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Carmel Elementary
Instructional Initiatives
Kathleen Wilson
Name of
Intended to be
Implemented By
Fraction of the
Relevant eachers
Who !re
#$!ll %&''()
*$Most %+,-()
.$/ome %.-0,-()
&$Fe1 %2.-()
Faculty3 E4tent of
&$6ust Be"innin"
Evidence of
7ther Evidence
hat Would be
8elpful to Collect
Clicker Training
Promethean Board
4 4 Classroom visits
following training to
insre e!ipment is
being tili"ed#
$ata Collection from
instrctional se#
Trimph %nline
program and test
prep software
program in se for
the first time in the
*+,-/*+,4 School
/hole Staff * ,
%nline tracking to
follow who is sing
the program#
$iscssions with
team members to see
who is tili"ing the
data and resorces
The Thinkgate
&eference Center
0has P$Fs/videos
with step0by0step
directions on how
to access a variety
of Thinkgate
featres inclding
/hole Staff - - Conversations with
instrctional coaches#

Conversations with
team leaders#
manally entering
stdent scores1
accessing data1 etc#
Schools often have mltiple initiatives in place1 leaving teachers and administrators feeling overwhelmed and overbrdened# &eflect below
on how the $)T) team initiative for which yo are embarking may S2PP%&T 3rather than compete4 with the initiatives listed above# 5ow
might they S5)&' resorces1 inclding staff6s time1 energy1 and commitment7
The initiatives listed above are designed to be sed as instrctional tools that shold help provide needed crriclm tools to help stdents
gain access to the grade level standards# The initial training on these programs and software is time consming1 however1 once it is being
sed in the classroom it is a wonderfl tool to help teachers differentiate instrction and meet the needs of the individal learning needs in
his/her classroom#
The Trimph %nline tool allows for individal instrctional paths to be designed for stdents# )s a special edcation teacher1 8 can go in and
assign a learning path for a stdent that can be completed in the general edcation classroom when that stdent has compter center time# 8t
allows stdents with learning deficits e!al access to the crriclm throgh a medim that allows differentiation based on ability level#
%r school only received the Promethean Boards at the beginning of the *+,*/*+,- school year# Many teachers are not comfortable with
sing technology in the classroom# The initiatives listed above are designed to provide necessary training for the software and hardware we
have received# 8t also works as a new data collection tool for teachers to have a composite pictre of specific deficits in crriclm being
covered in 9real time#:
Field Experience Log & Reflection
Instructional Technology Department
athleen !ilson "entor#Title$
"r% &en'ins
Mt# Carmel/$oglas
Field Experience#(ssignment$ Course$ )rofessor#Semester$
Fall *+,-
)art I$ Log
Date*s+ (cti,ity#Time )SC Standard
Completed the Pre0Plan for the /eb<est# => hors?
PSC *#@
4/*+/,* Completed the )nalysis for the /eb<est =- hors? PSC *#,1 *#>1 *#@1 -#41 4#-
4/**/,* $esigned the activities for the /eb<est# =; hors? PSC *#,1 *#-1 *#@1 -#@1 4#*1 4#-
4/*>/,* $eveloped the /eb<est online# =; hors? PSC -#-1 -#>1 @#,
4/*A/,* 8mplemented the /eb<est with stdents =4 hors? PSC -#,1 -#*1 -#>1 -#A1 4#,1 @#-
4/-+/,* 'valated the /eb<est =* hors? PSC *#@1 *#A
Total 5orsB =-+ hors ?
3Place an C in the boD representing the race/ethnicity and sbgrops involved in this field eDperience#4
Ethnicity )/01 Faculty#Staff )/01 Students
P0* -0> @0; E0,* P0* -0> @0; E0,*
)sian D
Black D
5ispanic D
Fative )merican/)laskan Fative
/hite D
Mltiracial D
Stdents with $isabilities D
(imited 'nglish Proficiency D
'ligible for Free/&edced Meals D
)art II$ Reflection
3Minimm of -04 sentences per !estion4
0% 5riefly descri2e the field experience% !hat did you learn a2out technology facilitation and
leadership from completing this field experience6
1% 7o8 did this learning relate to the 'no8ledge 3what mst yo know41 s'ills 3what mst yo
be able to do4 and dispositions 3attitdes1 beliefs1 enthsiasm4 re9uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader6 *Refer to the standards you selected in )art I% Use the
language of the )SC standards in your ans8er and reflect on all :;'no8ledge< s'ills< and
:% Descri2e ho8 this field experience impacted school impro,ement< faculty de,elopment or
student learning at your school% 7o8 can the impact 2e assessed6

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