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t=input('enter the value of t')%r is the inner radius

r=input('enter the value of r')%r is the inner radius

l=input('enter the value of l')%l is the overall length
rho=input('enter the value of rho')%rho is the density
f_s=input('enter the value of f_s')%f_s is the factor of safety
R=(2*r)/(f_s)+t%outer radius
V_c=pi*R^2*l%volume of solid cylinder
V_h=2*2*pi*R^3/3%volume of solid hemispherical ends
V_ec=pi*r^2*l%volume of empty centre of cylinder
V_eh=2*2*pi*r^3/3%volume of empty hemispherical ends
V_total=V_c+V_h-V_ec-V_eh%total volume of vessel
W=V_total*rho%weight of the vessel

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