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Teacher Technology Assessment
Sally Jackson

Author Note
This paper was prepared for ITEC 7460, taught by Jamie Pearson
Kennesaw State University


Mrs. S was selected by the principal of the school for this coaching relationship, and she is
unfamiliar to this candidate. To get better acquainted, Mrs. S. was asked to complete the Meyer-
Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI). This gave helpful information regarding her personality traits;
allowing for adjustments in the interactions between the teacher and Instructional Coach (IC) to be
a more balanced dynamic. Communication and mutual respect seem to be forming and she appears
able to share concerns with the IC. The principal requested the coaching model be initiated with
this teacher because she serves students in Grades 1 thru 5 with diverse learning needs. At the
time of this request, the principal stated her concern regarding poor writing scores from benchmark
tests for the previous year affecting the entire school, but especially the students with disabilities.
Two technology use assessments were given to Mrs. S to help assess the level of technology
integration (LoTi) in her classroom, as well as the adopter category as described by the Rogers
Change Theory (Rogers, 1995). Questions 1 through 5 focus on the students general use of
technology; technology with writing, technology tools for creative uses and sharing, and the use of
digital tools to problem solve and promote higher order thinking skills. Based on her responses,
Mrs. S. felt her students were exposed to and engaged with technology supported lessons; and her
classroom LoTi score was 4. Questions 6 through 11 focuses on the adopter categories in Rogers
Change Theory. Question 6 views whether teachers professional technology learning needs are
met and if follow up support is available. Questions 7 & 10 determine who guides the use of
student technology learning at the school. Question 8 looks at available time for technology
integration. Question 9 assesses if school resources are sufficient to support student learning.
Question 11 determines the teachers adopter characteristics. These traits assessed by the adopter

questions are factors that can have a significant impact on rate of adoption; technology resources,
teacher input/choice of technology tools, time for technology innovation, professional learning and
follow-up for implementation. Although many of Mrs. Ss responses were not favorable on the
adopter survey (probably due to a technology void from a previous principal), she is an early
adopter. She has made the choice, and is anxious to adopt this technology innovation; needing no
additional persuasion from the IC or the opinion leader (principal) at her school. She sees the tool
can help improve students achievement following the demonstration as well as their motivation to
write. Mrs. S. has been enthusiastic about coaching, indicating, Ive been bragging to some other
teachers that youll be coming to give me ideas on how to help my kids with writing. Im so excited
for them!
The classroom technology tools available to this teacher are a Smart Board with projector,
and 3 classroom desktop computers. These classroom computers have software which includes:
Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, Accelerated Math Student, Kidspiration, Fastt, Math,
Fraction Nation, Type to Learn, Geometers Sketchpad, and Google Earth.
The Partnership approach will be used for collaboration with the teacher. We appear to
have established a mutually respectful communication that will focus on equality. Mrs. S. will come
to know her voice and opinions are respected; this should promote a dialogue that allows her to
choose what she learns. Model lessons will be used with this teacher, and she will be asked to
demonstrate what she has learned in the model lesson by reteach it. Following the model lesson, if
Mrs. S. does not feel confident enough to reteach the lesson, it may involve direct instruction from
the IC regarding the nuances of how the software operates and can fully support struggling

students with writing. Mrs. S. said she is willing to help other teachers learn to use this technology
innovation since it should be on the iPad cart in the school. A plan for future meetings has also
been initiated; and will include at least weekly meetings in her classroom for the next 5 weeks.


Rogers, E. (1995) Reviewed by Orr, G. (2003), Diffusion of innovation. Retrieved from:

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI), Retrieved 10-10-2013 from:

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