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Standard 7:

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as
well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Reflection: This unit really challenged me to meet the needs of multiple intelligences, student goals, and
disabilities. I grew as a professional because of this unit, and now feel more confident in creating a lesson to support
students with meaningful pedagogy, technology, and cross-curricular skills. I will use this growth and apply it to all
of my instruction in my future career as an educator. This unit gave me experience in planning instruction that
supports every student, and not just the students as a whole. I will need this experience in my future classroom
because in this generation, it will most likely contain children that are higher, lower, and disabled at the same time.

Madonna University provided me the opportunity to meet this standard in the course EDU 4500: Theory
and Techniques of Instruction. The evidence I have to support this standard is a week unit plan I developed
that hits Common Core State Standards, and meets the needs of different students using differentiation,
pedagogy, and cross-curricular prior knowledge. The unit is for 1
grade geometry, where they are working
on attributes of shapes and fractions. I provided support for higher cognition, lower cognition, and ELL
learners, amongst other disabilities that could be present in my classroom. I developed formative and
summative assessments, and ways to use technology in every single lesson. I integrated other content area
standards such as Language Arts and Science into my Math unit making it cross-curricular. The pedagogy I
used encourages movement, activity, and socialization, which will engage the students and keep them
focused and interested. This unit was made to support every student in meeting their precise learning goals.

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