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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

AET/520 Version 3
University of Phoenix Material
Donna Roy AET/520
Part I: Vital Information
Donna Roy
Instructional Topic
Medical Terminology
Instructional Module/Training Plan
Title Allied Health 1!
"earning #etting
$ommunity $ollege course
Audience %&%! students in the healthcare programs offered at the college'
These students (ill )e )oth male and female and could range in
age from 1* to +'
Deli,ery Modality -online. hy)rid.
face&to&face. and so forth/
This course (ill )e taught in 0e)&enhanced course that utili1es
)lac2)oard to help enhance the face&to&face instruction in the
classroom (ith online resources and other helpful information for
Total Time Allotment This course is taught in the classroom % days a (ee2 for one
hour and 1! minutes' The students (ill )e re3uired to login to
)lac2)oard at least % times a (ee2 to chec2 for assignments'
Instructional Module/Training Plan
5y the end of this class students (ill )e a)le to successfully
define. correctly identify the different (ord parts. and to correctly
pronounce common medical (ords from each chapter'
T(o Performance&5ased 6)7ecti,es 1/ After #uccessfully completing this class. students (ill )e a)le
to define and pro,ide e8amples of com)ining forms. prefi8es.
and suffi8es re3uired to ma2e medical (ords'
%/ Identify diagnostic. symptomatic. and therapeutic terms
related to each of the ma7or )ody systems including the
gastrointestinal system. cardio,ascular system. endocrine
system. and ner,ous system'
#ummati,e Assessment Description #tudents (ill sho( proficiency through e8ams and 3ui11es in the
classroom' There (ill also )e assignments on )lac2)oard that
include cross(ord pu11les. and matching of medical (ords.
com)ining forms. suffi8es. and prefi8es to their meanings'
Instructional Module/Training Plan Template
Part II: De,elopment
Attention 4etter The Attention getter that I (ill use is to (rite a 9pop 3ui1:
3uestion on the )oard and gi,e students a fi8ed time to
ans(er it' Materials needed: #lips of paper. pencils. and a
Detailed Input of $ontent ;irst I (ill (rite a 3uestion that pertains to the chapter that
(e are co,ering' The 3uestion (ill )e to )rea2 do(n a
medical (ord into its prefi8. suffi8. and com)ining form and
then define it' I (ill hand out slips of paper that the students
(ill use to (rite the ans(er on and they (ill ha,e ! minutes
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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template
AET/520 Version 3
to ans(er the 3uestion' 6nce the time is up students pass
the paper for(ard and I (ill pic2 them up' 6nce collected I
(ill ans(er the 3uestion and then start (ith class' #tudents
(ere assigned a list of medical (ords that they (ere
responsi)le for 2no(ing at the end of the pre,ious class'
Part III: Implementation
Instructional #trategies The student (ill learn and )e a)le to define and gi,e
e8amples of prefi8es. suffi8es. and com)ining forms from
the different )ody systems and medical procedures' This (ill
)e accomplished through lecture. flashcards. note ta2ing.
home(or2. 3ui11es
The student (ill learn and )e a)le di,ide medical (ords into
their (ord parts and )e a)le to correctly define the medical
(ords' This (ill )e accomplished through note ta2ing.
flashcards. home(or2. 3ui11es. and e8ams'
;ormati,e Assessment 6ne minute papers in (hich the students are gi,en a
medical (ord on the )oard and they must ta2e out a sheet
of paper and (rite do(n the medical (ord. )rea2 it into the
(ord parts. and then define the medical (ord' The students
are gi,en 1 to ! minutes to do this'
Assessment (ill also )e done (ith 3ui11es and e8ams that
test the students= 2no(ledge of medical (ords and their
(ord parts'
$losure Pass out students e,aluations of the course so that any
impro,ements can )e made' Also. I (ill ha,e a nurse as a
guest spea2er and she (ill discuss the (ays that she uses
medical terminology in her (or2'
Materials and Resources Te8t)oo2. computers. pro7ector for sho(ing po(erpoints.
)lac2)oard shell for the class. dry ease )oard for instructor
to use to sho( the (ord parts. note)oo2s and pencils for the
students to ta2e notes (ith. and flashcards (ith (ord parts'
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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template
AET/520 Version 3
>,aluation/Implementation Procedures' -%1</' Retrie,ed from
;ormati,e Assessment #trategy' -%1</' Retrie,ed from
Designing >ffecti,e and Inno,ati,e $ourses' -%1</' Retrie,ed from
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