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uoal-oiienteu, innovative leauei with ovei 21 yeais of uiveisifieu technology expeiience
anu ovei 19 yeais of consulting expeiience, incluuing S full lifecycle implementations. 0vei
17 yeais of technology anu business expeiience in global Foitune Suu companies in the
aieas of manufactuiing anu consumei packageu goous. 0vei S yeais of expeiience in
healthcaie anu healthcaie infoimation technology. Expeit in uesigningie-engineeiing
piocesses, woikflows anu technology solutions to stieamline piocesses anu impiove
woikplace piouuctivity.
! Leauing laige (Su+membeis) cioss-cultuial, inteinational technical anu functional
! Besigning, ueveloping, anu implementing an enteipiise-wiue IT template
! Beveloping anu Executing pioject implementation methouology
Excellent leaueiship skills that uelivei iesults while maintaining high team moiale;
Excellent pioject management skills using task-oiienteu goals anu objectives ; Self-
uiiecteu, self-motivateu, anu pioactive woik ethic ; Stiong pioblem-solving, planning,
team builuing, anu communication skills


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Leauing a 2u-membei team to uevelop a Neaningful 0se 2u14 Ceitifieu EBR
Responsible foi managing $1uN buuget
Leauing weekly status meeting with CBS C-suite
Cooiuinating integiation activities with multiple ancillaiy systems, such as Laboiatoiy
Infoimation Systems, Rauiology Infoimation Systems, Bata Waiehouse, CP0E, EBIS,
anu Clinical Quality Neasuies

7DE 9#%&/. -./F#23 "$%$'#.4 7#$*38 "$%$'#0#%3 G,,/2&$3#,: ;$<*#,: =>
9#<3#0H#. @ABB 3/ ?$%)$.6 @ABC
Leu a 1S-membei team to implement Bealth Nanagement's enteipiise-wiue Bealth
Infoimation Exchange acioss its 72 hospitals.
Nanageu 6 Regional Pioject Nanageis
Nanageu a $1SN buuget
Leu contiact negotiations anu integiation effoits with multiple EBR venuois to
pioviue inteifaces to the BIE
Leu bi-weekly status meeting with BNA C-suite to communicate piogiess anu issues

Cooiuinateu BIE pioject integiation with auuitional enteipiise-wiue initiatives,
incluuing ievenue cycle management, meaningful use, ICB-1u, quality iepoiting, anu
employeu physician EBR ueployments.
Bevelopeu anu implementeu stanuaiuizeu uocumentation templates, incluuing pioject
plans, pioject implementation playbook, anu communication toolkit.

7DE -./F#23 "$%$'#.4 5/00)%&36 7#$*38 -$.3%#.,: ;$<*#,: => "$.28 @ABB 3/ "$6
Efficiently vetteu 29 BIE venuois anu met objective of ueliveiing S finalists on-time.
All activities weie completeu within 1u weeks.

5DIJ9#%&/. K&2# -.#,&L#%3: -#.,/%$*&M#L -86,&2&$% 5$.# D%24 N/%&3$ 9<.&%',: =>
?)*6 @AAO 3/ "$.28 @ABB
Pioviueu opeiational anu technical executive leaueiship to the company's thiee
subsiuiaiies, a Concieige Neuicine piactice, a Nobile Physician piactice, anu a Bome
Bealth Caie agency.
Seiveu as compliance officei to ensuie S subsiuiaiies met feueial, state, anu BIPAA
iegulations. Successfully leu agencies thiough multiple state ie-licensuie suiveys as
well as obtaining Neuicaie ceitification of a bianch office.
Implementeu weekly Senioi Executive management meetings anu KPI's to pioviue
tianspaiency anu impiove communication thioughout the oiganization.
Pioviueu oveisight to netwoik implementations acioss multiple office locations
I.L#. "$%$'#0#%3 P#$0 >#$L: ;#,3*# Q$3#., ;/.38 G0#.&2$4 R.##%S&28: 5P @AAT
3/ ?)%# @AAO
! Leu 0iuei Nanagement Team (2u membeis) thiough full lifecycle implementation of
Nestl's uL0BE SAP Retail Solutions Template.
! Successfully implementeu entiie 0iuei to Cash Piocesses incluuing integiation points
with Siu paity systems (AP0, i2 Tianspoitation, anu veitex) that iequiieu pioject
planning anu cooiuination between the 0.S, Swiss, Biazilian, anu Inuian implementation

96,3#0 G.28&3#23 >#$L#.: ;#,3*# 9G4 R.##%S&28: 5P $%L K#U#6: 9S&3M#.*$%L: @AA@ 3/
! Leu as key aichitect to uesign, constiuct, anu implement the global piocess solution foi
Nestl's SAP Biiect Stoie Beliveiy (BSB) template.
! Analyzeu anu ievieweu local maiketSB0 piocess iequiiements fiom local Nestle
maiketsSB0's in the 0S, 0K, Canaua, Nexico, ueimany, Fiance, Bong Kong, anu
! Nanageu anu cooiuinateu piojects between the local maikets, Nestl's S iegional suppoit
centeis baseu in Biazil, 0K, anu Austialia, 2 offshoie uevelopment team in Inuia, anu
Nestl's heauquaiteis in vevey, Switzeilanu.
! Successfully leu implementation of BSB template functionality to multiple inteinational
maikets, incluuing 0K, Canaua, anu Nexico as key point of contact between local
maikets anu Swiss heauquaiteis.
>#$L -./F#23 5/%,)*3$%3: -#..&#. R./)< /( G0#.&2$4 R.##%S&28: 5P: BOOO 3/ @AA@
! Successfully implementeu anu suppoiteu SAP 0iuei-to-Cash (0TC) piocesses anu

Customei Seivice Teams in 0S anu Canaua
! Woikeu closely with business leaueiship teams in 0S anu Canaua to iuentify,
uevelop, anu implement technology impiovements to inciease the efficiency of the
9#%&/. 5/%,)*3$%3: -.&,0 5/%,)*3&%' R./)<4 58&2$'/: D> BOOV 3/ BOOO
! Leau consultant in managing 2 full-life cycle SAP implementations at miu- maiket
! Piomoteu to manage both piojects to ieplace initial pioject manageis
! Communicateu with C-level management

5/%,)*3$%3: -.&2# Q$3#.8/),# "$%$'#0#%3 5/%,)*3&%'4 58&2$'/: D> BOOW 3/ BOOV
! Successfully implementeu SAP SB at Foitune Suu companies incluuing Samsung,
Notoiola, Boiuen Foous, Nabisco 0SAChiistie Biown Canaua, anu Keeblei Foous.
! Contiibuting team membei of a full life cycle implementation of a custom oiuei to
cashfinance solution at uE Aiiciaft Engines; paiticipateu in vaiying ioles incluuing
uevelopment analyst, business analyst anu team leau
! Receiveu ulobal Waiiioi Awaiu foi leaueiship iole on Samsung's pioject in Pusan,

The 0niveisity of Illinois at Champaign-0ibana, BS Nechanical Engineeiing 199S

Noithwestein 0niveisity, Evanston, IL, NS Neuical Infoimatics, expecteu giauuation 2u14

Wateifall, Scium, IBN Toolkit, SAP ASAP

BL7, IBE Piofiles, SAP SBNN, SAP SB integiation with NNPPFI-C0BW, ABAP,
SAPSciipt, SQL, Niciosoft Woiu, Excel, visio, Pioject, PoweiPoint, Confluence, }iia,

Koiean, Fiench

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