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Lukacsian f i l m t h e o r y and c i n e m a

Manchester University Press
Co n te n ts
Preface P
e y
Part I: An analysis of Lukacs' writings on film 1
1 The early aesthetic and "Thoughts Towards an Aesthetic 3
of the Cinema'/'Gedanken zu einer Asthetic des Kino
2 Narrate or describe? Lukacs'literary'typology' 36
3 Lukacs' late aesthetic and film theory: 69
The Specificity of the Aesthetic/Die Eigenart des Asthetischen
4 Socialist humanism and Toward the Ontology of 105
Social Being/Zur Ontologie des gesellschafislichen Seins
5 The film journal interviews and other writings 128
6 Conclusions 164
Part II: The film writings, 1913-71 179
7 "Thoughts Towards an Aesthetic of the Cinema' 181
8 'Film' 187
9 'On Aesthetic Issues of the Cinema' 218
10 'Blue Devil or Yellow Devil?' 231
11 'Cultural Manipulation and the Tasks of Critics' 237
12 'Film, Ideology and the Cult of Personality' 242
13 'Technique, Content, and Problems of Language' 244
14 'Expression of Thought in Film 256
15 'Revolution and Psychology of Everyday Life' 263
Bibliography 269
Index 279

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