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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial

Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido
Lourdes Dell
Nombre de la institucin educativa
Instituto Profesional Y Tcnico De Chilibre
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa
Chilibre, Corregimiento Villa Unida
Otros datos de la institucin educativa
Pertenece a La Regional de San iguelito
Descripcin de la unidad
!fter reading and searching about health" eating habits for self#caring, students ma$e
%uestions about the to&ic' (h" to sta" acti)e *ith s&orts and ha)e health" habits for self#
caring+ Students *ill read information from their boo$ and listen to a con)ersation, and also
see a )ideo to anal",e the information and dra* conclusion about the ad)antages and
disad)antages of different t"&es of foods' The" are going to use materials to design a
&resentation about good health" habits' The" gi)e comments about the to&ic'
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina # de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Sub-ect. /nglish
Correlati)e sub-ects. Science, athematics, oral Value
La asignatura o asignaturas &ara las %ue est0 enfocando es&ec1ficamente la unidad 2a las %ue
corres&onden los contenidos curriculares, ob-eti)os " &rocedimientos &edag3gicos4
556 edia
Aproximately Time
Three sessions *ee$s of thirt" se)en minutes each &eriod'
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina 2 de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Concepts Procedure !ttitude
The im&ortance of health"
habits for self#caring'
7ealth" 8-un$ food
/9ercise 8 s&orts
:rammar in content for
communicati)e &ur&ose
:erunds and
;oun Clauses that
begin *ith that
Phrasal )erbs
Punctuation ar$s
Listening to the
ad)antages and
disad)antages of
eating at fast food
Stating &references'
Com&aring and
contrast different $inds
of food &eo&le eat at
S$imming and
scanning te9t for
s&ecific food and dail"
s&ecific food and dail"
&h"sical acti)ities
/9&ressing thoughts
about &eo&le<s habits
(riting an
!&&reciating the
benefits of eating
health" food
Diffusing the
ad)antages and
disad)antages of
eating out and eating
health" food at home'
effecti)el" *ith his 8
her *or$# team in the
Sho*ing interest in
&racticing strategies to
im&ro)e language
Produce language related to nutrition and health" habits b" describing issues,
&"ramid food and gi)ing suggestions to communicate ideas and &romote good
health" habits'
Progress Achievements Indicator
Successfull" lists from different sources, the ad)antages and disad)antages of eating of
fast food restaurants'
States &references about food and s&orts *ith res&ect and grammatical accurac"'
Correctl" com&are different $inds of food'
(rites a &aragra&h *ith clear arguments using noun clauses, &hrasal )erbs, &unctuation
mar$s and &re&osition'
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina & de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Orientation 'uestions (rom the unit plan
(h" *e need to ha)e health" habits+
7o* im&ortant is to eat health" food+
7o* -un$ foods affect our health+
7o* can *ater, e9ercise and s&orts benefit our health+
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina ) de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
E"ALATI!N C#$!N!%$A&
'eginning t(e pro)ect During t(e de*elopment o+
t(e pro)ect
complete t(e Pro)ect
De)elo& during &re)ious
=no*ledge through acti)ities'
# ?rainstorming
#/9&lorator" %uestion
De)elo& throughout the
&rocess of teaching *ith
#Reading .%uestions and
ans*er grou& *or$
#Com&arati)e Chart
grou& *or$
!ssessment strateg"
Learning outcome
# Rubric#co#e)aluation
2Po*er Point4
#Aral Presentation

#?rochure# Pro-ect #
Aral !cti)it"
Rubric # auto e)aluation
#De)elo&ment of the classH grou& *or$
Students use the target language to
communicate their &references in food'
Reading H s$im and scan for ans*ers
Rubric H co#e)aluation
De)elo&ment. grou& *or$'
This instrument hel&s me to $no* ho*
*ell students learned the tas$ s$ill
ans*ering the %uestions' This hel& them to
ac%uire critical thin$ing and reading abilit"
Com&arati)e Chart
Rubric H hetero#e)aluation
:rou& *or$
Use critical thin$ing to com&are the
ad)antage and disad)antage of health"
food and -un$ food' !&&l"ing the
grammar structure'
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina * de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Po*er Point
grou& *or$
Students a&&l" the technolog" and all the
$no*ledge that the" ac%uire during the
&rocess of learning
?rochure H
Rubric H co#e)aluation
/nd Product# grou& *or$
Presentation of e)idence about the to&ic
IIntelligent ChoicesJ' Recogni,ing the
abilities, limitations of the students'

nit Details
Pre*ious a,ilities
Students are e9&ected to manage )ocabular" concern to the to&ic, and medium use of the
target language including grammar to de)elo& acti)ities and the use of the technolog", -oint
*ith critical thin$ing are the list re%uirement for this &ro-ect'
Previous no!"edge#
Argani,e the chairs in semicircle in order to introduce the to&ic'
#!s$ the students *hat the" thin$ *hen the" hear the *ords food, choice, health,
habits etc'
#Let students $no* the definition of health" habits
This to&ic tells us the im&ortance of health" habits that hel& us sta" health"' (e
need a com&lete and balance diet throughout our li)es' This mean that *e need to eat
all $inds of food and not too much of an" one $ind' (e often thin$ of health" eating
as an all or nothing &ro&osition, but a $e" foundation for an" health" diet is
moderation' ?ut *hat is moderation+ 7o* much is a moderate amount+ That reall"
de&ends on "ou and "our o)erall eating habits' The goal of health" eating is to
de)elo& a diet that *e can maintain for life, not -ust a fe* *ee$s or months, or until
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina + de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
*eK)e hit our ideal *eight' So tr" to thin$ of moderation in terms of balance' Des&ite
*hat certain fad diets *ould ha)e *e belie)e, *e all need a balance of carboh"drates,
&rotein, fat, fiber, )itamins, and minerals to sustain a health" bod"'
Introduction o& the Content#
Argani,e the chairs in grou&s of four

#Students find name of food in a *ord search
#Students e9&ress their o&inion, ideas and $no*ledge about the to&ic'
#(h" *e need to ha)e health" habits+
# Discussing grammar and *riting the sentences
Introductions o& the activities#
Argani,e the students to the according to the acti)ities re%uirements'
Genera" Indication#
# /ncourage the students to ans*er the %uestions, gi)e ideas or &artici&ate from the
# e9&lanation, no matter it be S&anish' If so, I gi)e the feedbac$ in /nglish'
# Reinforce classroom rules to ha)e a &roducti)e and en-o"able class'
'eve"opment o& the c"ass
# 7o* im&ortant is to eat health"+
# !ns*er some %uestions about the reading. 7ealth" /ating Hgrou& *or$
# !d)antage and disad)antage H com&arati)e chart
# Students *atched a )ideo
#Students discussed *ith Professor the grammar material'
#Students *rote sentences about the grammar learned'
#*or$sho& findings infers about eating habits &ractices in her8his famil", school'
!ssessment tools
#/laborated a &o*er &oint &resentation about the to&ic learned'
#Aral &resentation about 7o* -un$ food affects our life+
# ?rochure about good health" habits' 2Pro-ect4
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina , de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Students -it( di++iculties
I use a )ariet" of teaching methods so that Students are not
constrained, re&etition is im&ortant for all Students,
Interacting *ith Students of learning disabilit", *ith res&ect
Students.t(at don/t
understand anyt(ing
Re&etition is the $e" to learning, es&eciall" *ith lo*er le)el
learners' !lthough it seems boring' The other *a" is to thin$
of Tar,an scenario' De&ending of the need of the Students'
Acti*e Students
The students *ho are acti)e in class I used them to hel&
others students in man" of the acti)ities, also on the use of
the technolog"'
Necessary material +or t(e unit plan
Tec(nologic 0 #ard-are
C!mara di"ital
/eproductor de 010
Cone2in a Internet
0isco l!ser
3istema de proyeccin
C!mara de v4deo
%'uipo de v4deo con(erencia
Tecnolog1a 0 So+t-are -necesario.
5ase de datos67o8a de c!lculo
0ia"ramador de publicaciones
ro"rama de correo electrnico
%nciclopedia en C09/O:
%ditor de im!"enes
5uscador ;eb
0esarrollo de p!"inas <eb
rocesador de te2to
impress &aterials
Students< boo$s, maga,ine, ne*s&a&er, reference material'
ar$ers, boo$, manila &a&ers, color &a&ers, office
materials for bulletin board etc'
Internet resources
healthy %atin"
!t(ers $esources
multimedia, com&uter, cables, s&ea$er,
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina 8 de $
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
>os pro"ramas de Intel? %ducacin son (inanciados por la @undacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
0erechos reservados 2008A Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. IntelA el lo"o de IntelA la iniciativa de Intel %ducacin y el
ro"rama Intel %ducar son marcas re"istradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los %stados Unidos y otros pa4ses. BOtros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. !"ina $ de $

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