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Choose one of your favorite organisms (it may be the same organism that you chose at the beginning of the year that
you did your Characteristics of Life Poster on as long as it was not a domesticated animal). Once you choose an animal
decide which Biome from Chapter 20 - pgs 526-542 it lives in. Then circle the Biome you will focus on. (You can choose a
biome and then an animal if that is easier for you).
o Temperate Deciduous Forest
o Coniferous Forest
o Coral Reef
o Temperate Grasslands
o Marshes
o Savanna
o Swamps
_______ Flap 1
Label this flap BIOSPHERE
Define Biosphere
Find a picture of a continental map and color in where the biome you have chosen is located.
_____ Flap 2
Label this flap Ecosystem
Define Ecosystem
Define Biome
Find a picture of your Biome
Identify and describe the biome that you have chosen.
o What is the temperature range?
o What is the average precipitation?
o What type of soil does it have?
o Name 1 common plant and provide a picture Describe an adaptation this plant has to live in this
o Name 1 other animal that lives in this area (other than the organism you are focused on) and
provide a picture. Describe an adaptation this animal has to live in this biome.
o Name an endangered species in this biome and explain why it is endangered.
_____ Flap 3
Label this flap Community
Define Community.
Find a picture of a community that would be in your chosen biome and place it on this flap.

_____ Flap 4
Label this flap Population
Define Population.
Divide into two sections.
On one side:
o Place a picture of a population of your chosen organism.
On the other side:
o On the top:
Draw a food chain that includes your organism and one of the organisms you put as its prey
from flap 5. (Your food chain should have at least 3 organisms)
o On the bottom:
Draw a food web that includes the food chain. (Your food web should include producers,
primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers.
_____ Flap 5
Label this flap Organism make sure it shows when the flaps are down.
Define Organism
Divide into two sections.
On one side:
o Place a picture of the organism you want to focus on. Place it on the left side of your flap.
o Label and define if your organism is an herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger, or decomposer.
On the other side:
o Define Predator and name at least 2 predators of the organism you chose.
o Define Prey and name at least 2 organisms your organism eats.
_____ Flap 6
Label this flap Ecology with fun large lettering.
Define Ecology
Write your name and hour in the upper right hand corner.
On the back of your foldable:
_____ Define Mutualism. Describe one mutualistic relationship that occurs in your biome. Include a picture.
_____ Define Commensalism. Describe one commensalistic relationship that occurs in your biome. Include a picture.
_____ Define Parasitism. Describe one parasitic relationship that occurs in your biome. Include a picture.
_____ Explain at least 2 Environmental Problems in the area.
_____ Explain at least 2 Environmental Solutions for the above problems.

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