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Cantaleta Olympics

Adrian Manzano
Olympics style event with announcers. 3 Grandma's stand confident, stretchin, ettin ready.
&elcome to the Cantaleta Olympics' Our three contestants are
world renowned for ivin the best best nain this year.
(irst up. )nes *aras from Guatemala, &idowed with 3 +ids
,he's best +nown for liftin her son's ear in -ublic.
$unner up. .uz )noa from /ominican $epublic.
01 years youn, still married but best +nown for catchin
her husband with his mistress and scarin her into self deportation.
C"2 2O3 ,hot of husband loo+in scared and clappin for .uz. .uz ives him a fist. ,he's touh.
And finally our wild card, ,ilvia 5uintero from Cali, Colombia.
Our younest and new on the scene twice divorced at 16.
,he is best +nown for callin the cops on her son's irlfriend,
and convincin the entire town that she was a whore.
7ecause she is' "na puta sucia cono'
&ow she is feisty. ,hould be a ood match.
Match % 8 2he 7um of son.
Guy in his 9:'s sittin on a couch drin+in beer watchin 2*.
#ach woman 2a+es their turn yellin at the ,on. ;*ao' !o sirves pa'na' "seless' Get a <ob' =oure not
my son'
Match 4 > -renant teen
2een comes out with a bi belly. #ach woman ets hysterical ;?ay dios mio' =ou ruined your life'
&hat is your father oin to say' ,hame'@
Matches can o on and on until at the end they are nain at the announcers for bein disrespectful.

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