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As pessoas tem alguma dificuldade em empregar much e many corretamente. Lebre-se

que "many" para coisas contveis ou numerveis. Ex.: como "how many rocks can you p
ut in that hole"(quantas pedras voc consegue colocar naquele buraco. Much para co
isas no contveis, cuja quantidade mais abstrata. Ex.:"how much water can you put i
n that hole" Quanta gua voc consegue colocar naquele buraco"
1)There is so much dirt on my car after that road trip.
2)There is so much water parks in Florida.
3)So many of us are in the dark after that blackout
4)There are many places I haven't gone to
5)Robert has many bad injuries after the accident, and he's lost so much blood t
he he needed a transfusion.
6)There's too much hate in the world. And too many people hating.

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