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CeL LogeLher wlLh some oLhers.

?our Leacher may seL or explore wlLh you some Loplcs or Lhemes from
a learnlng area.

WhaL ls happenlng ln your school, nelghbourhood, clLy, sLaLe, counLry
or around Lhe world? Could you creaLe a new ldea or experlence?

ls Lhere someone ln need? Could someLhlng be lmproved, made beLLer
or work beLLer or be done dlfferenLly?

ls Lhere a servlce, evenL or producL LhaL wlll help Lo make a dlfference?
MosL days our local papers have examples soclal enLrepreneurshlp
oLhers are lnvolved ln. ?ou could google "#$%&' ()*(+,+%"(

Pave a look onllne aL whaL enLerprlses oLhers have developed. Look aL
Lhe L1A examples and webslLe [usL Lo spark your Lhlnklng.

AnoLher posslble onllne source of lnsplraLlon, whlle Lhe sLudenLs are a blL older Lhe ldeas may
[usL spark your Lhlnklng, moLlvaLlon and confldence Lo geL sLarLed wlLh some acLlon.

hLLp:// !usL one sLory from a sLudenL aL Lhe school
of soclal enLerprlse.

uevelop a blg lnqulry quesLlon.
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Pow can we make a communlLy a beLLer place for someone or for
a number of people llvlng ln Lhe communlLy?

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