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Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Department
Teresa Tidwell
Joy Hatcher/Teacher
EAHS/DeKalb County
Field Experience"#ssignment
Multimedia Design Proect
!TEC "##$ Multimedia % &eb
Dr' Moore/(all )*+)
$art I Log
Date%s& #cti'ity"Time ST#TE Standards
(#TI)(#L Standards
,/)*/+) Com-leted the Pre.Plan /or the &eb0uest'
# hours
PSC )'+1 )')1 )'21 )'#1 )'$1 )'31
)'"1 2'+1 2'$1 2'31 #'+1 #')1 #'21
3'+1 3')
!STE +'a1 +'b1 +'c1 +'d1 )'a1
)'b1 )'c1 )'d1 2'a1 2'b1 2'c1 2'd1
#'a1 #'b1 #'c1 #'d1 $'a1 $'b1 $'c1
+*/$/+) Com-leted the Analysis /or the &eb0uest
)'$ hours
Designed the acti4ities /or the &eb0uest'
5 hours
De4elo-ed the &eb0uest online'
)3 hours
+/$/+2 E4aluated the &eb0uest
) hours
Total Hours6 #)'$ hours
7Place an 8 in the bo9 re-resenting the race/ethnicity and subgrou-s in4ol4ed in this /ield e9-erience':
Ethnicity $*-. Faculty"Staff $*-. Students
P.) 2.$ 3.5 ,.+) P.) 2.$ 3.5 ,.+)
;lac< 9
His-anic 9
=ati4e American/Alas<an =ati4e
&hite 9
Multiracial 9
Students with Disabilities
>imited English Pro/iciency 9
Eligible /or (ree/?educed Meals 9
$art II Reflection
7Minimum o/ 2.# sentences -er @uestion:
-0 1riefly descri/e the field experience0 2hat did you learn a/out technology facilitation and
leadership from completing this field experience3 I en4oyed designing the 2e/5uest0 I
as6ed for input from students along the 7ay and found that they can contri/ute to
instructional design also0 !a6ing sure that e'erything 7or6s as it should8 re9uired se'eral
chec6s and I reali:ed that 7hen you are 7or6ing 7ith an in'ol'ed assignment li6e this it is
'ery easy to o'erloo6 something8 therefore you should al7ays chec6 at least t7ice0 !y
mentor teacher 7as 'ery helpful and her leadership taught me ho7 important it is to /e a
leader 7ithout ta6ing o'er control0 I ha'e a tendency to 7ant to /e in control and if I am
7or6ing 7ith other teachers or students on artifacts they are creating I ha'e to /e careful
support them not control them0
.0 ;o7 did this learning relate to the 6no7ledge 7what must you <now:1 s6ills 7what must you
be able to do: and dispositions 7attitudes1 belie/s1 enthusiasm: re9uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader3 %Refer to the standards you selected in $art I0 Use the
language of the $SC standards in your ans7er and reflect on all <=6no7ledge8 s6ills8 and
dispositions0&I must 6no7 ho7 to use the soft7are and if I need to 7atch tutorials more than
once that is )>0 I must /e a/le to carry out my goal8 o'ercome o/stacles that may get in the
7ay8 and stay positi'e0 To /e a technology leader I need to share ne7 tools8 ideas8 and lessons
7ith other teachers0 # technology leader is re9uired to pro'ide professional de'elopment to
contri/ute to fello7 teachers in order impact the most students and that 7ill impact the
entire school0
<0 Descri/e ho7 this field experience impacted school impro'ement8 faculty de'elopment or
student learning at your school0 ;o7 can the impact /e assessed3 In this field experience I
shared a lot a/out 2e/5uests 7ith other teachers and e'en taught a mini class for a fe70 I
/elie'e that e'en if ne7 7ays to use technology spread a fe7 teachers at a time8 ultimately
more teachers 7ill follo7 as they see success happening0 The students /enefit from ha'ing
engaging lessons that ha'e real 7orld applications0 #ssessments can /e done /y sur'eys0

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