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Grand Haven Croquet Club

Board Of Directors Meeting 5/12/14

Present: Cassandra Gaisor, Tony Dos Santos, Bill Todd, Naomi Mass, Rich Burns,
Yvonne Croiser, John Fitterman

Call to Order: 1:01pm

Approval of Secretarys Minutes of 4/15/14:
Corrections made to the Treasurers report section of minutes
Instead of Christmas gifts Creekside - correct to read Christmas donation of
2 bicycles & gifts
The motion was made, seconded, and the Board voted to accept the
amended minutes

Cassandra Gaisor - President
Welcome to new Board members John Fitterman & Naomi Mass
Discussion about the state of the Grand Haven courts
Future adjustment of handicaps for all levels (including below 10) were discussed and
will be addressed at a another time
All committee chairs will report to Tony Dos Santos
Directors report to Cassandra Gaisor

Bill Todd - Treasurer
Balance as of 5/12/14, includes cost of the annual meeting, payment of dues to National
and the Italian dinner, is $ 13,016.27.

Tony Dos Santos - Vice President
Committee reports : By Laws - nothing to report
Nominations - nothing to report
Sunshine - nothing to report
Grounds and Equipment -
Greg Brown was appointed coordinator
CDD meeting of 5/15/14 might include a vote to resurface
the existing court
Logo Wear - Linda Dos Santos has started taking orders
Education - nothing to report

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John Fitterman - Membership
Welcome letter created/approved and signed by the GHCC president to be given to each
new member with membership packet after their 4th lesson.
Encourage members to participate in the Play Pal program
Will seek out those who did not renew their membership to find out why and whether
they want to rejoin
Contact inactive members to determine why theyre inactive
Possibility of name badges for members - tabled for a later date
Currently we have 81 members, and there are 12 participants in the beginner class now
in progress

Rich Burns - Tournaments
Hammock Dunes Play Day - date set for 7/9/14 - Cassandra to get details
GHCC Invitational - date set for 10/23/14 - 10/25/14
George Betz to coordinate special events

Yvonne Croizer - Social Co-Chair
George Betz no longer wants to be the chair of this committee - he will now work
with Rich Burns on special events
Co-Chair Annemarie Schutz can no longer serve due to health issues
Discussion took place about the GHCC Annual Dinner

Old Business - no old business carryover from the previous term

New Business
Discussions took place regarding the following:
1. Changing of the dues structure - $90 Single/$150 Couples - to be discussed
at next annual meeting
2. Wine & Wickets -
Need for volunteers to be responsible for refreshments
Wes will volunteer for May & June, and Yvonne after that
3. Socials for the 2014-2015 year: Fall, Christmas, Annual Meeting & Pizza Parties

4. Nominating Committee - Naomi Mass added to committee (Board member)
Clarification to the by-laws as follows: The Nominating Committee shall be
considered a Standing Committee but its function is limited to the Annual
Election of Officers. This will be addressed at the next annual meeting..

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E-Mail Blasts - motion was made and seconded that only members of the board are to
be authorized to send e-mail blasts to the membership. The Board then voted and
approved the motion.

General Discussion:
1. Honorary Memberships
2. Immediate Past President to attend Board Meetings
3. Time change for Friday beginners class to 7:45 - 9:15am because of the
summer heat
4. Proper attire on the courts
5. Proposed Palm Coast Croquet Courts - Cassandra to send e-mail to membership
asking anyone interested in volunteering to contract Joe Zilligan.

There being no further business. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the
meeting at 2:30pm.

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