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Experience shows us

that wealth unchaperoned by virtue

is never an innocuous neighbor.
When small-minded, selsh, violent, arrogant,
spiritually bankrupt people possess and control
mountains and oceans of natural resources,
money, land, and every kind of material wealth,
while millions of working people perish due to
poverty, or are blown to bits because they struggle
to correct the existing grossly unjust distribution of
wealth and power--then we are living in a
catastrophe--we are a living catastrophe--which
the selsh and small-minded rich, using all of the
means at their command (tv, radio, computers,
print, politicians, opinion leaders), insist loudly and
endlessly is just. And they, along with the millions
of mental robots we have with us (after all, they
say, things are going great for many of us), will
insist that any person who questions the
goodness of this disposition of wealth is a
damned communist, t to be blown to hell. Or a
simple thief, t to be hanged! Or a mis-guided,
liberal do-gooder, t to be reviled and pitied!
People, where is your virtue? Where is your
sense of fairness? Where is your sense of fellow-
feeling? Where is your humility? Where is your
quality? Where is your humanity?
Dont you see the millions of deeply suffering
people, many millions living in countries that our
own country, or England, raped and are raping in
their self-righteous Nationalism/Capitalism! The
Americas have been raped! And Africa! And India!
And China! And Libya! And Iraq! And Iran! And
Guatemala! And Panama! AndAndAnd.
That is the real world! Most Americans are blind
as bats to this. Duped. Propagandized. In la la
Dont you see, all of us are in this together. All of
us are shoots from the same root! All of us are
stars in the same sky! All of us breathe the same
air! All of us inhabit the same planet! All of us are
parts of the same spirit!
This is one Earth, one people, one soul!
Having the situation where a tiny minority bathes
in wealth and power, while a massive majority
struggles on a pittance, is unworkable, unjust,
immoral, unfair, unhealthy, unkind, and inhuman.
My companieros, we have to share the wealth--
with the poor people of this earth!
Where is your heart? Are you a living, breathing

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