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Westside Training - Standard Program

Workout 1 - DE Bench Press
DE TRICEPS Shoulders LATS Biceps -

Sets / Reps
8 x 3 (60%)
3-5 x 3-5
3-5 x 10-12
3-5 x 10-12
2-3 x 8-12



Workout 1 - DE Bench Press
DE TRICEPS Shoulders LATS Biceps -

Sets / Reps
8 x 3 (60%)
3-5 x 3-5
3-5 x 10-12
3-5 x 10-12
2-3 x 8-12



Workout 2 - ME Squat/DL
ME UL Lower Back / HAMS ABS (upper/lower) -

Sets / Reps
ME x 3-5
3-5 x 3-8
3-5 x 8-15
3-5 x 5-20



Workout 2 - ME Squat/DL
ME UL Lower Back / HAMS ABS (upper/lower) -

Sets / Reps
ME x 3-5
3-5 x 3-8
3-5 x 8-15
3-5 x 5-20



Workout 3 - ME Bench Press

ME Bench LATS Shoulders TRICEPS Biceps -

Sets / Reps
ME x 3-5
4-7 x 3-10
3-5 x 10-12
3-5 x 10-12
2-3 x 8-12



Workout 3 - ME Bench Press

ME Bench LATS Shoulders TRICEPS Biceps -

Sets / Reps
ME x 3-5
4-7 x 3-10
3-5 x 10-12
3-5 x 10-12
2-3 x 8-12



Workout 4 - DE Squat/DL
DE Box Squat Deadlift HAMS / Lower Back ABS (obliques)

Sets / Reps Weight

10 x 2 (55%)
6-10 x 1-55%
3-5 x 8-15
3-5 x 5-20


Workout 4 - DE Squat/DL
DE Box Squat Deadlift HAMS / Lower Back ABS (obliques)

Sets / Reps Weight

10 x 2 (60%)
6-10 x 1-60%
3-5 x 8-15
3-5 x 5-20


ME Exercises (Upper Body)

Thick bar or regular barbell bench press,
Barbell floor press, Rack lockouts,
1, 2, 3 or 4 Board presses, Incline barbell bench,
Close-grip bench press, etc.

Shoulders/High End Work

Seated dumbbell clean, Bradford press,
Side press, Rear delt flyes, overhead press,
Push presses, Shrugs, dumbbell military press,
Dumbbell bench presses, Blast Strap
push-ups, etc.

ME Exercises (Lower Body)

Box squats, Rack pulls (partial deadlifts),
Front, Back and Hack Squats, Deadlifts,
Zercher squats, etc.


Rotate every 2 weeks

DE Squat/DL
Week 1: 55%
Week 2: 60%
Week 3: 65%
Week 4: repeat

Triceps ext. (dumbbell or barbell), pushdowns,
close-grip benches, rack lockouts, dips, elbowsout extensions, 4-5 board presses, etc.
LATS/Upper Back
ROW - Bent-over dumbbell, kbell or barbell rows,
EZ bar rows, chest-supported rows, etc.
CHINS - Chins/Pull-ups (various grips)
Band pull-aparts, face pulls, shrugs, etc.
DE Bench
Bench press, dumbbell bench press, etc.

Barbell, EZ bar or reverse curls, forearm curls,
Hammer curls, Zottman curls, dumbbell curls,
Hex head dumbbell holds, plate pinches, etc.
Russian twists, Side Bends, Straight leg situps,
Hanging leg raises, Weighted sit-ups
Stability ball crunches, Rainbows,
ab fallouts, Leg raise on stability ball, etc.

DE Squat/DL
Box squats - various height boxes
HAMS/Lower Back
Glute-ham raises, Romanian deadlifts,
Good mornings, Stability ball lifts, leg curls,
Reverse Hypers, pull-throughs, upright sled drags
kbell swings, back raises, band curls, band
good mornings, etc.
Unilateral Movement (Lower Body)
Single-leg squats, Step ups, Lunges,
Speed-skater squats, etc.

Blast Strap exercises: Push-ups, rows, dips, chins, leg raises, external rotator, flyes, triceps extensions, rear delts, abs, curls, etc.

DE Bench
Week 1: 60%
Week 2: 70%
Week 3: 80%
Week 4: 60%
Week 1: Medium
Week 2: High
Week 3: Very High
Week 4: Low

ME Bench
Floor Presses
2 Board Press
Incline Press
Bench Press
1 Board Press

Back-off weeks:
1) Complete week off
2) DE/ME the same - no assistance work
3) No ME, just DE and assistance work
4) No ME/DE work; just assistance work
5) DE/ME/RE work at a reduced volume

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