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Grade contributions of 25% - Combination of

1. Term Paper
2. Assignments
3. Quizzes
4. Class participations in discussion

1. Term Paper : Submission Date : 17th Dec 2013

Pick one organization of your choice.
Explain any problem related to operation management in the organization
Significance of the problem to the organization
How is the problem handled at present?
How can the techniques learnt in the course be used to handle the problem?

You are required to write an 10-20 page paper (typed, double spaced, counting tables and
diagrams but not counting title page and bibliography) .


Introduction and Purpose
This section introduces the topic and the purpose of the paper. It must address:
Why is the topic important?
Why did you choose this topic?
What is the purpose of the research in this topic area?

Overview of Previous Work
Perform a literature search to collect everything written on the topic. Concentrate on the most
current research. Summarize the significant material that pertains primarily to your topic.

This section is the most significant part of the paper. It presents the details of the approach,
methodology, analysis, comparative study etc.

Summarize and evaluate the paper in this section. Specifically, draw substantive conclusions
from the paper. Evaluate the results and comment on the positive points revealed in the study
and identify and comment on any negative results. Identify possibilities for future studies or
research which you may have discovered.

Papers must come from refereed journals and must follow APA format. The number of
references required at least 5 references.

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