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Geography is a very important, although not emphasized, part of education. I notice that a lot of
elementary school students are experts of fictional worlds, but cannot tell you their home state and
capital. Being knowledgeable of geography will help them develop a better understanding of the real
world that they live in. My learning plan will introduce the student to both high and low technology. The
students will learn Continents, Countries, States and Capitals. They will also be taught how to read a
map, atlas, and globe. My goal is for students to

The analysis will begin with an assessment quiz to see what the student already knows. The result of the
entire class helps to further enhancement of future assessments. The questionnaire will consist of 12
targeted questions. Samples of the questions are listed below.
Name the 7 Continents of the world.
What continent do we live in?
What is the name of our country?
Name 10 States.
What State do you live in?
What is the Capitol of the State you live in?
How many States are in our Country?
Do you live in the northern or southern hemisphere?

Data collected from the assessment will determine the starting point and scope of the activities.
Worksheets will be provided for classwork, homework and tests.
Globes are going to be shared in groups.
Atlases will be used individually and displayed on the Smartboard.
Maps will be used individually and displayed on the Smartboard.
Robin Watkins
7377 Introduction to Technology in
Elementary Geography

IPads will be used for independent study on the internet
YouTube - 50 states and capitols songs
ILike2Learn website (
Desktop Computer

Learning/Goals and Objectives
The Show-Me Standard: Goal 1 and 2 are satisfied by the listed objectives:
Each student will be able to identify, recite and spell the 7 continents.
Each student will be able to identify, recite and spell all 50 United States.
Each student will be able to identify, recite and spell all 50 United States Capitols.
Demonstrate how to use a map, globe and atlas.
Be able to distinguish the difference between a continent, country, state and capitol.
Will understand how to recognize and look up geographic locations.
List places that they would desire to visit or have already traveled to.
TILP Order
1. Assessment Quiz- 30 minutes given to be completed. Used to gather information.
2. Introduction to the world map, globe and atlas.
3. Lecture about hemispheres, continents and home country.
4. Media integration and study time.
5. Review assessment quiz over covered section. ( After 3 days)
6. Introduction to 50 states.
7. Lecture about coasts and states.
8. Media integration and study time.
9. Review assessment quiz over covered section.( After 4 days)
10. Introduction to 50 Capitols.
11. Lecture about capitals and purpose.
12. Media integration and study time.
13. Review assessment quiz over covered section.(After 4 days)
14. Class games and activities instead of final test. ( Final week)

The TILP ORDER will institute a routine that the students will adapt to. It will also allow transparency
for adjustments as needed. My estimated duration for the plan is approximately 18 days. I will begin
with the, 7 continents, largest land masses first. Then, I will continue on to the more detailed states and
capitols too. An extra day is designated for this purpose for it may be more challenging. Nevertheless,
alternating between technology and low tech will help the student learn and be entertained. This ebb and
flow should capture the students attention throughout the entirety of the curriculum.


After completion of the assessment quizzes, the gathered results will be examined to determine the ideal
starting point for the class. The classwork and activities will be adjusted according to the students
progress. After completion of each section, a status review will be given to measure the level in which
the material is being absorbed. The worksheets, maps, globes and interactive activities will establish the
fundamentals essential for a solid base. The internet and IPad will reinforce and accelerate there learning
due to the game-based and technological familiarity to the student.

My learning plan will be evaluated by the following criteria.
Was the student able to complete all activities within the designated time?
o If not, am I making the tasks too difficult or not providing enough time to absorb the
Can the student answer all the questions from the assessment quiz correctly?
o If not, what area proved most difficult?
Are the students interested in the materials provided? Do they know how to use them now?
Did the student fully participate in all activities?
Could they understand the material?
o If not, is the material age appropriate?
Did the analysis provide enough usable feedback to improve the assessment?
o If not, where is the deficiency in the assessment?
What did I learn to improve the learning plan for future students?
Is there a better way to rearrange the schedule of events?
Was the learning plan engaging enough to make students ask questions?
Where there any distractions in the material or class environment?

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