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Correlation between metabolic syndrome with uric acid level in coastal population

Kedung CoweK District Bulak Sub-District RW 3 Surabaya


Metabolic syndrome is a metabolic disorder that have 3 or more from 5 criteria :
increase in waist circumference, hyperglycemia, hypertension, hypertriglyceride, and
low HDl level. Increase in uric acid level (hyperurisemia) has been connected to
metabolic syndrome in few studies and surveys, and has been found to be a cause of
metabolic syndrome induced from fructose metabolism. Metabolic syndrome and
hyperuricemia are suffered by many coastal people Kedung Cowek district Bulak sub-
district Surabaya caused by their lifestyle and their unbalance and healthy consumption
patterns.The purpose of this study is to find correlation between metabolic sybdrome
and uric acid level in the coastal population of Kedung Cowek, Surabaya.
This study is an analytical observation that uses cross sectional method.The population
is coastal people Kedung CoweK District Bulak Sub-District RW 3 Surabaya in the age
of 30-80 with waist circumference > 80 cm (women) dan> 90 cm (men) conducted in
June 2013 with sample of 43 people using simple random sampling.The data was
gathered by direct measurement of the respondents to diagbose metabolic syndrome
and hyperuricemia.
The study shows that 52% have metabolic syndrome and hyperuricemia in the group
age of 30-45.From chi square test shows the significant value p=0.019 (p<0,05) and
from spearman test shows the significant value p=0.018 (p<0,05) and correlation power
was 0.036. The most significant parameter that affects metabolic syndrome are
increase in triglyceride level (p=0,00<0,05),and increase fasting glucose level
Conclusion: there is a correlation between metabolic syndrome with uric acid level in
coastal population Kedung CoweK District Bulak Sub-District RW 3 Surabaya

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