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POP MAGIC! by Grant Morrison.

This reproduction is faithful to the edition published in The

Disinformation Boo of !ies and is not intended in any "ay to infrin#e on copyri#ht$ but simply
desires ma%imum e%posure to those "ho mi#ht not other"ise come in contact "ith these ideas.
POP MAGIC! is Ma#ic! for the People. Pop Ma#ic! is &aed Ma#ic! Pop Ma#ic! lifts the ' (eils
and sho"s you the tits of the Infinite.
All you need to be#in the practice of ma#ic is concentration$ ima#ination and the ability to lau#h at
yourself and learn from mistaes. )ome people lie to dress up as *#yptians or mons to #et
themsel(es in the mood+ others "ear animal mass or Barbarella costumes. The use of ritual
paraphernalia functions as an aid to the ima#ination only.
Anythin# you can ima#ine$ anythin# you can symboli,e$ can be made to produce ma#ical
chan#es in your en(ironment.
Ma#ic is easy to do. Do,ens of ruleboos and instruction manuals are a(ailable in the occult or
-mind$ body and spirit- sections of most modern boostores. Many of the older manuals "ere
"ritten durin# times "hen a po"erful and (indicti(e Church apparatus "as attemptin# to
suppress all roads to the truth but most of them are #enerally so hea(ily encoded and dis#uised
behind arcane symbol systems that it.s hardly "orth the bother / e%cept for an idea of ho" other
people used T0*I1 ima#inati(e po"ers to interpret non/ordinary contacts and communications.
Aleister Cro"ley / ma#ic.s Picasso / "rote this and I can.t ima#ine say it any better than he did2
-In this boo it is spoen of the sephiroth and the paths$ of spirits and con3urations$ of #ods$
spheres$ and planes and many other thin#s "hich may or may not e%ist. It is immaterial "hether
they e%ist or not. By doin# certain thin#s$ certain results follo"+ students are most earnestly
"arned a#ainst attributin# ob3ecti(e reality or philosophical (alidity to any of them.-
This is the most important rule of all "hich is "hy it.s here at the start. As you continue to learn
and de(elop your o"n psychocosms and styles of ma#ical practice$ as you encounter stran#er
and stran#er deni,ens of the 0ell"orlds and 0yper"orlds$ you.ll come bac to these "ords of
"isdom a#ain and a#ain "ith a fresh understandin# each time.
)imple. Declare yourself a ma#ician$ beha(e lie a ma#ician$ practice ma#ic e(ery day.
Be honest about your pro#ress$ your successes and failures. Trippin# on 455 mushrooms mi#ht
loosen your astral sphincter a little but it "ill not #enerally confer upon you any of the benefits of
the ma#ic I.m discussin# here. Ma#ic is about "hat you brin# BAC6 from the )hinin# 1ealms of
the 7berconscious. The ma#ician di(es into the Immense Other in search of tips and hints and
treasures s8he can brin# home to enrich life in the solid "orld. And$ if necessary$ 9ae it till you
mae it.
1ead lots of boos on the sub3ect to #et in the mood. Talin# about ma#ic "ith non/ma#icians is
lie talin# to (ir#ins about sha##in#. 1eadin# about ma#ic is lie readin# about se%2 it "ill #et
you horny for the real thin# but it "on.t #i(e you nearly as much fun.
1eadin# "ill #i(e you a feel for "hat.s crap and "hat can be usefully adapted to your o"n style.
De(elop discrimination. Don.t buy into cults$ aliens$ paranoia$ or complacency. !earn "hom to
trust and "hom to steer clear of.
Put do"n the boos$ stop main# e%cuses$ and )TA1T.
Ma#ical consciousness is a particular "ay of seein# and interactin# "ith the real "orld. I
e%perience it "as "hat I can only describe as a -head/clic-$ a feelin# of absolute certainty
accompanyin# a perceptual shift "hich #i(es real "orld transactions the numinous$ uncanny
feelin# of dreams. Ma#ical consciousness is a "ay of e%periencin# and participatin# "ith the
local en(ironment in a hei#htened$ si#nificant manner$ similar to the effects of some dru# trips$
)al(ador Dali.s -Paranoiac8critical- method$ near death e%periences$ etc. Many apparently
preco#niti(e and telepathic latencies become more acti(e durin# periods of ma#ical
consciousness. This is the state in "hich tea lea(es are read$ curses are cast$ #oals are scores$
poems are "ritten.
As a first e%ercise in ma#ical consciousness spend fi(e minutes looin# at e(erythin# around you
as if A!! O9 IT "as tryin# to tell you somethin# (ery important. 0o" did that li#ht bulb come to
be here e%actly: ;hy does the murder (ictim in the ne"spaper ha(e the same unusual surname
as your father/in/la": ;hy did the phone rin#$ 3ust at that moment and "hat "ere you thinin#
"hen it did:
;hat.s that "ater stain on the "all of the buildin# opposite: 0o" does it mae you feel:
9i(e minutes of focus durin# "hich e(erythin# is si#nificant$ e(erythin# is luminous and hea(y
"ith meanin#$ lie the ob3ects seen in dreams.
&e%t$ rela%$ #o for a "al and interpret e(erythin# you see on the "ay as a messa#e from the
Infinite to you. ;atch for patterns in the fli#ht of birds. Mae oracular sentences from the letters
on car number plates. !oo at the "ay buildin#s mo(e a#ainst the syline. Pay attention to
noises on the streets$ #raffiti si#ils$ (oices cut into rapid$ almost subliminal commands and pleas.
!isten bet"een the lines. ;al as far and for as lon# as you feel comfortable in this open state.
The more aimless$ the more you "al for pleasure of pure e%perience$ the further into ma#ical
consciousness you "ill be immersed.
Ma#ical consciousness resembles states of li#ht meditation$ -hypna#o#ic- pre/sleep trance of
alpha "a(e brain acti(ity.
Is about main# thin#s happen and performin# the necessary e%periments. In these endea(ors
"e do not need to no" 0O; ma#ic "ors$ only that it does. ;e pro(e this by doin# the "or$
recordin# the results and sharin# our information "ith other ma#icians. Theoretical ma#ic is all
the mad ideas you come up "ith to e%plain "hat.s happenin# to you. Applied ma#ic is "hat
maes them happen.
Al"ays eep a 3ournal of your e%periments. It.s easy to for#et thin#s you.(e done or to miss
interestin# little connections and correspondences. Mae a note of e(erythin#$ from the intent to
the fulfillment. Mae a note of dates$ times$ moods$ successes and failures.
)tudy <O71)*!9 the "ay a hunter studies prey. *%ploit your o"n "eanesses to create desired
chan#es "ithin yourself.
Banishin# is a "ay of preparin# a space for ritual use. There are many elaborate banishin#
rituals a(ailable$ ran#in# across the full spectrum of pomposity. Thin of banishin# as the
installation of (irus protection soft"are. The banishin# is a ind of (accination a#ainst infection
from Beyond.
Most banishin#s are intended to surround the ma#ician "ith an impenetrable shield of "ill. This
usually taes the form of an acno"led#ement of the elemental po"ers at the four cardinal points
of the compass. )ome lie to (isuali,e themsel(es surrounded and protected by columns of li#ht
or by four an#els. Any protecti(e ima#e "ill do / spaceships$ superheroes$ "arrior/mons$
"hate(er. I don.t bother "ith any of that and usually (isuali,e a bubble radiatin# out"ards from
my body into space all around abo(e and belo" me as far as I thin I.ll need it.
;hy the need for protection:
1emember that you may be openin# some part of yourself to an influ% of information from -non/
ordinary-$ apparently -Other- sources. If you practice ceremonial ma#ic and attempt to summon
#odforms or spirits thin#s "ill undoubtedly happen. <our foundations "ill be tested. There is
al"ays the dan#er of obsession and madness. As ma#ical "or pro#resses$ you "ill be forces
into confrontation "ith your deepest darest fears and desires. It.s easy to become scared$
paranoid$ and stupid. )tay fluid$ clin# to no one self/ima#e and maintain your sense of humor at
al times. Genuine lau#hter is the most effecti(e banishin# ritual a(ailable.
Banishin# reminds you that no matter ho" many #ods you tal to$ no matter ho" many
fluorescent realms you (isit$ you still ha(e to come home$ tae a shit$ be able to coo dinner$
"ater the plants and$ most importantly$ tal to people "ithout scarin# them.
;hen you complete any ma#ical "or$ #round yourself "ith a #ood lau#h$ a #ood meal$ #ood
sha#$ a run or anythin# else that connects you "ith the mundane "orld. Banishin# after your
ritual is o(er "ors as a decompression bac into the normal "orld of bills and bus stops and 3ob
satisfaction. The ma#ician.s 3ob is not to #et lost in the Other"orld but to brin# bac its treasures
for e(eryone to play "ith.
In the Pop Ma#ic! style$ the si#il =si3/ill> is the first and one of the most effecti(e of all the "eapons
in the arsenal of any modern ma#ician.
The si#il techni?ue "as reconceptuali,ed and moderni,ed by Austin Osman )pare in the early
@5th century and populari,ed by Chaos Ma#icians and Thee Temple o( Psychic <outh in the AB
hundred and C5s.
A si#il is a ma#ically char#ed symbol lie this one2
The si#il taes a ma#ical desire or intent / let.s say -IT I) M< D*)I1* TO B* A G1*AT ACTO1-
=you can$ of course$ put any desire you "ant in there> and folds it do"n$ creatin# a hi#hly/char#ed
symbol. The desire is then for#otten. Only the symbol remains and can then be char#ed to full
potency "hen the ma#ician chooses.
9or#ettin# the desire in its (erbal form can be difficult if you.(e started too ambitiously. There is
no point char#in# a si#il to "in the lottery if you don.t buy a ticet. )tart "ith stuff that.s not too
emotionally in(ol(in#.
I usually si#ili,e to meet people I.m interested in$ or for particular ?ualities I.ll need in a #i(en
situation. I.(e also used si#ils for healin#$ for locatin# lost ob3ects and for mass #lobal chan#e.
I.(e been usin# them for @5 years and they A!;A<) "or.
9or me the period bet"een launchin# the si#il and its manifestation as a real "orld e(ent is
usually D days$ D "ees$ or D months dependin# on the (ariables in(ol(ed.
I repeat2 si#ils A!;A<) "or.
)o. Be#in your desire.s transformation into pure throbbin# symbol in the follo"in# fashion2
9irst remo(e the (o"els and the repeatin# letters to lea(e a strin# of consonants / T)M<D1BGC.
&o" start s?uashin# the strin# do"n$ thro"in# out or combinin# lines and playin# "ith the letters
until only an appropriately "itchy/looin# #lyph is left. ;hen satisfied it.s done$ you may
"ind up "ith somethin# lie this2
Most homemade si#ils loo a little spooy or alien / lie 79O "ritin# or "itchy "all/scratchin#s.
There are no rules as to ho" your si#il should loo as lon# as it ;O16) for you. 1*)7!T)
O&!< are important at this sta#e. If somethin# doesn.t "or$ try somethin# else. The point is not
to B*!I*E* in ma#ic$ the point is to DO it and see ho" it "ors. This is not reli#ion and blind
faith plays no part.
Char#in# and launchin# your si#il is the fun part =it.s often ad(isable to mae up a bunch of si#ils
and char#e them up later "hen you.(e for#otten "hat they ori#inally represented>.
&o"$ most of us find it difficult at first to maintain the precise Fen/lie concentration necessary to
"or lar#e/scale ma#ic. This concentration can be learned "ith time and effort but in the
meantime$ si#ils mae it easy to sidestep years of trainin# and achie(e instant success. To
char#e our si#il you must concentrate on its shape$ and hold that form in your mind as you
e(acuate all other thou#hts.
Almost impossible$ you mi#ht say$ but the human body has (arious mechanisms for inducin# brief
-no/mind- states. 9astin#$ spinnin#$ intense e%haustion$ fear$ se%$ the fli#ht or fi#ht response+ all
"ill do the tric. I ha(e char#ed si#ils "hile bun#ee 3umpin#$ lyin# dyin# in a hospital bed$
e%periencin# a total solar eclipse and dancin# to Techno. All of these methods pro(ed to be
hi#hly effecti(e but for the ea#er be#inner nothin# beats the ;A&6 T*C0&IG7*.
)ome non/ma#icians$ I.(e noticed con(ulse "ith ner(ous lau#hter "hene(er I mention the "orld
-masturbation- =and no "onder+ ne%t to "ettin# the bed or shittin# in your o"n cat.s bo% for a
lau#h$ it.s the one thin# no/one lies to admit to>.
Be that as it may$ ma#ical masturbation is actually more fun and e?ually$ more serious$ than the
secular hand shandy$ and all it re?uires is this2 at the moment of or#asm$ you must see the
ima#e of your chosen si#il bla,in# before the eyes in your mind and pro3ect it out"ards into the
ethereal mediaspheres and lo#o(erses "here desires s"arm and condense into flesh. The si#il
can be "ritten on paper$ on your hand or your chest$ on the forehead of a lo(er or "here(er you
thin it "ill be most effecti(e.
At the "hite/hot instant of or#asm$ consciousness blins. Into this blin$ this abyssal crac in
perception$ a si#il can be launched.
Masturbation is only O&* of countless methods you can use to brin# your mental chatter to a
standstill for the split/second it taes to char#e and launch a si#il. I su##est masturbation
because I.m ind/hearted$ because it.s con(enient and because it.s fun for most of us.
0o"e( does not chan#e the uni(erse simply by masturbatin# =tell T0AT to the millions of
sperm fi#htin# for their life and the future of the species in a balled up 6leene%>. If that "ere true$
e(ery (a#ue fantasy "e had in our heads at the moment of or#asm "ould come true "ithin
months. Intent is "hat maes the difference here.
9or#et the "anin# for 3ust one moment if you can and remember that the si#il is the important
part of the ma#ic bein# performed here. The moment of or#asm "ill clear your mind$ that.s all.
There are numerous other "ays to clear your mind and you can use any of them. Dancin# or
spinnin# to e%haustion is (ery effecti(e. Meditation is effecti(e but it taes years to learn properly.
9ear and shoc are (ery #ood for char#in# si#ils$ so you could probably "atch a scary mo(ie and
launch your si#il at the bit "here the hero.s head comes bouncin# do"n the aluminum stepladder
into his #irlfriend.s lap. A run around the bloc clutchin# a si#il mi#ht be enou#h to char#e it$ so
"hy not e%periment:
Try launchin# your si#il "hile performin# a Bun#ee 3ump from a brid#e$ perhaps$ or sit naed in
your local #ra(eyard at ni#ht. Or dance until you fall o(er. The important thin# is to find your o"n
best method for stoppin# that inner chat 3ust lon# enou#h to launch a fiercely (isuali,ed$ flamin#
ultra(iolet si#il into the #ap. )tates of e%haustion follo"in# any intense arousal or depri(ation are
And if you e%periment and still ha(e trouble "ith si#ils$ try some of the other be#inner e%ercises
for a "hile. I.(e met a couple of people "ho.(e told me they can.t mae si#ils "or so maybe
there are a fe" of you out there "ho #enuinely ha(e problems in this particular area. Tou#h luc
but it doesn.t mean there.s no ma#ic for you to play "ith. I couldn.t "hee,e -t"inle t"inle little
star...- out of a clarinet but I can play the #uitar "ell enou#h to ha(e "ritten hundreds of fabulous
son#s. If I.d stuc "ith the clarinet and #ot no"here "ould that mean there is no such thin# as
music: Or "orld it indicate simply that I ha(e an aptitude for playin# the #uitar "hich I can.t seem
to replicate usin# a clarinet: If I "ant to mae M7)IC I use the instrument I.m most comfortable
and accomplished "ith. The same is true for ma#ical practice. Don.t #et upti#ht about it. This is
not about defendin# a belief system$ this is about producin# results.
7)* O&!< ;0AT ;O16).
)ome people eep their si#ils$ some dispose of them in an element appropriate to the ma#ician.s
intent =I ha(e burned$ buried$ flushed a"ay and scattered si#ils to the "inds$ dependin# on ho" I
felt about them. !o(e/si#ils "ent to "ater$ flushed do"n the toilet or thro"n into ri(ers or boiled in
ettles. ;ar/si#ils "ere burned$ etc... )ome of my si#ils are still around because I decided they
"ere slo"/burners and "orth eepin#. )ome are e(en still in print. Do "hat feels ri#ht and
produces results>
)oiled paper and tissues can easily be disposed of in your mum.s purse or the pocet of dad.s
The (iral si#il also no"n as the B1A&D or !OGO is not of recent de(elopment =see
-Christianity$- -the &a,is- and any fla# of any nation> but has become an inescapable #lobal
phenomenon in recent years. It.s easy to see the &a,i mo(ement as the last #asp of Imperial
A#e thinin#+ the (isionary sa(a#es still thou#ht "orld domination meant trampin# o(er the
-enemy- and sei,in# his real estate. If only they.d had the foresi#ht to see that #lobal domination
has nothing to do with turf and everything to do with media they "ould ha(e anticipated corporate
stealth/(iolence methods and combined them "ith their undoubted desi#n sense+ the re3ected
artists "ho en#ineered the Third 1eich mi#ht ha(e created the A5th century.s first #lobal
superbrand and spared the li(es of many potential consumers. The McDonald.s Golden Arches$
the &ie s"oosh and the Eir#in auto#raph are all corporate viral sigils.
Corporate si#ils are super/breeders. They attac unbranded ima#inati(e space. They in(ade
1ed )?uare$ they infest the crany streets of Tibet$ they etch themsel(es into hairstyles. They
breed across clothin#$ turnin# people into ad(ertisin# hoardin#s. They are a (ery po"erful
de(elopment in the history of si#il ma#ic$ "hich dates bac to the first bison dra"n on the first
ca(e "all.
The lo#o or brand$ lie any si#il$ is a condensation$ a compressed$ symbolic summonin# up of the
"orld of desire "hich the corporation intends to represent. The lo#o is the only (isible si#n of the
corporate intelli#ence seethin# behind it. ;alt Disney died lon# a#o but his si#il$ that familiar$
cartoonish si#nature$ persists$ carryin# its o"n (ast "ei#ht of meanin#s$ associations$ nostal#ia
and si#nificance. People are born and #ro" up to become Disney e%ecuti(es$ mouthin# 3ar#on
and the credo of a li(in# corporate entity. ;alt Disney the man is lon# dead and fro,en =or so fol
myth "ould ha(e it> but Disney$ the immense in(isible corporate e#re#ore persists.
Corporate entities are "orth studyin# and can teach the obser(ant ma#ician much about "hat "e
really mean "hen "e use the "ord -ma#ic-. They and other #hosts lie them rule the "orld of the
early @Ast century.
Thin hard about "hy the Coca/Cola spirit is stron#er than the Dr. Pepper spirit ="hat #reat
comple% of ideas$ lon#in#s and deficiencies has the Coe lo#o succeeded in condensin# into t"o
"ords$ t"o colors$ tain# Or"ell.s ABCH concept of &e"spea to its lo#ical conclusion:>. ;atch
the habits of the "orld.s #reat corporate predators lie 9OI$ MIC1O)O9T$ or AO! TIM*
;A1&*1. Trac their mo(ements o(er time$ obser(e their feedin# habits and methods of
predation$ monitor their repeated beha(iors and note ho" they react to chan#e and no(elty.
!earn ho" to imitate them$ steal their successful strate#ies and use them as your o"n. 9orm
your o"n limited company or corporation+ it.s fairly easy to do "ith some paper"or and a small
amount of money. Create your o"n brand$ your o"n lo#o and see ho" ?uicly you can mae it
spread and interact "ith other corporate entities.
Build your o"n #od and set it loose.
The -hypersi#il- or -supersi#il- de(elops the si#il concept beyond the static ima#e and
incorporates elements such as characteri,ation$ drama$ and plot. The hypersi#il is a si#il
e%tended throu#h the fourth dimension. My o"n comic boo series The In(isibles "as a si%/year
lon# si#il in the form of an occult ad(enture story "hich consumed and recreated my life durin#
the period of its composition and e%ecution. The hypersi#il is an immensely po"erful and
sometimes dan#erous method for actually alterin# reality in accordance "ith intent. 1esults can
be remarable and shocin#.
After becomin# familiar "ith the traditional si#il method$ see if you can create your o"n hypersi#il.
The hypersi#il can tae the form of a poem$ a story$ a son#$ a dance or any other e%tended
artistic acti(ity you "ish to try. This is a ne"ly de(eloped technolo#y so the parameters remain to
be e%plored. It is important to become utterly absorbed in the hypersi#il as it unfolds this re?uires
a hi#h de#ree of absorption and concentration ="hich can lead to obsession but so "hat: <ou
can al"ays banish at the end> lie most "ors of art. The hypersi#il is a dynamic miniature model
of the ma#ician.s uni(erse$ a holo#ram$ microcosm or -(oodoo doll- "hich can be manipulated in
real time to produce chan#es in the macrocosmic en(ironment of -real- life.
Accept this for the moment+ there are Bi# Ideas in the "orld. They "ere Bi# before "e "ere born
and they.ll still be bi# lon# after " molderin#. A&G*1 is one of those Bi# Ideas and !OE* is
another one. Then there.s 9*A1 and G7I!T.
) summon a #od$ one has only to concentrate on that #od to the e%clusion of all other
thou#ht. !et.s 3ust say you "ish to summon the Bi# Idea COMM7&ICATIO& in the form of the
#od 0ermes$ so that he "ill #rant you a sil(er/ton#ue. 0ermes is the Gree personification of
?uic "it$ art$ and spellin# and the ?ualities he represents "ere embodied by Classical artists in
the symbol of an eternally s"ift and naed youth$ fled#ed "ith tiny "in#s and dressed only in
streamers of air. 0ermes is a condensation into pictorial form / a si#il$ in fact / of an easily
reco#ni,able default state of human consciousness. ;hen our "ords and minds are nimble$
"hen "e con3ure lau#hter from others$ "hen "e mae poetry$ "e are in the real presence of
0ermes. ;e are$ in fact$ possessed by the #od.
I am not su##estin# that there is a real or e(en a #hostly$ Platonic Mt Olympus "here 0olly"ood
deities sit around a ma#ic pool "atchin# the affairs of mortals and pausin# only to leap do"n
"hene(er one of -belie(es- in them hard enou#h. There may "ell be for all I no" but it seems a
complicated "ay to e%plain somethin# ?uite simple. The truth is that there doesn.t 0AE* to be a
Mt Olympus for you to encounter 0ermes or somethin# 3ust lie him usin# a different name. <ou
don.t e(en ha(e to -belie(e- in Gree #ods to summon any number of them. 0ermes personifies
a Bi# Idea and all you ha(e to do is thin him fer(ently and he.ll appear so hard and so fast in
your mind that you "ill no" him instantly.
People tend to become possessed by #ods arbitrarily because they do not reco#ni,e them as
such+ a man can be o(er"helmed "ith an#er =the Gree #od Ares>$ "e can all be -beside
oursel(es- "ith passion =Aphrodite> or #rief =0ades>. in life "e encounter these Bi# Ideas e(ery
day but "e no lon#er use the "ord -#od- to describe them. The ma#ician consciously e(oes
these states and renames them #ods in order to separate them from his or her )elf$ in order to
study them and learn.
<ou may "ish to connect "ith 0ermes if be#innin# a no(el or #i(in# a speech or simply
"ant to entertain a ne" beau "ith your incredible repartee.
The form the Bi# Idea taes depends upon your tradition or desire. The beautiful electric youth of
the Grees is a "ell/no"n ima#e in ;estern cultures$ ha(in# been appropriated by e(erythin#
from Golden A#e 9!A)0 comics to the lo#o of the I&T*19!O1A chain of florists. Other cultures
personify speed$ "it$ and illusion sli#htly differently but the basic comple% of ideas remains the
same "orld/"ide2 (elocity$ "ords$ "ritin#$ ma#ic$ tricery$ cle(erness$ and all the ?ualities "e
"ould associate "ith 0ermes$ but in India this Bi# Idea is embodied not as a tin/hatted s"ift
runner but as a plump youth "ith an elephant head and a broen tus "ith "hich he "rites the
on#oin# story of the uni(erse. This is Ganesh$ the scribe of the 0indu pantheon.
In *#ypt$ the same Bi# Idea is called Thoth$ "ho created the symbols on the Tarot dec. In the
Icelandic tradition$ Odin or ;otan is the !ord of !i#htnin# and communications. !ie ED7s "e
stare at e(ery day$ ;otan is one/eyed and on his shoulders sit the ra(ens Thou#ht and Memory
"ho brin# him instantaneous data from around the "orld. 0e can be (ery handy in this form$ if
you need to discipline an unruly PC.
0ermes$ Mercury$ Odin$ Ganesh$ Thoth$ all these names represent (ariant embodiments on
themes of Communication and speed.
1eductionists may come to an understandin# of ma#ic by considerin# -Mount Olympus- as a
metaphor for the collecti(e 0uman head.
Pic a traditional #od or demon from a boo on ma#ic or mytholo#y and learn all you can about
your chosen sub3ect. I su##est you start "ith a beni#n deity unless stupid or hard and
"ant to #et into some nasty dirty psychic business$ in "hich case pic a demon from one of the
medie(al #rimoires and hope stron# enou#h to handle the intense ne#ati(e feelin#s
-demons- embody.
0o"e(er$ I.d su##est startin# first "ith 0ermes$ the #od of Ma#ic$ in his #uise as Ganesh.
Ganesh is no"n as a smasher of obstacles and part of his comple% is that he opens the "ay into
the ma#ical "orld$ so it.s al"ays #ood to #et his ac?uaintance first if serious about
follo"in# a ma#ical path.
Call fer(ently upon 0ermes. !u%uriate in his attributes. Drin coffee or 1ed Bull in his name or
tae a line of speed$ dependin# on your le(els of dru# abuse. 9ill your head "ith speedy ima#es
of 3et planes$ 3et cars$ and bullet trains. Play -1ay of !i#ht- by Madonna and call do"n 0ermes.
)urround yourself "ith 9!A)0 comics and call do"n 0ermes.
Tell him ho" e(ery "onderful he is in your o"n "ords$ and then call him into yourself$ buildin# a
brid#e bet"een your o"n e(er/#ro"in# feelin#s of brilliance and the descendin# ener#ies of the
Bi# Idea.
The arri(al of the #od "ill be unmistaable2 you should e%perience a sense of presence or e(en
mild possession =remember "hat this M*A&)+ "e are -possessed- by Eenus "hen !OE*
destroys our reason. ;e are all possessed by Mars "hen A&G*1 blinds us. !earn to reco#ni,e
the specific feelin#s "hich the "ord -possession- describes. This "ill allo" you to study your
chosen Bi# Idea and its effects on the human ner(ous system at close ?uarters "ithout becomin#
too fri#htened or emotionally o(er"helmed.>
<ou may here a distinct (oice inside your head "hich seems to ha(e a stran#e/yet/familiar ?uality
of -Otherness- or separateness. As ?uestions and mae note of the replies in your head.
1emember anythin# specific you hear and "rite it do"n no matter ho" stran#e it seems.
Maintain the sense of contact$ ?uestion and response for as lon# as able and see "hat you
can learn.
1emember$ 0ermes is a tricster also and has a lo(e of lan#ua#e and #ames$ so be prepared for
cle(er "ordplay and riddles "hen you contact this Bi# Idea. )ometimes the rapid torrent of puns
and 3oes can seem lie a ni#htmare of fractal iterations but if #oin# to play "ith 0ermes$
be ready to thin fast and impress "ith your "it.
If$ on the other hand$ there.s only a faint hint of unearthly presence or none at all$ don.t "orry. Try
a#ain "ith Ganesh$ Odin or a #od you feel more in tune "ith. 6eep doin# the e%periment until
you succeed in #eneratin# the re?uired state of mind. It.s not difficult+ if you can mae yourself
An#ry or )ad or 0appy 3ust by thinin# about somethin# =and most of us can>$ then you are
already capable of summonin# #ods and Bi# Ideas.
&o more$ no less than the "ay you feel inside after you.(e been dumped by a belo(ed or e%posed
by one.s peers as a frea or any of the other ne#ati(e (alue defaults "e ha(e access to as human
bein#s. 0ell is O&!< the Crin#e *ternal and the Place of Our )elf.s 7ndoin#. ;hen &iet,che
proclaimed -God is dead!- he for#ot to add that )atan is also dead and "e are 9ree from all that
anti?ue tat.
7se the techni?ues you.(e learned to summon classical #ods and demons and apply them to
bein#s you 6&O; for sure can.t be real$ lie Kac 6irby.s comic boo #ods$ 0P !o(ecraft.s
Cthulhu Mythos monsters$ Poemon characters$ or Cli(e Barer.s Cenobites. <ou "ill disco(er
that you can e(oe any of these outlandish characters to physical appearance. In place of
0ermes$ the messen#er #od$ it.s possible to summon the same comple% in ?uite another different
cultural dra# / I ad(ise at least one in(ocation of the speedy mercurial force of 0ermes in the form
of Metron$ the computer/lie intellectual e%plorer from Kac 6irby.s &e" Gods comic boos. I.(e
had a #reat deal of success contactin# the 6irby Gods$ includin# a memorable encounter "ith the
Bi# Idea of 1i#hteous An#er in its aspect as -Orion- on the endless$ cosmic battlefields of the
9ourth ;orld. )ummon "arrior stren#th and martial ener#y in the form of Orion by surroundin#
yourself "ith ima#es from 6irby comics$ by playin# -Mars- from the Planets )uite- or the Beatles
-1e(olution LB- or simply the sounds of #unfire and bombs from a special effects record.
)ummon Kames Bond before a date by playin# the themes to Goldfin#er and Thunderball "hile
dressin# in a tu%edo.
Or try summonin# Dionysus$ #od of creati(e delirium$ in his Tricster aspect$ as Ace Eentura$ Pet
Detecti(e from the Kim Carrey films / surround yourself "ith your o"n pets or toy animals$ play
the mo(ies$ imitate the actor.s distincti(e mo(es and use them to formulate a physical si#il "hich
you can enact "ithin in your desi#nated ritual space. Do this until you B*COM* Dionysus as Ace
Eentura. 1ecord "hat happens to your sense of self and thin of "ays to use these ne"
-#odlie- ?ualities you ha(e summoned into yourself =or brou#ht forth from your -subconscious-
dependin# on "hich model you choose to e%plain your e%periences>.
Thin of these ne" ?ualities or #ods as applications and upload them "hen you need to use
them. The more you run the application the more con(incin# and intrinsic to )elf it seems to
become. This is "hy actors sometime find it difficult to -come do"n- from roles and "hy
ma#icians often feel possessed by #ods or demons. Applications are bein# run.
<ou "ill soon reali,e that #ods are -?ualities- or default states of consciousness a(ailable to
;ith much practice you "ill become proficient at accessin# these states yourself. Do not$
ho"e(er$ assume that these states are O&!< internal psycholo#ical processes. The Bi# Ideas
ha(e been here lon# before you and "ill be here lon# after you are #one. They can be re#arded
as immensely po"erful autonomous ?ualities and should be respected as such. )ummonin# too
much A&G*1 into your life can mae you a bore and a bully$ summonin# too much
COMM7&ICATIO& at the e%pense of other ?ualities can mae you a con(ersation/ho##in#
pedant and so on.
There is al"ays dan#er "hen one -#od- is "orshipped in fa(or of all others. If you summon Ace
Eentura you may find yourself becomin# not funny and creati(e but annoyin#. If you summon
Cli(e Barer.s fictional Cenobites 3ust to see "hether or not I.m puntin# absolute nonsense$ be
prepared to deal "ith po"erful issues of domination$ torture$ submission and pain for these (alue
states define the operational parameters of Cenobites.
My preferred method for healin# is the )piritualist -layin# on of hands- techni?ue "hich in(ol(es a
simple homemade prayer to the con#re#ation of dead -healers- or -(eterinarians- "ho inhabit the
-other side- and are said to be "illin# to help us in times of need. This prayer is accompanied by
intense concentration and (isuali,ation of the healin# process. I.(e al"ays found it "ors (ery
"ell and can be most effecti(e in con3unction "ith si#ils.
Eisit your local )piritualist Church$ if you ha(e one$ and as to see a demonstration of this
po"erful healin# method.
The -e#o- / in the ne#ati(e sense / is that ossified sense of a stable$ unchan#in# -self- "hich
people use as a defense a#ainst the 9ear of Chan#e and Death. It.s )*!9 as a suit of armor+
protecti(e and comfortin# at times )*!9 doesn.t allo" much room to maneu(er$ mae effecti(e
contact or adapt to ne" situations. Other"ise$ the *#o$ "ith a bi# -*- can be a useful tool lie
e(erythin# else lyin# around here. *#o creates the heroic dri(e to"ards the Transcendence
"hich COM)7M*) A&D 1*)O!E*) that dri(e into a hi#her conte%t.
It must be remembered that you can.t #o beyond your e#o until you.(e de(eloped one to #o
beyond. The e#o$ as Indi(idual )elf$ is scaffoldin# for "hat "e can call superself or the
memeple% =to use )usan Blacmore.s term for "hat "e call -personality- / see the Meme
Machine for more on Dr. BlacmBore.s re(olutionary theory>. )caffoldin# is a necessary part of
any construction pro3ect but for the last couple of hundred years "e.(e been encoura#ed to
mistae the scaffoldin# for the buildin#. The indi(idual so(erei#n self once seemed such a
de(elopmental pri,e that it.s no" (ery difficult to let #o of it "ithout incurrin# amusin# e%istential
e%tinction traumas$ but lie all other sta#es of #ro"th it I) 3ust a sta#e and must be surpassed.
Demotin# the concept of the -indi(idual- by deliberately en#ineerin# multiple$ conferrin# -e#os-$
personae$ memeple%es or sel(es is intended$ at least by me$ as a method of breain# up the
e%istential$ calcified$ indi(idual -)elf- into more fluid Multiple Personality constellations$ by
e%posin# -the personality- as 3ust one beha(ioral option from a menu of many.
Aleister Cro"ley embodied the destruction of *#oic )elf structures as Choron,on$ the De(il DDD.
Choron,on$ "e are told$ is the all/de(ourin# #uardian of -the Abyss- =the Abyss bein# a suitably
dramatic and e(ocati(e term for an e%periential -#ap- in human consciousness.> The term can be
applied to that state of mind durin# "hich Indi(idual *#oic )elf/consciousness be#ins to
cannibali,e itself rather than confront the usually fri#htenin# fact that Personality is not -1eal- in
the e%istential sense and is simply a beha(ioral strate#y.
Most of us ha(e had some small e%perience of the #i#antic boundary comple% Me#a/
Choron,onno,norohC/a#eM+ the Choron,onic *ncounter is present in the relentless$ dull self/
interro#ation of amphetamine comedo"ns or fe(ers$ near/death e%periences. Thin of the
chatterin# mind$ annihilatin# itself in unstoppable self/e%amination and you "ill hear the (oice of
Choron,on then$ is *%isential )elf at the last #ap$ munchin# out its o"n brains$ seein#
nourishment and findin# only the riddle of the Bottom That is Bottomless. Choron,on is "hen
there is nothin# left but to die to nothin#ness. Beyond Choron,on$ concepts of personality and
identity cannot sur(i(e. Beyond Choron,on "e are no lon#er our )elf. The -personality- on the
brin of the Abyss "ill do anythin#$ say anythin# and find any e%cuse to a(oid tain# his
disinte#ratin# step into -non/bein#-.
Most of us in the increasin#ly popular ;estern Consumerist traditions tend to "ait until "e die
before e(en considerin# Choron,on. )ince "e can only assume that *#oic )elfsense is
de(oured "hole in "hate(er bla,e of #uilt and fury or self/denial or peace perfect peace our last
flood of endorphins allo" in the 4 minutes before brain death$ the moment of death seems to me
to be a particularly (ulnerable one in "hich to also ha(e to face *%istential terror for the first time.
Better to #o there early and scout out the scenery. To die before dyin# is one of the #reat Ordeals
of the ma#ical path.
The Abyss$ then$ is that limit to )elf consciousness "here meanin# surrenders and re(erses into
its o"n absolute opposite and is there consumed in -Choron,onic Acid$- a hypersol(ent so
po"erful it dissol(ed the )elfitself. 0ere you "ill encounter the immense )*!98&OT )*!9
boundary "all on the ed#e of *#oic Consciousness and be obliterated a#ainst it. The Abyss is a
hiatus in a"areness$ "here notions of identity$ race$ bein# and territory are consumed in an
a#oni,in# fury of contradiction.
Ma#icians "ho ha(e successfully -crossed- the Abyss are considered no lon#er human$ in the
sense that sur(i(al of this ordeal necessitates the breain# do"n of )*!9 into multiple personality
The so/called -Oath of the Abyss-$ is a corrosi(e encounter "ith Choron,onic forces inside the
personality. It is not somethin# to be undertaen li#htly and I.d su##est many years of ma#ical
practice before attemptin# anythin# as stupid and as #lamorous as destroyin# your carefully/
established )*!9. The re"ards of a successful crossin# of the Abyss are many but a failed
attempt can lea(e the ma#ician broen inside$ consumed by doubt$ fear$ and insecurity and ?uite
useless to his or her community...
Becomin# a ma#ician is in itself a re(olutionary act "ith far/reachin# conse?uences. Before you
set out to destroy -the )ystem-$ ho"e(er$ first remember that "e made it and in our o"n interests.
;e sustain it constantly$ either in a#reement$ "ith our support$ or in opposition "ith our dissent.
The opponents of the )ystem are as much a function of the )ystem as its defenders. The
)ystem is a #host assembled in the minds of human bein#s operatin# "ithin -the )ystem.- It is a
(irtual parent "e made to loo after us. ;e made it (ery bi# and difficult to see in its entirety and
"e ser(e it and nourish it e(ery day. Are there e(er any years "hen no doctors or policemen are
born: ;hy do artists rarely "ant to become policemen:
9or e(ery McDonald.s you blo" up$ -they- "ill build t"o. Instead of slappin# a "ad of )emte%
bet"een the 0appy Meals and the plastic tray$ "or your "ay up throu#h the rans$ tae o(er the
board of Directors and turn the company into an international lau#hin# stoc. <ou "ill learn a
#reat deal about ma#ic on the "ay. Then mo(e on to tae our Disney$ &intendo$ anyone you
fancy. ;hat if -The )ystem- isn.t our enemy after all: ;hat if instead it.s our play#round: The
natural en(ironments into "hich "e pop ma#icians are born: Our 3un#le$ ocean and ice
bar#ain "ith and dance around and transform$ as best "e can$ into poetry:
;hat if$ indeed:
/ Grant Morrison

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