily, while others are very capable and just
do not want to do the work so they do not or else they rush through their work and do it poorly. Its
frustrating seeing students do this, and I think this highlights the importance of providing students with
choices and learning activities that will capture their interest.
I have also realized that students at this age are very disorganized. I think that if I was to start my novel

study over I would have students use a separate duotang that they keep everything for their novel study
in. I have had so many students lose things, even if they are working on an activity before lunch and come
back to it after lunch. For Social Studies I had students working in groups with specific roles on a project,
and I collected their papers at the end of the period, and I kept it for them until the next class. I found this
to work well, but it does not teach students responsibility. I think I may have rather had an assigned
leader in each group who had to keep their paper.
As I have said numerous times, I think that to really engage students I need to include a wide variety of
learning activities. I have done this, but I think I can continue to do more. As well in regards to this area, I
would like to just keep better documentation on each of my students as to their own learning styles. A
beneficial activity may be having the students creating learning profiles, in that they tell me how they like
to learn, and I can refer back to these while planning.

Professional Qualities and Attributes

KSA B: Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical frameworks with in which they work.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
KSA N: Teachers know the importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school.
KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision,
including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Work ethics
Interpersonal skills
Team work

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I feel like I have been working very hard, and I am really trying to do my best. I bring a good attitude to
the classroom, and I realize that I am here to learn. I am open to feedback, and I am willing to try new
things and learn from mistakes that I make or feedback that I am given. I think that I could probably take
a little more initiative at times I sometimes find that I am unsure of when I am supposed to take over
teaching. In this regard I think that its important to communicate with my mentor teacher, and overall I
would say that we communicate very well. I would like to start getting to know and communicating with
other teachers a little more. I would like to be able to observe some or all of the other grades in the
school, so that I can learn from other teachers as well and experience other grades. Furthermore, I try to
ask questions when they arise, whether that be in relation to how I am doing in the classroom, or
inquiring about other questions relating to the teaching profession in general.
I think that I have been acting in a professional manner in regards both to behavior and appearance. I try
to bring enthusiasm and energy into the classroom I think that incorporating brain breaks and exciting
learning activities will really strengthen this enthusiasm and energy.
Something that I have struggled with is looking past how students act sometimes. There have been times
when I find students to be disrespectful or rude, and I need to look past what they did to try and figure
out why they are acting out, so that I can try to prevent this from happening again. I think that its really
easy to just immediately give students a label of being disrespectful or unmotivated for example, and I
think that I need to remember to look past that, and develop a positive relationship with those students
and try to help the student grow as a whole person. I think that I have definitely been able to reach some
of the students that I felt I was struggling with, and I hope that I can continue encouraging and helping

these students.

Reflection and Self-Evaluation

KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision,
including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Establishes specific strategies to meet professional goals
Demonstrates oral/written reflective practices
Engages in goal setting
Communicates overall vision of teaching

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:

I find that, in regards to reflecting, I always think about how my lesson went or is going, but I have a hard
time actually writing down all my thoughts. If I have a break right after I teach I find it easier, but other
times I tend to forget. I do have a reflection journal, that I try to make quick notes in after a lesson, at the
end of the day or while I am watching others teach. I have also written in observations about students
that help remind me and make me aware of certain student behaviors.
As I am looking back on my first few weeks of teaching, I have been able to really start setting specific
goals as I have outlined throughout my reflection. As I watch the students learning in class I realize how
much they really do crave active learning and socialization. A huge part of my teaching philosophy right
now is to actively engage students. I have found that this seems to be a bit harder to actually implement
and manage, rather than just coming up with exciting ideas. I think its great to have this experience in
the classroom where I can experiment and grow as a teacher. As I go into the last half of my practicum I
am enthusiastic for what is to come. I feel like I have really begun to see my place in the classroom, and I
have had a lot of great learning experiences whether this be through things I have done well or
mistakes that I have/am learning from.

Mentor Teacher Comments:

Jessica has had a terrific start to her practicum teaching. She has put many hours into her planning and it is
obvious that her lessons are well thought out and organized. She reflects very well on her lessons and makes
modifications where necessary to improve a lesson for the next time she teaches it. Jessica communicates
very well with me and the students. She is very open to suggestions for improving her teaching and asks for
help and clarification when she needs it. There have been some unusual circumstances regarding our
classroom this year (such as teaching in the library and moving classrooms) but Jessica has been very
flexible and has been able to continue with her lessons in a professional manner. Jessica has shown growth
in understanding students needs and plans differentiated instruction so that all students can be successful.
Jessica has set a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom and is working on finding the classroom management
routines that work for her and her teaching style. Her professionalism is very evident and she has made
herself a part of our teaching staff very quickly.

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